Laat o Loots

Legendary tough guys


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Party Girl


by Party Girl on

Yes, music is by Faramarz Asef. It is a song called Rana, which itself is a remake of a much older song by the same name which I believe was originally performed by Dariush Rafiee.

In the following clip he is singing the song live, accompanied by guitarist Ardeshir Farah.



Love the song

by IRANdokht on

I have no idea who they were and I'd take Cameron's word for it.

But Faramaz Assef is Da Best. I love the song...


Ali P.

To: Gol-dust

by Ali P. on

To: Danesh "agha hameh ro beh yeh choob nemeesheh zad" is the conculsion you get closer to, the more you read and study history. Well said!

To: Bacheyeh Tehran: Thanks for the link.


To: S.A.M. Man you are deep!! :-)

To Gol-dust: information is indeed ancient.

I lived it man.... They were the good old days...!

Tayyeb and Sha'boon were my buddies. We used to throw 'long', and keep an eye on what's going on on the street (Toff beh iin roozegaar...can't find a decent long any more).

Dude, were they alive today, you bet they'll be on my facebook, and we'd be twittering all day...

(BTW, if you like Gol, you'll love Ali P. !)

Peace ...


Ali P.


to Danesh

by tweety (not verified) on

I enjoyed reading the story you put, "daash-akol".



by Shabnam (not verified) on

The song is called Raana by Faramarz Asef.


Like Everything else

by Professor A Hassan Danesh, Ph.D. (not verified) on

As a sociologist I see this group of people as social Stratum, like any other social strata, where there are good and there are bad and there are in between and of course some simply heroic and extra-ordinary champ and champion--

"aghaa hama ra ba ye choob namishah zad"


eenhaa ke chizi naboodand

by Bacheye Tehran (not verified) on

eenhaa ke chizi naboodand baabaa. aanhaa ham ke esmeshaan ast: shaboon bimokh, tayeb, lajevardi (ghaatele evin) taa baghyeh dar motalefeh mesle asgar-oladi ... hameh too baande chaaghookesh-haaye ayatolah kaashaani boodand va toolehaaye oonhaa mesle rafighdoost, hussein shariatmadaari, ...... har kas bishtar pool midaad, shah dar 1332 yaa badesh mollaahaa, mirand oonjaa.

2 taa chack ham khorand goftand jaavid shah va khomeini yaadeshoon raft, hamaan tor ke ghabl az enghelaab goftand o az zendaan oomadand birun pas az raftan be sooye khomeini dar 1342. mard nistand, har kas ham mishenaasadeshaan mikoshand. fardaa ham 2 taa chack be hussein shariatmadaari bezanam, hameshoon ro lo mideh va roosari saresh mikoneh, sabr konid bebibind.

aakharin pahlevoone vaaghe-i Tehran abdollaah ghasaab, jaan nesaare mossadegh bood. Rokhsat.



some of them were working for Iranian Government

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

To creative fear among people they go on the street at nights drunk and try to hassle people.They were tools in the hand of Iranian police to keep people checked.If people complain to police they would catch them and keep them in jail for few days to let people know that they took the crooks in,but after few days they release would them.


I like the song playing

by I like the song (not verified) on

Does anyone know the name of the song playing?! Appreciate it!


Ali P, is that your real photo? If yes how old is that AX?

by gol-dust on

The information you revealed here doesn't match the photo at all. Sounds like a grandpa!



by Professor Hassan Danesh, PHD (not verified) on

Beheshoon hay goftam bacheh dars bekhone nomreh khoob beeyar vagarna refozeh meeshee badeshem to kheyaaboonaa laat o poot beshee---

Beharf ostaad goosh nakard hala beeya laat e to kheeyaboon shoddeh...hallaa dava sar cheeyeh? Ke gondeh laatt tarreh...

Choob-e ostaad beh ze mehr-e pedar!

Ali P.

Random pictures of our grandpa's!!

by Ali P. on

PG jaan:

 Who put these pictures of some men together and called it "laat o loot"s? Did a documentay come out recently on Iran's tough guys? There were a few things there, that undermined the whole credibility of the work:


First of all, though possible,  most laat o loots were not welcome in 'zoorkhooneh's (There were quite a few pictures of 'zoorkhooneh-kaar's in there).

Also, though not impossible, most 'laat o loot's did not wear a tie!!( I saw at least 2 pictures with men with ties!)

I recognized a few names: "Haaj tayyebeh Rezaie"....NOT! His name was "Tayyebeh Haaj Rezaie".

Besides, I didn't see a picture of my Grandfather,"Hojabr o Soltaan"!

And then, there was "Said Zia Tabatabaie". There is a 'Said Zia Tabatabaie' in Iran's contemporary history. He was the co-conductor of 1299 (Reza Khan's) Coup, and became the Prime Minister. I don't think he was either a laat , or a  loot'!

Grandson of a real tough guy,

Ali P.


Yadesh bekhayer

by LiVe From TeHran (not verified) on

I grew up in the most looti o lat bazi neighborhood in tehran and i still live there. I lived the life as wanna be a looti.!!! i had my share of obscenity . some how it is the life of excitement. I personally don't call them stupid or low class. As a matter of fact they are Highly intelligent people. it takes intelligent to manipulate people and to know how to work the systems. this is not to defend them but to remind you that they all come from the culture of koucheh pas koucheh. They never knew anything better. They never had a roll model. And they learned what their small neighborhood thought them. a In a way It is obsessive disorder personality disorder that is similar to contagious virus that goes to the next generation.
Anyways, i'm still consider myself a Looti but a different kind.
I miss those old days.


Say what?

by bandari (not verified) on

Ok, First of all Iran Sarbaz, never insault cholo kebob, which is the best thing that ever came out of iran. frankly the only thing iranian agree on these days. My opinion it should be on the flag instead of allah or shir and shamshir.

Why praise uglly A$$ criminals.

Cameron A. Batmanghlich


by Cameron A. Batmanghlich on

These guys were thugs …  Ina hame too tehroon ‘Shahrkhahr’ (yani baaj gir) boodan …  be estelah ‘tigh kesh’.  Az ‘Shaboon bi mokh’ gerefte ta noche hashoon.  Aksararn to ‘Shahre no’, mepelekidan.  Adaye jahelhaye ghadime tehroon ro dar miyavordan.  Vali fargheshoon in bood ke ina faghat oobash boodan, va jahelhaye tehroone ghadim (kaj kolaha) javoon mardham boodan.  To Tehroone ghadim, chaghoo keshi ‘Khat andazi’ bood (faghat ba noke chaghoo sorate raghibo khat mindakhtan … marked them), va na inke koshtan.These guys were nothing more than thugs in kooche bazare tehroon.  There is nothing legendary about them.  Many of their ‘noche’ actually went into the service and became ‘Ajan’!!!   Tehroone gahdim jahel dasht, vali ina naboodan.  Jahelhaye tehroon were javanmard (macho), instead of simple thugs with their primary occupation as pimps and dealers.I hope no one takes these bullies who made many people’s lives miserable for heroes. 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Two groups ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

این طرف خط قانون، پهلوون‌ها و جوونمرد‌ها بودند.

اون طرف خط هم جائ لات و لوت‌ها و چاقوکش ها بود.

ولی‌ یک اشکال عمده اینکه، هم این آدم‌ها اینور و انور خط میپریدند، و هم خط اینور و اونور میشد!



by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

I take these guys any time over the so-called, "Iranian Intellectuals"


Salty & Party Gril

by Anonymous.... (not verified) on

Were these guys their neighborhood bully with mythical abilities polarized by the general populis, or were they real hit men that carried out orders?

I'm somewhat curious about that subculture!



by SALTY on

I loved it, I even recognized 3 of them. You should see them now. Another reason to live life to the fullest and die while you are full of life. Thanks you the upload



by Sialashgar on

Mentally slow men who lack intelligence and are not very bright.

I am not having a good day.Can you tell?


what the

by Iran Sarbaz (not verified) on

Stupid cholo [kabab] music