News: Ashoora uprising

Reports on intense clashes in Tehran and other cities

BBC Persian: Violence all around Iran on Ashoura:

BBC Persian: An eyewitness is interviewed about what happened yesterday:

BBC Persian: Use of violence to suppress dissidents:

BBC Persian: Ashoura protests in Najafabad, Isfahan:


Also from CNN:

BBC English:

Al Jazeera TV's report:



BBC English on three deaths:

BBC Persian on what happened at Khatami's speech on Saturday:


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David ET

General Strikes Shall Begin

by David ET on

This shall be the beginning of the end of the regime in Iran.


Religious dictatorship is the worse form of dictatorships!

by obama on

This regime would not have merci on anyone who opposes it. In the name of religion they gain power and wealth. Meanwhile they ruined the Islam and many people's faiths.

They are not going to let it go easily. They know, if they lose there goes their positions of power and corruptions. Every individual who works for this regime is a criminal.

Fight against the clerics would need to be much more bloodier before they let go. The religious people are the most stubborn people. Don't you believe me? Ask Bush and Pat Roberts!

Opposition needs guns to win this war, unfortunately! We are in a long protracted war! I hope, US and the zionist regime stays out of this, if they want us win!