Shiraz, Wine, Jews

From Sadeq Saba's BBC documentary "A Taste of Iran"

Shiraz Wine:

Shiraz City:

Shiraz Jews:


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کوزه های هشتصد ساله

JD (not verified)

خوش بحال آن شخص که کوزه های هشتصد ساله دارد. بر اساس مقاله ای در نشریه "فیلادلفیا انکوایرر" قدیمی ترین خمره آغشته به بازمادنده و رسوبات شراب در ایران پیدا شده است و متعلق به سه هزار سال پیش است. این کشف ایران را قدیمیترین کشور تولید کننده شراب میسازد.


its like beautiful girls

by Alborzi (not verified) on

I grew up in Rezayeh (Urumieh), it was gorgeous, it had many minorities. The thing is that I have not been to a place in Iran that was not great. Its kind of like beautiful girls, you cannot say which one is better, they all are good. You just have to find a way to stay young forever, you will run out of time. If you understand that you will understand life.


i have been watching this

by azadi55 (not verified) on

i have been watching this mini series on BBC. I recommend you find out when it plays in your local BBC channel and watch it. Very nicely done. Next episode the narrator goes south to bandar abas and kish. i think it will be the last episode in the series.


I love Shiraz

by Anonymous9999 (not verified) on

It is the most beautiful city in Iran with very nice Shirazee people.