Trashing Shadmehr Aghili

Los Angeles TV/concert promoters upset over cancellation

Not pretty.

Part 1:

Part 2:


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What Trashing???

by KouroshS on

Come on people.

Would shadmehr even be this popular had it not been for these same Garbages and bad guys, promoting him, inteviweing him and talking non-stop about his new releases?? who would have wanted to do that, You, ladies and gentlemen?

They are not trashing anyone by a long shot. That is just nonsense. It is their medium, it is their TV it was the cocert they had promoted and and his name was chosen from the outset and There could not have been anything "optional" about it.

In this day and age of advanced technology, should they wait for him to get back here before they "tof" in his face? He has access to all kinds of media outlets in dubai, why not getting back and reveal his side of the deal?


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

how is this fair or just? "ghaanoon?!" ehsponsor my a$$

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

first of all, you are concert promoters who don't know how to draft and agree to a contract. after you fail at this job, you use your other job as TV channel owners to trash someone with whom an agreement failed?!

what the hell is this? I am so embarrassed of trashy iranians who do this to our name. use your TV for a good purpose. how will shadmehr get to respond? YOUTUBE? these guys are 100% trash and belong in court.

they can be sued if anyone cared enough. you don't trash people on tv and hurt them because you didn't get your way. thank god they aren't in charge of anything serious. 



by Yara on

First, the two characters on this clip are a new breed of Iranian mafia in the US.  Through their TV station (which produces jack) they have become concert promoters.  Concert promoters are the only ones who make any money on concerts.  They are arrogant and feel powerful over the lives of the entertainers they promote.  If people disagree with them or heaven forbid cross them, this is what happens--24/7 defamation of character and insults on an entertainer.

Second, if they have a legal case, which it is obvious they don't (because if they had lawyers, they would have been told to keep quiet on air), they should go to court to deal with the situation.

Third, tweedle dee and tweedle dum are sitting there, talking about a person who is not there, without a chance for him to say his side of the story.

Fourth, Shadmehr Aghili is a brilliant musician.  None of these bi-honar guys can hold a candle to Shadmehr's talent and potential.  Shadmehr would do well to get himself a good lawyer and sue this guys (they have lots of money), and retain himself a good publicist, a good manager, a good international band, and while he is at it, a good stylist.



by KouroshS on

I really do not understand the premise of Alip andBabak's arguments. Granted, that amongst us iranians, such tricks and Khoshmaze bazis do happen possibly more often than within other communities, But you might as well call These organizers Liars! I also do realize that these guys are not necessarily saints, But in this particular case i think they do have the right to b&m (you know) a bit.

Why would a promoter want to come and bring this issue up if there was even a remote chance of a vaguely written contract, or a verbally agreed upon? They have just had an interview with Shadmehr (amirghasemi himself) and it was a good 2 hour one. In other words, they took the time to promote his work and his music.

Dariush rafeei could not have been anymore Detailed and specific (as much as he could have been on TV) about this. Unless you wanted him to read the contract for you Clause by clause!


Still the same after 28 years

by Babak_SD on

I agree with Ali P's comment; most likely, the contract was/is vague or perhaps there is no contract and everything was done verbally.

According to the promoter, they seemed to have had issues with Ebi, Googoosh and many more; so this is not the first time.

Iranians who deal mainly with Iranians do not use detailed written contracts so there is room for whats called "dabbeh dar avordan" in the future.

I see this all the time between contractors and home owners, mechanics and car owners, doctors and patients, promoters and artists.

2 nights ago, I attened a concert. Guess what, 2 hours into the concert, there was a fist fight.  It was very sad.

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

If I had to guess- along with other geniuses- I'd guess the contract was vague about what night Aghili was to perform, 28 or 29th.

The organizers considered it their option to have him perform, on one of the two nights- with the date, later decided on and announced- and Aghili, consider his obligation, one of the two nights, with him being the one to decide which one.

The moral of the story: Iroonee haa! Get it in writing, and be clear, as to who is to do what, and when!


Get off tv and internet, and go and do something constructive with your time, baabaa! Iin harfaa baraa Faatee tonboon nemeesheh!


Comic relief...

by Saman on

... for our young men and women struggling in Iran. Gotta love it :O) Keep it up LA!

The Phantom Of The Opera

Comfortable refugees...way too comfortable!

by The Phantom Of The Opera on

بینندگان عزیز، اکنون توجه شما را به گزارشی از فعالیت‌های مبارزه
جویانه سلطنت طلب‌های مقیم لس آنجلس در جهت استقرار "رضا جون" جلب می‌کنیم.

The Pahlavis and all mullahs must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth.



by masoudA on

Mr. Rafiee - Shadmehr Aghili is a musician with some talent.    What are you - exactly?   and what do you have to offer the Iranian community? 

Also interesting to note that these bozos see themselfs in the same level as Googoosh, Ebi, Dariush,....