No One Knows About Persian Cats

Watch full-length feature film

Director Bahman Ghobadi has put his acclaimed film in the public domain for everyone to see. Enjoy!


more from Sadra

ok im loosing my mind

by yashar on

i've been searching every where to see this movie I even signed up for this website just to see the movie but it says this is a private video and i can't watch it can some one please let me know where to watch it


English/Arabic subtitles

by rjarbou on

Is there any link to this movie with English subtitles?  I would love to watch it and spread it.  English or even Arabic subtitles would be great.  Thank you!



by nikraad on

...pas in film koja raft? diruz mishod tu youtube negah kard, amma engar wardashtanesh? mitune kasi mano rahnami kone? mamnun misham


Neda ye Iran e Azad

I loved the movie

by Neda ye Iran e Azad on

Thanks to Mr Ghobadi to put it on the web. A great work and a wise decision. And to answer reRa's question Shahin Najafi does not play in this movie, Shahin does not live in Iran.

 Absolutely enjoyed the movie. Was better than I expected. 

سبز سبز تا بهار


English subtitle?

by Datis on


Does anyone know a link to the movie with English subtitles?



is shahin najafi sings in this movie .. ??!!

by reRa on

I really wanted to see this movie ... found a link to downloand .. but not enough memory in my lap top... so .. yeah .. glad I watched it here ...

I wonder is shahin najafi in this movie too .. he is my fav iranian rapper ...

great movie .. so real .. good work guys ... thanks  Sadra ...



bahman ghobadi interview

by jigsawnovich on

here's his first interview with American (based) press after leaving Iran //


Poor fellow,

by پیام on

None one his films have ever been allowed to be screened in Iranian cinema's, thanks to the eslamic guidance ministry. But nevertheless, he fights on and keeps making movies. Great spirit.