
Reza Moridi

Iranian-Canadian member of parliament

An award-winning scientist, engineer, educator, business leader and community activist who has lived in Richmond Hill since 1991, Reza Moridi was first elected to the Ontario Legislative Assembly in 2007. Subsequently, he was appointed by Premier Dalton McGuinty as the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities. He was also appointed to the Cabinet Committee on Economy, Environment and Resources Policy. Prior to his election, Reza was the Vice-President and Chief Scientist of the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada. His 17 year career at this Institute provided him with a through understanding of the nuclear industry of Canada as well as the application of radiation and nuclear materials in a large variety of industry and health care sectors >>>

<a href="//">Reza Moridi</a>22-Jan-2009


zende bashi, ay gofti

by Tabrizli (not verified) on

Hey guys, he is right we are also Iranians. watch your mouth and let us live in peace together.


The guy is a pan-Turk

by AnonymousIranianPiruz (not verified) on

I agree with mardavij read here:

He calls Iranian people as different Melliyats (Nations) where the correct word is Qowm (ethnic group).

Also in the same seminar a racist anti-Iranian by the name of Asgharzadeh participated who you can learn more about here:



to Anonymous-tehrany

by Anonymous999999999999999999 (not verified) on

are you suggesting that iranians let azari people in to their country a millinium ago? where are u readying your history from. I am from Tabriz and we've been there longer than you have been in Tehran, the desert that you live in. Namak-e ki ro khordeh? you better becareful what you say. no azari would ever want to seperate from their own land, Iran. if we don't like fars people, we can always kick them out of iran to india or afghanistan, why we need to seperate? we have always slapped you fars people around during our very long history, and we won't hesitate to do so again, if you don't think before you speak about the history. after all, our prophet, zartost was azari.


re: pope stop your...

by sanazi on

Iran's azaris are one of us! As pope said it, they are our hamvatans! Now turks? who are they? They are not our hamvatans...
By the way, if anyone is divisive on this site, it is Azerbaijaniturk,,,he has made a series of divisive comments against the Iranian/Persian identity on this site, but unfortunately, he is not a registered member and I cannot track down his comments for you. Anyways, pope gave him a very good reply!


Dear Pahlevan

by ThePope on

Pahlevoon, read the comments on this thread first, then read my comment a couple of times....

BTW, when did I ever call our Aazari hamvatan.... anything?!!


To Pahlevan

by Anonymous-Azary (not verified) on

You need to read Pope's comment with more care. I don't see anything about Pan-Aryanism in his comment. That what he is saying is that We Azaris are NOT Turks and I agree 100% with him as an Azari myself. If you read the history of Iran and learned about all crimes and atrocities committed by Turks and Arabs against Iranian People than you will understand the Pope's point of view in his comment.


pope stop your divisive rhetoric

by Pahlevan on

Your mentality is what might divide Iran someday; majority of Iranians (I hope) would disagree with you. Your pan-aryanism is as as bad as pan-turkism. To deny the Turkic elements of Iranian Azeris' heritage and calling them "turk-e-khar", I assure you, is not in the best interest of Iran and Iranians. I ask you as a hamvatan to stop this nonsense, if really love Iran.


Where is Fatollah? Where is Abarmard?

by Anonymous-CANADA (not verified) on

Come on guys we need to hear from you about Mr. Moridi. May be you guys know him and can give us some information.


Ham mihanaamoon, Aazari haa...

by ThePope on

Always proud of our different Iranian ethnicities; Pars, Aazari, Kord, Lor, Baluch, Torkaman... (and the list goes on)
We are ALL Iran (Persia) together.

Nevermind the ones that call themselves "turks" or aze(!)ri-turks (whatever that is) but the Azaris that I know, like the 20 some millions of them in Iran, will NEVER call themselves (or let anyone) to call them 'turk', they are Azari, period! And they're proud of being Iranian, PERIOD! And that is because they are still in their motherland (Iran) and they have NOT lost their identity...

But the UNEDUCATED ones or the ones with no background, tend to change color easily! (The first time they gave themselves away was during the Seljuq invasion),,, They're traitors, it's in their blood (read history)!

Only SOME of them, mostly the ones separated from their motherland (Iran), have lost their identity... And they should start to educate themselves, they should start HERE:

We know that the new born aze(!)rbaijanis they need an identity & culture and what better way then following the turk-e khar & arab-e sag sefat (tazee) path by stealing OUR Persian-Iranian culture/history/poets(!!)/ music...

-No wonder why the "turks" are so "loved" aound the globe. 


p.s.  that's all I have to say, haalaa hey biyaa khodeto jer bedeh ;-)


Moridi is a pan-turk

by shahr man shiraz (not verified) on

he is a panturk. he was director of that Azari center in Toronto.


This guy supports

by AnonymousIrandoost (not verified) on

This guy supports pan-Turkist trash. But he rides on the votes of the gullible Iranian community when it is needed. Iranians should become aware of who they are voting for.


Mr. Moridi and "slush fund"

by Anonymous2 (not verified) on

More on Mr. Moridi and his relationship with the Liberal Party of Ontario:


To Azarbaijani Turk

by Anonymous-Azary (not verified) on

See even in Canada we produce the best of Iranians :)

I wish we Azaris could produce good Iranians like Mr. Modiri in Iran and trash Azaris like Ali Kamanehee and Sadegh Khalkalie in Canada.
P.S. If he is a Pan-turk then I would be very ashamed to have him as a Hamvatan.


To Azarbaijani Turk

by Anonymous-tehrany (not verified) on

You guys should be thankful and grateful that you could come to the most civilized and progressive country like Iran one millennium ago and had the opportunity to strength your roots as Iranians. Mr. Moridi is an example of that and I hope what Mardaviz said is not true! It would be very unfair and disgusting: Namak ra Kordan and Namakdan ra shekastan!


To Mardaviz

by Mani Shahrokni (not verified) on

Where have you read or heard this? Can you back up this claim?

I saw Mr. Moridi at the Canadian Iranian Engineering Association gathering for Shab-e Yalda a month ago, where he greeted most of the guests. The Canadian anthem and Ey Iran were played there, and he stood up like most other people. I also saw him last summer at the Shahnameh concert, where he made a speech in honor of Ferdowsi, Persian poetry and literature.

In another function, he honored Anousheh Ansari, the first female space tourist, as a great role model of Iranian origin.

These are not signs of being a separatist.

In addition, Mr. Moridi has been living out of Iran for more than 30 years, so I highly doubt that he has any political connections to Iran or to any Iranian or Azari political movement.


Yes, he is an Azerbaijani Turk

by Azerbaijani Turk (not verified) on

He has always been a big supporter of Azerbaijani community in Toronto. He was and is an active memeber of the community. He also attended Araz Elses' concert :)in Toronto last year. See even in Canada we produce the best of Iranians :)


Unfortunately, nowadays, he

by Mardaviz (not verified) on

Unfortunately, nowadays, he has become a pan-Turkist who supports separatist fringe groups whose agenda is to break up Iran.


Well Done

by Bunyip on

I, as an Iranian, am very proud to see a compatriot doing so well in foreign lands. Perhaps Haj Agha needs to have a good look at himself, and make something out of his life. Wingeing does not take anyone anywhere. Dr Moridi can be a great role model for Haj Agha in Canada,