AFP: A senior hardline cleric Friday urged Iranians not to misuse Ashura ceremonies this weekend to create "disunity", amid police warnings of a crackdown on illegal gatherings during the solemn Shiite event. "Our mourning ceremonies for Imam Hussein should not make the enemies of Islam pleased since Imam Hussein is ... the symbol of unity, so the ceremonies should not be used as platform for disunity," said Ahmad Khatami, addressing a Friday prayer service at Tehran University broadcast live on state radio >>>
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خدایا, اگر من جای تو بودم
ahosseiniSat Dec 26, 2009 06:37 AM PST
چه معنا داره که شیطان
رود در قالب انسان
و در یک مرکز دانش
نماز آتش دوزخ به پا دارد
دهد دستور
در زندان کهریزک
وضو گیرند و قبل از هر تجاوز یا شکنجه
سجده بگذارند
سپس با بطری و با باتون
با جان دختران افتند
جوانان پسر را نیز
از این کردار شیطانی
برای لحظه ای
محروم نگذارند
ترانه دختر ناز مرا
اینگونه تحویل پدر دادند
و حق الزحمه بگرفتند
ادعای این هفته امامان جمعه: حکومت، حسینی است و مخالفان، یزیدی!
Shifteh AnsariFri Dec 25, 2009 10:06 PM PST
شبکه جنبش راه سبز(جرس): شعارهای ضد حکومتی ده ها هزار هوادار جنبش سبز در جریان تشییع پیکر"آیت الله العظمی منتظری" صدای اعتراض خطیبان این هفته نمازجمعه تهران و سایر شهرهای بزرگ را بلند کرد و آنان را برآن داشت تا همچون چند ماه گذشته انواع و اقسام اتهام ها را نصیب جنبش سبز و رهبرانش کنند.امامان جمعه این هفته در بخشی دیگر از خطبه های خود که به موضوع عاشورا اختصاص داشت "آیت الله خامنه ای" و حامیانش را پیرو نهضت امام حسین(ع) معرفی کرده و مخالفان حکومت را یزیدی خواندند.این سخنان در شرایطی ابراز می شود که هواداران جنبش سبز،حکومت را به دلیل سرکوب خشونت بار مخالفان متهم به انجام رفتاری شبیه حکومت یزید می کنند.
Read the rest here: //
"Nicolae/Elena Ceausescu Execution"
by Red Wine on Fri Dec 25, 2009 07:12 PM PSTIran's Leader Future (and also his nokars/supporters) "Nicolae Elena Ceausescu Execution" .
His audience and his other fans derserve him.
by shahabshahab on Fri Dec 25, 2009 05:17 PM PSTThose sitting and listening to these arajeefs truly deserve him and they also deserve whatever they get. This idiot uses the logic (which is always used by Hezbollah as well as MKO (Mojahedeen) that if our enemy agrees with something it must be a bad thing. Someone should tell him that if your "enemy" thinks that air is good then we should stop breathing because otherwise we would be serving the enemy's purpose? What an awkward logic!. It's similar to Geroge Bush's saying that "either your'e with us or against us!" Their small slow-functioning brain leaves no room for a third option that maybe maybe those "enemies" are not the only ones agreeing with us. Look at the large number of friends who also agree as well.
This is such a childish logic that it does not even deserve belaboring the point.
رهبری نهايت بزرگواری را کردند و اجازه دفن را در حرم مطهر دادند
Shifteh AnsariFri Dec 25, 2009 03:46 PM PST
احمد خاتمی: ببينید که رهبری نهايت بزرگواری را کردند و اجازه دفن آيتالله منتظري را در حرم مطهر دادند
ايلنا: احمد خاتمی در نماز جمعه امروز گفت: يكي از اين ابعاد مسئله لزوم مرز داشتن برخي افراد با بيگانگان است, ايشان در سخنراني خود تاكيد كردند كه كساني كه دلداده انقلاباند بايد با بيگانگان مرز داشته باشند. اگر آمريكا, انگليس, فرانسه, منافقان, سلطنت طلبان و مطربان و رقاصان فراري از جرياني حمايت كردند, نشاندهنده عيب آن جريان است كه لازم است افراد آن جريان به خود بيايند.
خاتمي ابراز داشت: امام خميني نيز بارها فرمودهاند كه اگر آمريكا از كسي تعريف كند معلوم است آن فرد عيبي دارد و نبايد توقع داشته باشيم, آمريكا از ما و يا من طلبه تعريف كند كه در آن صورت ساقط خواهيم شد.
وي افزود: لازم است اين افراد موضع بگيرند, عليه اوباما و دشمنان بيانيه صادر كنند و اگر حمايت آنها را نميخواهند محكومشان كنند كه اگر نكنند به تعبير مقام معظم رهبري عيبي در كارشان است.
امام جمعه موقت تهران با بيان اينكه درگذشته آيتالله منتظري و پيام حكيمانه و جامع مقام معظم رهبري را شنيديم, تصريح كرد: مقام معظم رهبري نهايت بزرگواري را در اين عرصه كردند كه از موارد آن ميتوان به پيامي كه از ايشان شنيديم و اجازه دفن آيتالله منتظري را در حرم مطهر دادند (گفته ميشود حرم مطهر جزو ارث بابای ايشان است) و به توليت آستان حضرت معصومه فرمودند كه هرجا كه بازماندگان ايشان ميخواهند اجازه دفن دهند, اشاره كرد.
خاتمي ادامه داد: آيا بزرگواري و كرامت از اين بالاتر وجود داشت? اما با وجود اين در اين مراسم متاسفانه عدهاي ساختارشكن كه مدتهاست خطشان را از خط ملت جدا كردهاند و آب به آسياب دشمن ميريزند, شعارهاي آمريكاپسند و اسرائيل پسند دادهاند و ساختارشكني كردند.
This SOB Ahmad Khatami...
by Khar on Fri Dec 25, 2009 06:54 PM PSTHaroom Zadeh looks and talks like EBLIS!
All Akhonds are triators!
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Dec 25, 2009 02:34 PM PSTThe fewer of them the better. Of course this guy is going to try to preserve his position. It is the idiots who sit there like sheep and listen to him who are really to blame.
We gotta open our eyes and see religion and Islam for what it is. When we do; people like Khatami both this one and Muhammad will have to get real jobs.
Now real work does not mix with Mullah nature. And is the worst thing you can do to them. I want to see this guy and the rest of the blood suckers punished.
For iran to bar
by vildemose on Fri Dec 25, 2009 02:13 PM PSTFor iran to bar testimonials to one of the architects of it's own 1979 revolution shows that the remaining mullahs, Khameni in particular, are worried about another revolution. They left the middle class alone for a while, smartly understanding that without the support of the middle class a revolution cannot succeed. But now that the middle class is pissed off also, just stand back, the implosion is coming. And please, let our government stay as far away from this as possible .
This traitor akhund dog is
by benross on Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:58 PM PSTThis traitor akhund dog is using religion to manipulate and hypnotize the masses so that they will stand down and stop pursuing their rights. It's a Tactic which has worked successfuly in iran for 30yrs.
This is what Khaatami (the real one) conveniently forgets to prove his point!
Tactics & Strategy
by gitdoun ver.2.0 on Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:12 AM PSTThis traitor akhund dog is using religion to manipulate and hypnotize the masses so that they will stand down and stop pursuing their rights. It's a Tactic which has worked successfuly in iran for 30yrs. Just look at them sitting down and looking up to their holy divine mullah. I bet they feel it's a blessing to be in his divine presence! Judging the faces in that crowd it seems they are more than ready and willing to eat up this akhund's propaganda. So long as these people exist in Iran it will be some time before Democracy prevails in the country.
Desperate and dangerous comments
by Shifteh Ansari on Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:00 AM PSTFirst, nothing this idiot or any other Friday Prayers preacher says is "spontaneous." It is all determined and dictated centrally and repeated throughout the country. So he is not just speaking his own demented mind, but IRI's position on the subject.
Of course he would call the protesters names and question their motives and loyalties. It is interesting to note how angry IRI is with support for Iranian protesters from Iranians outside Iran. His words show IRI's desperation in dealing with reactions to a mess they created themselves. Violent crackdown on peaceful protests against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's rigged election has radicalized the protests, pushing them to focus on Ali Khamenei, his limitless power over Iranian politics, and the very legitimacy of the theocratic rule.
Ahmad Khatami's words, which no doubt have been ecchoed by oher Friday Prayers preachers today, define IRI's future plans for dealing with the chaos--more crackdowns and more violence.
He sure is giving "Khatami" a Bad Name ...
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:55 AM PSTHere is the Original Khatami by the way ...
Mohamed Khatami, Democracy, & Islamic Republic: