Shah Abbas in London

New British Museum exhibition

A new cultural and historical insight into Iran opens in Britain today. The British Museum’s “The Remaking of Iran” exhibition features ancient Iranian artefacts from the times of Shah’ Abbas- one of the country’s most influential kings and leaders. See also this Guardian article about the exhibition.


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To Savvy

by Anonymous-jahany (not verified) on

In my comment I wrote that Brits are afraid of the glorious past of Iran/Persia(pre-Islam), and as you know Shah abbas safavy(Safavid dynasty) was the ruler of Iran in the post-Islam time, meaning after Arab invasion which resulted in coercing Iranians/Persians into their backward arab religion.
then why would they want to have this exhibition in their land?
Dear Savvy that is the question that you can answer it yourself by reading the history of Iran, both pre-Islam and Post-Islam. The post-Islam history of Iran is actually just like todays Iran situation which is sad and shameful(with the exception of Zand dynasty and Pahlavy dynasty) that is ruled by Mullahs and I don't need to explain it since You already know a lot about it and that is why the Brits have choosen the post-Islamic part of Iran TO HAVE SUCH AN EXHIBITION IN THEIR LAND. Ask yourself why they have choosen the post-I and NOT the Pre-Islamic History of Iran!!!!!. Be always aware of what the Brits are doing IN REGARD OF OUR LAND IRAN.What are their intentions???????


Dear commentator who thinks

by Savvy (not verified) on

Dear commentator who thinks Engleesy yani dasseeseh... If indeed the Brits were concerned about the glorious identity of Iranians to surface, then why would they want to have such an exhibition in their land?!!!

Ardeshir Ariana

British the worst enemy of our Aryan land !

by Ardeshir Ariana on

Dear beloved Iranians, My personal opinion is to have a Constitutional Monarchy in Iran, since Iran/Persia started as a monarchy 2500 years ago and should continue to be a Monarchy in 21st century and beyond. The next Monarchist and Prime Minster should also be chosen by the people not by our foreign enemies.


Pahlavi era is over, so lets get over them and look into future for better leaders and new faces.


We can choose a new king/Queen every 5 years out of a family whom is the kindest to the people. That way every family in Iran will be encouraged to do their utmost good to the people. In other word our next kings or Queens will be chosen by the people as the Crown belongs to the people not to the Monarchist.  

I know this a unique idea, but we are unique people after all and we can have a new unique system in our Country. Also everybody will be happy since we will keep our Monarchy for ever and Iranian minorities can participate too. In fact i don`t like to use the word minority as any Iranian whom is a patriot regardless of their tribe or religion can become a potential Monarchist or a Prime Minster.

The Prime Minister and the Parliament will rule the Secular country and the Monarchist will have no right to interfere in Politics. The Monarchist will also get a small salary and will be used to unite people and remind them of their glorious past prior to Islam.

We also need to establish a Persian Lobby in USA in order to influence the US Congress and their foreign policies just like the Jewish lobby (AIPAC).

P.S. This should have been done 30 years ago but it is still not too late and we all need to pay out of our pocket to establish this lobby asap.


Let us please compromise in our differences and become part of the chain of saving our people from the misery they go through today. Europeans learned hundred of years ago not to mix politics with religion, the lesson Iranians are still learning today !


Hence maybe on the bright side Islamic Republic did do some good for Persians whom have forgotten their past and glorious history and that is to vomit Islam and establish a new Zoroastrian Constitutional Monarchy in Iran which is our god given right since our people became Muslim by force not by choice.
Lets talk now about some of the solutions to save our country : 1) I believe educating people with their past and their history ( Prior to Islam ) is one of the keys to destroy Mullahs in Iran. 2) Sign a petition and write many letters to US Congress, British and European Parliaments asking them to to stop interfering in our country`s internal affairs letting us the people choose our next government inside Iran.
3) Its is utmost important for Iran and Israel to become once again the closest allies in middle east since we are both non Arab countries in the middle east against our common enemies, i.e. Arabic nations.
4) Establish a good relationship with Jewish lobby (AIPAC). In end i have many more solutions to destroy Islamic Republic that it will be mentioned in my book.
N.B. The British call our country the sleeping lion, let it be written today that the sleeping lion has awaken !
Cyrus the Great once said : Either we will take over the world and become king of kings or else the world will take us over and make us their slaves, hence he decided to take the world in a humble fashion unlike what the Westerners did to the world today, especially to us Persians that they envy so much !

N.B. For last 200 years up to present our country has been running indirectly by the British, Russians and Americans. They simply have been buying our traitorous governments in order to steal our oil and natural resources. Everyday the American, British and Russian tankers go to khark Island ( Change their flag to another one ) and take our oil for free. Then they sell some of it in the black market and with the rest they place it in their reserve reservoirs for the future use. That way they don't have to worry about their own oil running out anytime in the near future. ( Alaska, Texas, North Sea, Siberia, etc ... ). That's why we have the American, British and Russian fleet in the Persian gulf as a reminder of their treat in case our puppet government does not comply !

American Companies also give billions dollars in form of aids and loans to poor countries like ours knowing very well that for years to come we won`t be able to pay off these heavy loans in exchange for our natural resources signed off to them indefinitely,

In another word all our natural resources have already been sold to foreign companies for ever without the knowledge or permission of our people. Thanks to our puppet governments !

Ardeshir Ariana


Engleesy =

by Anonymous-Jahany (not verified) on

انگلیس یعنی دسیسه و تفرقه انداز. هموطن ایرانی مواظب کارهای این حرامزادها باید بود. غربیها بخصوص انگلیسیها از تاریخ قبل از اسلام ایران وحشت دارند و به هر طریق سعی می کنند ان تاریخ شکوهمند و پر افتخار را کم نور و بی اهمیت جلوه دهند. حتی پیشرفت علمی و فرهنگی ایران را به وجود دین اسلام متحجر ربط میدهند و کردیت ان را به اسلام میدهند. ترس انها از این است که روزی ایرانیها واقعیتها را در مورد تاریخ پر شکوه قبل از اسلام کشورشان دو باره بازیابند و دوباره کشوری قدرتمند مثل پرژیای سابق را به وجود اورند. ترس انها از ناسیونالیست ایرانی است نه از مشتی اخوند غیر ایرانی. هموطن- ایرانی مقتدر باش نه مسلمان عقب افتاده. ایرانی بودن با مسلمان بودن سر سازگاری ندارد چون مسلمان یعنی عرب یعنی نوکر انگلیس.