Incredible rescue in Sirjan

Two condemned to death rescued; bloody aftermath

AP: Police have shot dead two relatives of convicts during a melee that erupted at a public execution in southern Iran. The state-owned Iran daily says the relatives, who came to watch the hanging of two convicts, started a scuffle, prompting the police to open fire. The paper's report on Thursday says 27 other people were injured in the melee. It says the incident took place on Tuesday afternoon in the town of Sirjan, some 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of Tehran, where the two convicts were hanged for armed robbery. The men were initially to be hanged on Tuesday morning, but a similar scuffle disrupted that execution.

People rescue two people from hanging:

Police opening fire:

One of the persons killed in the shooting:

What appears to be the execution stand on fire:



30 years of lies.

by yashar_ahari on

Whoever believes that the 2 people who where put on for execution becasue of bank robbery are apsalute idiots. For 30 years the islamic regime feed us with bulshit on a daily basis, this is just another one of there poffetic excuses - anyway why would hundreds of men and woman risk there lifes and then rescue 2 bank robbers...

Bravo to all the iranian people involved in this act of bravery!



by nojanthegreat on

You live in ideal world.

As you say the lower class of people are more in trouble with law , and this is global.

Now in the case of this two , you have to know by Iranian law , carrying the fire arm is illegal and punish by dead . So if they had rob the bank they cross the line of law and now they will get punish by it.

Payam if tomorrow someone came and killed your family , or rob your money would you be this pacifist ? I bet the different. Any riot and chaos is against national interest and I oppose that , and for the people here who want to be Che Guevara or Zapata and love to burn the city down , I support the government to keep the land under the law .


nojanthegreat, the robbers & rapist are the ones executing

by Hovakhshatare on

and taking a country hostage and destroying its social and economic livelihood. Iranian nations has risen and this lion will chew IRR and spit its filty aftertaste. Try harder but your analogy is as weak as your mind and spirit.


SP, here you go again with your 'analytical' B.S.

by Hovakhshatare on

I wish IRR just formally hire you and finish with it.


IRI will be dismantled by the end of Iranian year!

by Khar on

Stay tuned....

payam s

This was inspiring!

by payam s on

You can sense a change in the Iranian societal behavior. People are no longer intimidated by the state's medieval practices. Plus, nojanthegreat, if you could only understand the racism that is manifested in these executions. Most people executed in Iran are ethnic minorities and poor people. Just like in the US. It doesn't matter what their crime was, they do not deserve to be executed. They are products of their environment just like you and I. 


Execution should've proceed, But Now theyshould be spared-SHARIA

by mannya2001 on

The executions should have proceeded.  However, given Islamic Sharia laws and doctrine, these two should no longer be executed.

Sharia laws states that when an attempt is made to kill a convict/sinner/criminal, and that individual escapes death, he/she should no longer be executed for the same crime/sin.

Even though there might not be an explicit text in Quran and Hadith regarding that, as many Islamic laws are derived by REason and what is known as QIyas.  Qiyas is pretty much like PRECEDENT.  When US Supreme Court makes a ruling it depends alot on PRECEDENT to render judgement.

QIYAS plays a bigger part in Sunni ISlam.  Reason plays a bigger part in Shia doctine. 

THe QIyas in this case.  According to Hadith and Narrations, when a woman/man is stoned and they are able to escape the punishment by rendering themselves free, then they should no longer be stoned to death again. 

What makes this case a bit different is that others helped free the convicts.  So this case should be sent for Muslim Justices to practice Ijtihad and render judgement.



by Fatollah on

well, I wasn't there so I won't know of their crimes. Do you know for sure, nojanthegreat?

1. these hangings are part of strategy in order to keep the population at bay

2. I have seen so much injustice in Iranian courts/judiciary close at hand, it is unbelievable! 

3. Iran judicary is the most corrupt institution in the country

4. For how long can you hang people in public from Cranes

6. when they don't respect Iran, Iranians, the whole thing will come crumbling down on them and these means the end of IR

Dameshon garm, heyf ke mov'vafagh nashodan! 



These Damn Mullahs!!!

by R2-D2 on

May The Wrath Of God Follow Them All The Way To Hell Where They Belong!!!



Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

How were the police/executioners overpowered?

Is it not a crime to assist in the escape of guilty/condemned men? 

Hard to see but the video "shooting at people" appears to show a man with a gunshot exit wound.

The other videos are hard to decipher.

Did the guilty/condemned men successfully escape?

Obviously insufficient law enforcement resources were committed to this public execution. 


so you guys support bank

by nojanthegreat on

so you guys support bank robbers and criminals ?

thats interesting , i have never seen such stupid people who will support the instability and riot ... in their country .even when it will damage iran's economy and social system.

i guess next time that you got robbed outside of the bank and your life was distroyed they can laugh about it



by yolanda on

 So the 2 guys survived? I hope their lives are spared!


Delaram Banafsheh (Yolanda)

"Cactus in the Desert"


Digging a grave

by divaneh on

The regime seems to be working hard at digging its own grave. It creates hate without considering the outcome of such crimes. 

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thank you very much sonofcyrus. I will use the LiveLeak video when the YouTube one expires.


Liveleak Link

by sonofcyrus on

Jahanshah Javid

Please save

by Jahanshah Javid on


Anonymous Observer

Criminal Regime

by Anonymous Observer on

They should execute themselves.  And in the face of all this carnage and murder of Iranians, apologists such as Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich advocate normal relations and business as usual with the IRI.

What a shame...