Assault on Amir Kabir University

Martyr burials and violence

اعتراض دانشجویان دانشگاه امیرکبیر (پلی تکنیک) به پروژه دفن شهید در این دانشگاه /

5 اسفند 1387 /

امروز با آغاز نمایش قدرت حاکمیت در خیابان های تهران که با به راه انداختن هیئت های سینه زنی و مداحی در خیابان انقلاب از روبه روی دانشگاه تهران آغاز شد کمتر کسی تصور می کرد که این نیروی جیره خوار، در دانشگاه پلی تکنیک به سیل مخالفان دفن شهید در دانشگاه برخورد کند.

Assault on Amir Kabir University:Martyr Burials and Violenceby Rasmus Christian Elling.

This morning, armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran buried war victims inside the campus of Amir Kabir University in Tehran. The so-called nameless martyrs were buried amidst tumult and despite protests from student activists. Another symbolic and violent battle between regime-loyal and pro-democratic forces is being fought right now.

The idea of burying martyrs inside Tehran’s universities has a history.Ever since the idea was floated some six years ago, when Ahmadinejad was Tehran’s mayor, it has been a hotly contested topic.

Pro-democratic students have protested against the plans because they seeit as an instrument for the regime’s oppressive policy:

a) it is a way to impose on the university milieu and student life a militant ideology that praises shahâdat (the martyr death), war and military values associated with the Revolutionary Guards and the eulogizing of the eight-year war with Iraq;

b) it is a practical way for authorities to clamp down on student gatherings and demonstrations since it is stipulated that the area surrounding martyr graves be treated with utmost respect – indeed, it is prohibited to gather in large numbers in such areas for any other purpose than mourning (which certainly rules out political or cultural meetings);

and thus, c) it is part of a strategy to suppress dissident voices within Iran’s lively university environment. It is one of many tactics in the conservatives’ battle to ‘re-Islamize’ and regain control with Iran’s universities – universities that have struggled to persevere as the vigorous centers of political debate, dissident activities and alternative youth they became during the early days of Khatami’s reformist presidency in the late 1990s.

Read the whole

Rasmus Christian Elling

University of Copenhagen

Visiting researcher, NYU


Anonymous Observer

Shirin, LalehGillani, Jaleh & Maryam Hojjat ---Ladies

by Anonymous Observer on

Thank you for your courage and your comments.  My sentiments exactly!!!

It's great and refreshing to see Iranian women on this site who stand up to status quo.  Unfortunately and strangely, a lot of females on this site are IRI cheerleaders, which is mind-boggling, in light of the fact that Iranian women are essentially second class citizens in IRI.  I know if someone had taken most of my inheritence rights, legal rights (even when it comes to custody of my children) and personal rights away, and if I was threatened to be beaten (or was actually beaten) on the street if a few strands of my hair was showing, I would be pi***ed.  



Seventy students are

by Anonymousop0 (not verified) on

Seventy students are reported to have been arrested after the protests by AKU students against propaganda burial of 'unknown martyrs'.

Seven are reported to be in critical condition in hospital after having been physically attacked by Ansar Hizbullah hired thugs and twenty five are hiding in the student dormitories while the Islamic regime's forces have surrounded the university but as yet have decided not to enter the university grounds and attack the dormitories, in case another 9th July student uprising takes place.

Journalists, academics and students of the world, where the HELL are you?


What? Islam is bad? Nahbaba? That's news to me.

by Sassan (not verified) on

ما که عادت نداشتیم دخترانمان را زنده به گور کنیم ، ما برای خودمان تمدن وثروت و آزادی و آبادی داشتیم و فقر را فخر نمیدانستیم همه اینها را از ما گرفتند وبجاش فقرو پشیمانی و مرده پرستی و گریه و گدائی و تأسف واطاعت از خدای غدار و قهار و آداب کونشوئی و خلأ رفتن برایمان آوردند ، همه چیزشان آمیخته با کثافت و پستی و سود پرستی و بی ذوقی و مرگ و بدبختی است.

چرا ریختشان غمناک و موذی است و شعرشان چوس ناله است چونکه با ندبه و زوزه و پرستش اموات همه اَش سرو کار دارند.

برای عرب سوسمار خوری که چندین صد سال پیش به طمع خلافت ترکیده، زنده ها باید به سرشان لجن بمالند و مرگ و زاری کنند.

... ، در مسجد مسلمانان اولین برخورد با بوی َگند خَلأست که گویا وسیله تبلیغ برای عبادتشان و جلب کفار است تا به اصول این مذهب خو بگیرند. بعد این حوض کثیفیکه دست و پای چرکین خودشان را در آن می شویند و به آهنگ نعره مؤَذن روی زیلوی خاک آلود خودشان دولا و راست میشوند و برای خدای خونخوارشان ِورد و اَفسون میخوانند.

... , عید قربان مسلمانان با کشتار گوسفندان و وحشت و کثافت و شکنجه جانوران برای خدای مهربان و بخشایشگر است خدای جهودی آنها قهار و جبار و کین توز است و همه اش دستور کشتن و چاپیدن مردمان را میدهد وپیش از روز رستاخیز حضرت صاحب را میفرستد تا حسابی دَخل اُمتش را بیاورد و آنقدر از آنها قتل عام بکند که تا زانوی اسبش در خون موج بزند.

تازه مسلمان مومن کسی است که به امید لذتهای موهوم شهوانی و شکم پرستی آن دنیا با فقر و فلاکت و بدبختی عمر را بسر برد و وسایل عیش و نوش نمایندگان مذهبش را فراهم بیاورد. همه اَش زیر سلطه اَموات زندگی میکنند و مردمان زنده امروز از قواننین شوم هزار سال پیش تبعیت میکنند کاری که پست ترین جانوران نمیکنند.

عوض اینکه به مسائل فکری و فلسفی وهنری بپردازند ، کارشان این است که از صبح تا شام راجع به شک میان دو و سه استعامنه قلیله و کثیره بحث کنند.

این مذهب برای یک وجب پائین تنه از عقب و جلو ساخته و پرداخته شده. انگار که پیش از ظهور اسلام نه کسی تولید مثل میکرد و نه سر قدم میرفت ، خدا آخرین فرستاده خود را مامور اصلاح این امور کرده!

تمام فلسفه اسلام روی نجاسات بنا شده اگر پائین تنه را از آن حدف کنیم اسلام روی هم میغلتد و دیگر مفهومی ندارد. بعد هم علمای این دین مجبورند از صبح تا شام با زبان ساختگی عربی سرو کله بزنند سجع و قافیه های بی معنی و پر طمطرق برای اغفال مردم بسازند ویا تحویل بدهند.

سرتا سر ممالکی را که فتح کردند، مردمش را به خاک سیاه نشاندند و به نکبت و جهل و تعصب و فقر و جا سوسی و دوروئی و دزدی و چاپلوسی و کون آخوند لیسی مبتلا کردند و سرزمینش را به شکل صحرای برهوت در آوردند.
اما مثل عصای موسی که مبدل به اژدها شد وخود موسی از آن ترسید این اژدهای هفتاد سر هم دارد این دنیا را می بلعد. همین روزی پنج بار دو لا راست شدن جلو قادر متعال که باید بزبان عربی او را هجی کرد، کافی است تا آدم را تو سری خور و ذلیل و پست و بی همه چیز بار بیاورد.

مگر برای ما چه آوردند ؟ معجون دل به هم زنی از آرا و عقاید متضادی که از مذاهب و ادیان و خرافات پیشین ، هول هولکی و هضم نکرده استراق و بی تناسب بهم در آمیخته شده است، دشمن ذوقیات حقیقی آدمی، و احکام آن مخالف با هر گونه ترقی و تعالی اقوام ملل است و به ضرب ششمشیر به مردم زوزچپان کرده اند. یعنی شمشیر بران و کا سۀ گدائی است، یا خراج و جزیه به بیت المال مسلمین بپردازید یا سرتان را میبریم هر چه پول و جواهر داشتیم چاپیدند. آثار هنری ما را از میان بردند و هنوز هم دست بردار نیستند؛ هر جا رفتند همین کار را کردند.

It is not bad. It is worster than worst.


Islam’s Hatred of Nonbelievers

by LalehGillani on

Islam’s hatred of nonbelievers will only embolden our resolve to free our nation. We have done nothing to harm Muslims. They came for us with the explicit intend to kill, to imprison, to torture, to maim, and to bury us en masse.

Now you are scratching your heads and asking yourselves: “Why do they hate us?” This is not hatred.

It is what you have sown! It has come back to you…



by azadi55 (not verified) on

This is the first time I hear of University grounds being used a cemetery anywhere in the world. I mean, if you had some scientist buried in university ground it would maybe make sense, but anyone else, nope. Is behesht zahra out of plots or something? Maybe it has become too expensive to dig a hole there so they are using university ground. I wouldn't put it passed behind this regime. last thing our students need is bunch of people coming there and crying all the time over someone's grave, can it get any more depressing for these poor students? of course it can, next thing you know they will make morde shori as part of the university curriculum.


Shirin, Lalehgillani, Jaleh & others

by billybob (not verified) on

You guys are more extremist than this government. Your irrational hate of Islam will only serve to embolden the Iranian people's resolve against you.


IRI, where bones really matter

by readit (not verified) on

From Paymaneh Amiri:

But who are these “nameless” soldiers whose purported bodies are now emphatically buried inside Tehran universities and parks? Why can’t they be identified? Why can’t they be buried in Behesht-e Zahra’s decent and suitable veterans memorial site where they, too, may be honored appropriately? Why do they have to be pushed upon unwilling academic citizens of Tehran universities who protest turning their campuses into burial grounds?

The truth is that this policy of IRI’s rulers is not at all to honor the Iran-Iraq War veterans, but it is to claim religious and ideological ownership over Iranian universities, to ensconce requisite “guards” and “caretakers” for the sites who might come in “handy” if student protests break out, and thus to arrange pro-regime (basiji) presence where they have been resisted for three decades


Maryam Hojjat

Shirin, Lalehgillani, Jaleh & others

by Maryam Hojjat on

Thanks for expressing your feeling.  I have had these feelings since 1980 & I will do what Shirin has done.




All the problem is with Islam. Quran is a book of fornication

by Sohrab... (not verified) on

If Islam was a medicine, doctors would have perscribed it to kill the the terminaly ill people.

This entire man made Qruan revolves around fornication, toilet and beastilatiy. From sun up to sun down bending over then they go home and start beasitality.

Why isn't there a Farsi translation of this book? Here is why. If they translate it to Farsi, millions of people like Shirin, the ShirZan of Iran will get up and burn it.

Move beyond Islam. Burn all Qurans. Every where you find it. The sooner people start burning this trash, the sooner iran will be free.

Long live Iran -free from Quran, mollahs and Islam.


Imaginary Boogeyman?

by LalehGillani on

They came for us at 2:26am. The door bell rang in the silence of the night, its echo forever engraved in my psyche. “Pasdaran!” they said. They came with guns and bullets with the explicit intend to kill. They came for me and mine…

There is nothing imaginary about the horror Iranians are experiencing day and night. What is imaginary is the world that you have woven around yourself: The world of peaceful, loving Muslims who sometimes just take it a little too far and accidentally shoot a few innocent people, imprison and torture the rest, and bury them in unmarked graves.

Iranians have been harmed by Muslims for centuries. The last thirty years is just another example of what these savages are capable of doing. Now we can fully understand what our ancestors went through. Now is the time to reclaim our Persian heritage.

There is nothing “hateful” in our desire to denounce centuries of subjugation. Let our battle cry send chills down the spine of you and yours.

The day of reckoning will come. Our children’s children will carry the torch even if you silence their parents today.

The dream will never die: We want to be free of Muslim oppression!



by billybob (not verified) on

The problem is not with Islam at all so don't make it one. Iran is a Muslim country and Islam if our flower. I am Muslim, my entire family is Muslim and we are damn proud. All this absurd Islamophobia makes me sick.

As for this video, I have enormous respect for all of our martyrs from the Iran-Iraq War. I hold these men and women who died then with the greatest regard. I make sure every time I go to Iran, I make a personal visit to Behest Zahra, and visit the martyrs section. Something every Iranian should do in my opinion.

However I am against burying these martyrs on university grounds, but we should make sure this does not turn into a battle against our martyrs or Islam. Please separate your fight with the regime and Islam!


Free Education?? You are

by alefbepe (not verified) on

Free Education??

You are kidding? RIGHT?? There is no free education in Iran. Why the disinformation?


What happened to Saeed

by whathappened? (not verified) on

What happened to Saeed Derakhshan, Keyvan Ansari and Abolfazl Jahandar student activists Majid Tavakoli, Ahmad Ghassaban and Ehsan Mansouri who have been on hunger strike since 2007. Last I heard they were tortured and sodomized in Evin.

Does anyone know what happened to them?




Brava to Shirin. The Shirzan of Iran!

by From Amir Kabir University (not verified) on

No Quran = No Mollah
No Mollah = Freedom for all Iranians
There is nothing sacred in that book written by barbarian Arabs for their god that has
authorized rape, pillage, murder, beheading, stoning and many other hatefull crimes against Iranians by Mollahs.

Shirin, I'm cleaning my house of everything Islamic and will honor your courage by burning the two copies of the Quran I've found. We are going to celebrate and drink to our freedom from this book that has brought so much misery to all of us Iranians. Thank you for your courage. You are a source of joy to Iranians every where. Pass the word. No Quran. No Mollah. No Quran. No Mollah. No Quran. No Mollah.


you are right Abarmard

by Benyamin on

but Shamoniri is quoting Fisk as saying Iranians are Necroracy!

Either Shamoniri didn`t dsitict Iranian culture or Fisk. It is right to say What the government of Iran Has done to Iranian culture is infact UNNATURAL and I amnot disputing that. But if that discription is to discribe people of Iran then it is a wrong analogy.

My Maman Bozorg died some 10 years ago and when she died she had lived 95 years. She told us many times that she had never seen a culture like this in Iran! she said I AM FOREIGN to this culture. and she was a person that didn`t know any culture other than of Iranian one.

And I tend to believe her MORE than Fisk and the Mullahs and Hezbollah and God himself.

once the late Reza shah tried to go agaist the culture of grass root and now the mullahs are doing the same mistake by going agaist the cluture of grass root. we just need to respect the culture of Iran and iranian people. That is all.



A quick correction

by Iranyvaliazad on

abarmard, you said, " The emphasis under the Islamic Republic, unfortunately has been on the sad, dark and depressing part of the Shia culture." .... my correction is to the word PART ... there is ONLY one part to Shia or islam in genral and the whole PART is SAD, DARK and DEPRESSING ... in other words, there is no LIGHT part vs. DARK part ... there is no PART, just brute, ignorant cult.


yes Benyamin

by Abarmard on

The Iranians are very lively, happy, kind and joking people in general. The emphasis under the Islamic Republic, unfortunately has been on the sad, dark and depressing part of the Shia culture.

There are many unnatural part of the Iranian system that needs to go and should be replaced with dance, music and happiness. That would definitely help the Iranian morale. It will come sooner or later.


To shamoniri

by Benyamin on

I disagree with Roberst Fisk simply because he never lived in Iran.

Although I recpect him and I know he is very respected Journalist, But like many he is wrong to say that. Iranians of all walks of life are alive and do respect the living as well. Just because I respect Mosadegh today doesn`t meam I am infatuated by NECROPHILIA. My late DAEE told me he saw with his own eyes how a mob robbed Mosadegh`s personal stuff!!

And that strory was confirmed to me after hearing the same story by Mosadegh`s grand son. My point is SOMETHIMES, WE CANNOT ACT OR TELL THE TRUTH BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN OVERWHELMED BY TRAGICS DEPTH OF THAT TRUTH MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.

We Iranians are alive and live life to the fullest, we always want the best and we work hard to get it. If we were a nation of dead lovers we wouldn`t want anything when we live, would we?

But we are not perfect.


Robert Fisk said it best.

by shamoniri (not verified) on

Robert Fisk said it best. Iran has turned into a necroracy.

definition of necrophilia:
1.Obsessive fascination with death and corpses.
2. Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses


It's easy to forget that the longest-running show in town was not the trials and their brutal aftermath – the condemned men would appear on front pages next day in their final moments – but the takeover of the US embassy by the "Students Following the Line of the Imam". It destroyed Jimmy Carter, all 444 days of it, and it is remarkable, looking back now, to see that Carter, the wise old peacemaker of the Middle East today, simply did not comprehend what had happened in Iran. How on earth did he allow the Shah into America, the catalyst for the embassy sacking? It was Henry Kissinger, of course, always the éminence grise.

The "students" spent years pasting together shredded US diplomatic traffic, incriminating past and present Iranian officials with their CIA contacts. Led by a woman, other teams worked like carpet-weavers, sewing back to life the whole rotten, corrupted empire of the King of Kings. I padded round his libraries; leather-bound volumes of Voltaire, Verlaine, Flaubert, Plutarch, Goebbels, Shakespeare, Charles de Gaulle, Churchill and Coleridge. Abba Eban's My People was dedicated by the author to "His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Shahs".

Grandiosity became him. He staged a pitiful rodeo down in Persepolis to honour his forebears – the Pahlavi dynasty was actually introduced as a British colonial project – to which the great and the good and Princess Anne came along. I even found the Shah's bath, with its gold-plated taps, which outraged the millions of poor in a nation that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini himself had described as a "slum".

And yes, of course, it was that other man we stared at, the one in the black robes whom I once, piggy-backing a US network interview, sat before. When he spoke, the Ayatollah would stare at a small emanation of light on the floor, as if it represented something holy. No Robespierre he, no Trotsky. This was a serious matter, the first Islamic revolution of our time, in which the leader proclaimed himself supreme leader and arbiter of all the revolution's cares. While he would remain the same, the revolution he created went on to become a strange creature, at once brutal and naive, provocative and dangerous. When obligingly invaded by our good friend Saddam Hussein, it sent its young men to their deaths in their tens of thousands.

A crimson tide overflowed the fountain at the great cemetery of Behesht Zahra – close to where the great man himself now lies – and we would later watch corpses coming back by the hundred. I think the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq was final proof of the revolution. Iran did not, as the US hoped, fall to pieces, but it entered a kind of stasis, a sort of childishness from which it never awoke. The French word infantilism may be closest. It was government for and by the dead. Iran had become a necrocracy."


Iran's deads have become the IRI's biggest tool for propaganda. In this way, they actually dishonor the dead by exploiting their death. so sick.



by kasraa (not verified) on

حماقت یا سیاست؟

سه شنبه، ۶ اسپند ۱۳۸۷، خورداد روز سیاست علمی است برای نگه داشتن و اداره امور که ملازم عقل و تدبیر است.
حماقت هم یعنی بی عقلی و کله پوکی.
شاعر میگوید:
این حماقت نه عجب باشد از آن ریش بزرگ
هرکه را ریش بزرگ است خر وکوسه بود.

دو طرز فکر و دو شیوه نگاه متفاوت در مورد مسايل سیاسی ایران وجود دارد.
نگاه اول مربوط به افرادی است که آخوندها را موجوداتی زیرک و باهوش فرض میکنند و هر اتفاقی که در مملکت بیفتد را طرح و نقشه آخوندها میدانند.
این طرز نگاه٬ معمولا در بین ایرانی‌های مقیم خارج کشور بصورت فراوان دیده میشود.

در مقابل این عده٬ کسانی دیگر هم هستند که بدلیل سابقه اجرایی در بخش‌های مختلف مملکت٬ بخوبی با تار و پود این نظام و طرز فکر حاکمین آن آشنا هستند. بنظر این گروه٬ بیشتر اتفاقات مملکت همینطوری هر دم بیلی و بدون حساب و کتاب رخ میدهد و آخوندها را بی‌شعورتر از طراحی چنین اتفاقاتی می‌پندارند.
راستش من خودم از همین دسته و گروه دوم هستم. من معتقدم جمهوری اسلامی اصلا با تفکر و برنامه‌ریزی و دوراندیشی سنخیتی ندارد و اصولا اینها در حد و اندازه این حرفها نبوده و نیستند.
مثالها فراوان است. از نحوه اداره جنگ ایران و عراق بگیر و همینطور بیا جلو. از اقتصاد شل کن سفت کن بگیر تا مناسبات بین المللی. همه اینها از روی بی برنامگی و بی تدبیری است.
یک دفعه می بینی٬ یکی از آقایون صبح از خواب بیدار می‌شود و علیه بحرین یا مصر یا هرجای دیگری یک زری می‌زند. بعد یک موجی علیه نظام درست میشود. بعد یکنفر را می‌فرستند که قضیه را ماست‌مالی کند.
یکروز می‌بینی برای برقراری رابطه با مصر٬ همه اصول دیپلماسی را کنار میگذارند و رئیس جمهور محبوب٬ خود را به مصر دعوت میکند تا روابط دو کشور را تجدید کنند و چند روز بعد٬ فیلمی علیه انورسادات از یک جای دیگر سردرمی‌آورد و همه کاسه کوزه ها را بهم میریزد.

اما قضیه اخیر خیلی مضحک‌تر از بقیه است. آقای مقام معظم تاکید دارد حتما جنازه شهدای جنگ را ببرند و در دانشگاهها دفن کنند. این امر اینقدر بی‌حساب و کتاب است که باعث مخالفت علنی دانشجویان و اساتید شده است و درگیری‌های زیادی را بدنبال داشته.
خب. یکی نیست به این مقام معظم بگوید: آخه احمق این چه اصراری است که تو در این مورد داری؟ اصلا فرض کن هزارتا شهید را بیاوری توی کلاس‌ها٬ خب بعدش چی؟
چه دستاوردی خواهی داشت؟ جز اینکه تحصیلکرده‌ها را از کشور فراری بدهی چه فایده‌ای برای اسلام و نظام اسلامی دارد؟
آخه یک ذره عقل هم خوب چیزیه. برای یک کار بدون فایده٬ الکی مملکت را به تشنج میکشد این مردک خرفت.
حالا هی شما بگید نه خیر٬ آقاجان٬ اینها هدفشان چنین است و چنان و غیره.
من که باور نمی‌کنم. اینها همه از روی خرفتی و بی‌عقلی حاکمان و مسولین نظام است. بدون برو برگرد.


People who have lost their soul!

by Amir Aram (not verified) on

Our children/solders die defending their country and a few senseless cowards protest their heroic memorial installation as if it is a political gain for a few.

Shame on all of us for not understand and respecting our heroes.

P.S. : I am not religious nor do I have any ties with IR regime, so please save your stamping techniques!


Death worshipers

by watcher (not verified) on

I don't understand why the I.R.I regime is so infatuated with Death and the worship of the Dead, always looking back, never looking to the future to create hope. A university is a place to nourish, train, and develop the mind of the future generation of country's human resources not a graveyard. A learning institute is suppose to house a certain environment or atmosphere that makes that development possible. What kind of a scholastic / pedagogic environment are you creating by burying martyrs in its grounds? And why? I fail to see the point in that, but it does not surprise me. Its a fitting gesture from a bunch of morons who's very belief DNA is based on grief, sadness, crying sessions, death worship, reminiscing the horrors of the past, promoting fear and anxiety, and all that nonsense that comes with what they call religion.


Islam is he religion of the majority of Iranians

by Mehrban (not verified) on

What is necessary, is the separation of church and state. Which would have to be aimed at as the eventual out come.

By burning your Korans and jumping on them you may feel a certain temporary euphoria but you would make yourself hated by a majority of Iranians.


Waste of time

by mahmoudg on

Complete waste of time and resoruces to bury these dead corpses in the sanctuary of a university.  The IRI is an in your face Nazi like regime, that feels it has to prove itself by force.  They had 30 years to prove themslves to the populace, and they actually proved their worthlessness, so no amount of coersion and intimidation will make the good Iranian people believe in them anymore.  This is a failed regime and its days are numbered.  The American values, that of democracy and freedom of speech are not too far from replacing this 1400 year old Arab ideology.


""More than 500 Amirkabir

by sosad (not verified) on

""More than 500 Amirkabir university students took part in a protest against further burial of martyrs in the university campus by the government.

The tensions over the issue of burial of martyrs in the university last week has already led to 4 students being arrested and twenty being barred from entering the university grounds by the authorities. The arrested students are Hossein Tarkashvand, Majid Tavakoli, Ismail Salmanpour and Kourosh Daneshyar.

Students held placards which read:

'Evin Becomes University, University becomes cemetery'
'Pretend to praise the dead martyrs in universities, while the war veterans set themselves on fire'
'Dictator of our times, martyrs have become an excuse for you'

Several students have been called up to appear before the disciplinary committees and earlier this week, the intelligence ministry contacted families of several leading student activists and threatened them if they took part in any protests leading up to the burials.""

به يكي ميگن: يك جمله بگو كه توش سه تا دروغ باشه. ميگه: دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي


I sort of disagree with Abarmard

by Iranyvaliazad on

Mr. Abarmard, your comments do make sense if and only if one is not dealing with islam, the barbaric cult and Nazism.    I am sure you are aware that islam is based on destroying all that exists and replace it with everything islamic ... there are no negotiations ... time after time and throughout the history, we have seen destructions of libraries, art, artifacts, cultures, languages, customs, etc.  islam is not religion of peace, it only uses peace as forefront to camouflage its true evil essence.  Do you know why islam’s answer to EVERYTHING is brute force?  Because its followers have realized without force this cult will not last 10 minutes where it can be questioned … the only way to stopped masses from questioning it is to SCARE (Hell) them and if that didn’t work then BEAT them or CUT them into pieces and finally if that didn’t work .. KILL them (Morted).
I second Ms. Shirin’s proposal to use the islamic cult rule book to start bonfires during “chahar-shanbeh soory” … I just have one problem, I need to get my hands on one copy before “chahar-shanbeh soory”.  


Disappointed to the bone

by Still Kiss Shirin's Hands (not verified) on

For god sake.
Show me a university in the world used as graveyard whether shahid or not.
Btw, I have been in Iran during war and spent three years of my LIFE fighting the enemy, while you guys were getting democratic here by clubbing and shagging.
What do you know about being the only survivor of a unit. Could anyone here tell me the flavor of nerve and mustard agents? Have you ever collected the warm bowels of your brother-in-arms and pushed them back in his guts, believing your act will be keeping him alive? Have you ever smoked a joint with 4 of your mates and within ten minutes 3 of were smoked themselves by an iraqi Scud?
Have you ever committed suicide despite being a war survivor? Have you ever been prescribed prozac, seroquel, depakine, temazepam on a daily basis?
You deserve akhoonds.

The effing IRI is dead afraid of losing ground(as they are) and they are ABUSING those Shahids who died for Iran, for their effing islamic ambitions. I can assure you those tombs are filled with surveillance systems, instead of Shahid's precious bodies. These tombs will be used as a guilt shield which obviously give them the opportunity to station armed guards inside the universities!

YOU GUYS, WAKE UP and GROW UP. You with your democratic bs you learn and copy from mainstream media!!


Shirin, I love your courage and will kiss your feet and hands

by Jaleh K (not verified) on

My daughters, my husband and I just sent emails to all our friends to come to our house this weekend where we are going to read your posting and burn all the copies of quran and picutres of mollah imams and everything else from mollahs we can get our hands on.

This is going to be our independce day. Independence from a barbarian culture that has destroyed our Iranian identity, culture and language.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just can't thank you enough. You don't know how much your posting has meant to us. Thank you again.


Some Hate Comments?

by Abarmard on

In the west there are a lot of demonstrations that actually end up pretty violent.

This is a good sign, and goes to prove that empowering the people by lifting sanctions would be more beneficial than supporting some crazy so called opposition groups that are not in touch with the people of Iran.

Don't hate this or that, Islam or Muslims, Persians against "non" Persians. The days should be over and if you ask for them, it might come to bite you from behind. Hate turns to anger and that would not be reasonable. Muslims against Jews, Persians against Arabs...It's stupid and ignorant to think in such limited surface. Grow up.

Use the books and tools in the West to educate yourself so you can be an advancement to the Iranians not the opposite. No one needs education or thought process to hate and point fingers.

Sometimes I get worried about some of the comments, which they don't really mean harm, but portray the lack of understandings and direction for the Iranian democracy. Stupidity from ignorance makes one nationalistic and hateful to blame their own problems on some imaginary boogeyman!


My beloved "hamvatan"

by Benyamin on

By reading some of the comments like Shirin`s or Syavash or Kissing Shirin`s hand, I am both sandend and upset for the way the felings and belives are expressed.

I don`t approve of the language which you( Kissing Shirin`s hand) expressed your opinion in regard to Syavash but I understand your frustration and anger.

As it comes to Syavash; you simply are a proof that Iran is INDEED invaded either by FORIEGNERS or FORIEGN ideaology. The people that are ruling Iran today are in fact have no regard to their lives or well being. How else would you explain the Khomeinie`s own word as"goosht e yakhi haram ast, otobusha majani mishavad and .....and ....and...more LIES) How did that speech translate to Exacutions of 1000s of Iranian youth? Why is it that since the end of the war of Iraq-Iran the brave "shaheed e zendeh" set themselves on fir ALIVE in front of various government institutions to get attention or help? and where are you to help them or voice your opinion for them? My problem with HEZBOLLAHI people is that they see ABSOLUTELY no wrong doing by the ruling elite. You are either not Iranian or have lost your emotional attachment to your country. YOU are no longer Iranian when you prefer NON iranians over Iranians.

That is exactly why, you have no regards to those that faught for you and kept you SAFE and this is how you repay them(few Iranian brave Amputees set themselves on fire just in recent days  to end  their own MISERY and bring attntion to their brothers and sisters that are still suffering). And I know how Iranians are ruled today by using a foreign MOB that belives indeed in killing whoever is against the ruling government. The Ironi is if the government of Iran knows someone set Quran on fire it is not as important that setting khomeinies picture on fire!!!

My point is Eslam is just a TOOL to rule. Therefor if it is a TOOL then it isnot important to lose the TOOL it is important not to lose what you make by the TOOL. 

I amnot MUSLIM. Although I can understand your anger(Shirin) I don`t condole it. Even if you don`t believe in Eslam, YOU are still an Iranian and Iranians always preserved other culturs. Let`s just win this one with love,patiece but be firm in our beliefes and defeat them in every step they take. Every big success starts with small STEPS!