Iran and Britain

BBC documentary

Documentary in which writer and journalist Christopher de Bellaigue explores the fraught but often surprisingly intimate history of Britain's relations with Iran, and asks why Iranians think that if something goes wrong in Iran then Britain must have something to do with it. De Bellaigue has lived in Tehran, speaks fluent Persian and knows well the phenomenon of 'Uncle Napoleonism', the notion that the cunning British are 'out to get you' that has been a common attitude in Iranian society for 100 years. He looks at some key events in the relationship, notably Britain's role in the overthrow of several Iranian governments, its control of Iran's oil and the on-off support for Iran's democrats. Meeting prominent Iranians, including Uncle Napoleon's inventor and others with direct knowledge of these events, he examines the foundations and justification for these Iranian suspicions and asks if they are still there after 30 years of isolation. Aired on BBC Four, 14th February 2009.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


more from Darius Kadivar

BBC, the neutral center of the world!!

by A nuny mouse (not verified) on

The documentary is transparently showing the British influence in all aspects of Iranians politics and economy since 19th century!! And they just add few lines carrying a sarcastic and ridiculing charge indicating; if you still are thinking that Inglisiha were involved, then you must be a luni. This is the power of media!!
Wow, they are showing in a documentary their level of involvement, right in front of our eyes, while proving the opposites.
I am amazed by our minds and their psychological methods. And we, rather go with the title of the documentary than the detailed content of it.
The title and few funny shots of dai jaan napoleon is intentionally used to make us feel as luni as him if we still believe that the British were actively present in Iran's history OR otherwise, we chose not to relate ourselves with his way of thinking and
therefore; we are sane, which proves; they had no what so ever influence in Iran's history.
I really admire Americans; At least they publicize their deeds few decades later and do not add footnotes on it stating; ... BUT we ACTUALLY were not involved! This is your way of thinking ..., this is an illusion and imagination ..., you are paranoid, even if our secret service declassified report say so!! But the traitor Zahedi does instead.

Could anyone show me a single year during this documentary that foreign governments exercising no influence on Iranian's domestic affairs?

Btw, why BBC does not follow the policy which it was following back then, at the moment - "The General Picture" or "All shade of opinions"? Why the BBC's tone is not even slightly close to the level they happened to have by late 70's towards Shah?

Ali P.

To: Benyamin

by Ali P. on

We usually make up our minds, and THEN, look at historical events:

We call them 'Freedom Fighters' if we like their cause, and "Terrorists", if we don't. 

We call it "fenteh", if we don't like the results, and call it "Great Uprising" if we do.

 We call it the 'mob' if we don't like what they are doing, and 'people' if we do.

The Great Leader was installed 'by' foreign powers, or 'despite' foreign powers, depends on our view towards him (or her).

He 'moved' the masses, or 'manipulated' them, is contigent upon what we think of him.

Sometimes we are right on the money, and sometimes we are dead wrong, and often, I think,  somewhere in between.

Respectfully Yours,

Ali P.


Great documentary

by tsion on

very educating. For me, part two was especially interesting because so much of it is familiar from the British patterns of action regarding Jews. It starts with progressive ideals and promises of support, makes you hope and count on their help as patrons of liberal ideals and then in a moment notice you are left all by yourself right in the middle of crisis. Take the Balfour declaration, which is also written deliberately so that it can be interpreted in any way possible! and the moment the Imperial interests tip even a bit, all promises are thrown away in an instant and the back stabbings begin all the way to the point that Jews had to fight Britain and British forces by all the got to finally achieve independence.

The lesson to learn is that conspiracy theories is no solution. Iran has paid dearly for following wrong routes vis-a-vis this kind of policy from Britain. Supporting Germany under Nazis, rigidness and lack of flexibility and demonizing all relations with the west and Western ideals as "infiltrations of Imperialism" and diving into conspiracy theories regarding the entire Western world are no solution... just look where they have brought you.

Realism, pragmatism and a healthy sense of progressive faith is the way to go. That has been the key of the Israeli success in a quite similar situation.




by Benyamin on

I am speechless!!!

But I noted that Zahedi is still living in denail! Even Reza(koorosh) Pahlavi in one of his interviwes with Barbara Wakters mildly accepted what his called my fathers MISTAKES. Zahedi still believes what happened was a RASTAKHEEZ, Perhaps it was but  definately not for Iran or Iranian people, but for HIS family and a few around him.

After Madeline Albriaght called the USA. policies on Iran SHORT SIGHTED and specifically refered to the KOUDETA as one of those policies,yet Zahedi had decided to agree with a dead father as to the live documents.



Very entertaining

by Abarmard on

BBC has really great programs about Iran and Iranians.


The commical things is that US politicians are the new daei Jans

by dariush (not verified) on

Notice the same is happening in Western media.

Every failure of American, Israeli, or even British policies in the middle east is because of Iran!

One needs to write a Uncle Ahmadinejad novel to depict the paranoia in the neocon circuits.

Jahanshah Javid

Kaar kaare khodemooneh

by Jahanshah Javid on

I learned a lot. Very well made. Being an Abadani, I was obviously fascinated by the part about the refinery and the British in my hometown :o)

I'm also glad -- very glad -- that we can listen to Pezeshkzad's own words that his masterpiece was intended to expose the irrational and comical belief that the British have a hand in everything that goes on in Iran -- even today!

The belief that we as a people, as individuals, have no control over our own destiny and that there are powerful foreign (or domestic) hands behind the scene determining key affairs and events, causes us to accept and surrender to whatever happens around us. It make us lazy and almost irresponsible. We feel powerless and live with constant fear of the unknown, allowing others to dominate.

There ARE powerful hands behind the scenes. The British, the Americans, the Russians, the Chinese and others do all sorts of secretive things to influence and pressure Iran and Iranians. But they are only PART of the whole game. We as individuals have an enormously important part as well.

WE CAN make a difference in our future. Human rights activists, anti-war activists, regime critics, academics, artists, do make a difference, every day. Foreign powers, as well as a brutal and idiotic Islamic Republic at home, all try to influence and control us. They can't. Collectively, people power has no rival.

Ali P.

"Didn't I tell you, he is one of them?"

by Ali P. on

LOL...I love Pezeshkzad.


I lost another day of kaar o zendegee, watching this post of yours, but well worth it.


Ali P.


Great Documentary

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

always been fascinated by Iranian history. very interesting....


Something good from Darius!

by choghok on

Glad to see that Darius can produce something more than fuzzy statements about the long dead monarchy on Iranian.

/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim