Christian prophecy

Persia a great spiritual power... on the dark side!




by amirkabear4u on

a man called reza khan decided to change Persia to Iran (god knows for whatever reason) then people are getting the blame.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

You will find that since 911, US, Britain, and Australia have all
banned preachings by Muslim teahcers which incite hatred and promote or
encourage terrorist actions. If they have not created new laws then
they are using existing laws.

Advocating violence has always been illegal in the United States. If people were getting away with it before 9/11, they shouldn't have been. 

What does that have to do with you this clip?

At the moment there is a bill in front of the Australian parliament which specifically addresses this issue.

I'm not Australian. But in my opinion, there's no "issue". Advocating violence is not a protected form of expression.

Muslims charities suspected of having given money to any suspected
terror organisations have been locked up, their assets confiscated,
etc. The news has been full of it, since 911; particularly in America.

And that's bad? lol. Dude...

These envangelicals have been funding young American Jews to go to
Israel in the belief that by gathering Jews in Israel it will hasten
the next coming of Christ. In the Jewish tradiion this is called
'aalia'or 'alya' and is very much taken to heart by Christian
Evangelists. Google for it.

And how is that at all similar? Are they telling them that they are to go to Israel and kill people?

Am done with these religious maniacs and it would be fine if they
were benign but their ideas have lead to the killing of innocent people
and for that reason, I believe they should be banned; all of them; no

Well, since you have no religious freedom in Bahrain anyway, I'm with you on that. Ban em all. Just don't tell me how we're supposed to be doing it over here where I live.


Ahmed from Bahrain


by Ahmed from Bahrain on

You will find that since 911, US, Britain, and Australia have all banned preachings by Muslim teahcers which incite hatred and promote or encourage terrorist actions. If they have not created new laws then they are using existing laws.

At the moment there is a bill in front of the Australian parliament which specifically addresses this issue.

Muslims charities suspected of having given money to any suspected terror organisations have been locked up, their assets confiscated, etc. The news has been full of it, since 911; particularly in America.

These envangelicals have been funding young American Jews to go to Israel in the belief that by gathering Jews in Israel it will hasten the next coming of Christ. In the Jewish tradiion this is called 'aalia'or 'alya' and is very much taken to heart by Christian Evangelists. Google for it.

Am done with these religious maniacs and it would be fine if they were benign but their ideas have lead to the killing of innocent people and for that reason, I believe they should be banned; all of them; no exception.

Ahmed from Bahrain



by anonymous111.2 on

Yep.  Just as expected, my comment--which in no shape or form violated the site's policies--was deleted.

I don't know whether she deleted my account before or after that comment, but it was deleted right after I had an argument with her on a blog.  Then the blog itself disappeared.

It just can't be a coincidence.  No way.  That's why I wanted you to read my account of what happened. 

ex programmer craig

She's fast!

by ex programmer craig on

Just read it, but now it is gone already. Did she delete your account before or after she commented this:

reading some of the comments from people here who have no idea what's going on in Iran makes me furious

I can't understand a word of farsi, that's why I didn't read that post, but if I'd been in there I would have made a public service announcement when I read that, warning people to stay the hell away from ID for a while if they want to keep their accounts.

And I notice she deleted your comment at the top of the thread, even though it didn't violate any of the published rules on this website. And yes, I agree it is either her or somebody doing it on her behalf. It never happens except when she is involved. Nobody will ever convince me it is coincidence.




by anonymous111.2 on

This is a little off topic, but I think that you may be interested in reading my comment on this thread:


It's one of the most recent comments (right on top).  I think that you'll find it interesting.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

If America and other so-called civilised world can ban teachings of
fanaticism in local Muslim schools, which I totally agree with...

Got some evidence to support that claim? That the US bans religious teachings in religious schools, I mean?

And I think it's a bit interesting that you call Christians discussing scripture "fanatics". What would you do to people like that in Bahrain? And considering that in some places in the Gulf, where you live, the practice of Christianity is banned outright - as in ILLEGAL - it seems like your efforts to promote religious tolerance (although you seem quite intolerant for somebody who advocates religious tolerance, to me) might be better directed at your neighbors, than against us here halfway around the world. Example: there ARE Muslim schools in the US. There ARE NOT Christian schools in KSA. There ARE Mosques in teh US. There ARE NOT Churches in KSA.

Clean your own house, and stay the fuck away from mine if you can't change your shitass attitude.

And PS- As a Christian I am TOTALLY sorry that Christian beliefs so offend you. Really. I am. I can COMPLETELY understand why Christians have to be persecuted to the brink of extinction in your part of the world. 



Ahmed from Bahrain

Amir jan

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Just go to and do a search for "christian prophecy Iran"

And read all the crap but don't let your blood pressure go up.

If America and other so-called civilised world can ban teachings of fanaticism in local Muslim schools, which I totally agree with, then the same laws should also apply to propagation of such crap which equally numbs the mind of young Christian fanatics on the vege of hullucination.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Hypocracy has many faces.

Payande hast Iran.

Ahmed from Bahrain



by amirkabear4u on

Can you please provide a link for this. I can not see anything. What is this? Is it a video clip?


Farsi or Persian

by jimzbund on

The language of Iranians has been Parsi ( Farsi the Arabic pronounciation). We had to go along with what English speaking people called our language as Persian  but finally ended up correcting it . there are some debates whether it was better to leave it as Persian since it has been known like that for ages but in the words of Hakim Ferdowsi,

 Basi ranj bordam dar in saal si,

Ajam zendeh kardam bedin Parsi

 Payandeh Iran

Bund, Jimz Bund


All religions have prophecies about the end of the world

by jimzbund on

these guys are just referring to the Old testament part which clearly indicates the countries which will be involved with attacking Israel and US and the rest. I believe sometimes these become self fulfilling prophecies at times as these guys try to make it happen to prove their point. Even whatever Jesus did he said " so that the propehcy be fulfilled". Islam itself too is full of prophecies and man made stuff about the end , ,Mahdi, jesus, dajjal and etc .  What is interesting about the Abrahamic based religions is that they mention Elam, Persia as a culprit for the great disater which willculminate in the 2/3 of Earth's population to be destroyed. And believe me, I have done my reasearch in this field.

Long Live, Elam,Persia, Iran


Bund, Jimz Bund

Ahmed from Bahrain

Prophecy m'rofesi

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

We have enough Islamic prophecies, now we can add to them some Christian hockus pocus.

Time to let all that crap go and live life free from such limiting  boundaries.

Notice how it is common to say that Ahmedinejad has a few nukes, as if first this is a fact and second, it gives US/UK the right to wade into Iran as of right. Now they can equate Iran with Nazi Germany  and that is a fact worth dropping a few nukes on. Who better to do this than the chosen children of this murderous god?

Here we are mocking the Muslims as to how they literally interpret Quran but we have these supposedly learned men with a lot of nukes, reading from the Bible as if it is the undoubted word of God and taking it so seriously that they are happy to inflict death enmasse on others who do not share their belief.

They should all be locked up in some lunatic institution.

What about Israel? They started all the battles and if one read the account of Joshua in the Bible, then one sees how vicious this god of Israel is; butchering the old & young; male & female and the children, not to mention the animals. Outright massacre in the name of god.

Question: Does prophecy fulfill man OR  man fulfills prophecy?

Ahmed from Bahrain


Dear American Dream; How Persian became Farsi /فارسی


I left Iran at a very young age and in nearly 20 years, never heard anyone speaking english, refer to our language as Farsi, until I arrived in California and started hearing non english speaking Iranians answering Farsi, when asked by Americans, what language are you speaking?

At first this seemed like quite an innocent mistake on the part of a new arrival, unfamiliar with the english language, not unlike any non english speaking  foreigner; a mexican, french, German,or Russian, who might answer the same question with Espanol, Francais, Deutsch or Ruski.

Soon Los Angeles started to become Tehran Geles and  Farsi started to become the new reference to The Persian Language.

I wonder if Mexicans, The Spanish, The French, Germans etc. would insist in the same obstinate manner...


ex programmer craig

lack of faith

by ex programmer craig on

Anonymous Observer

Wow, The Power of the Dark Side!!!!!

by Anonymous Observer on

I didn't know we had it.!!!!!!!

As an Iranian and a Star Wars fan, I can tell you that I feel very....."special" at this moment!

May the force be with us!!

American Dream

Persia was abolished in 1935. Persia no longer exists

by American Dream on

The name "Persia" was properly abolished in 1935 by Reza Khan.  These two gentleman have it all wrong.

Even the language is termed farsi rather than "persia".

"persian rugs" at one time were exclusively made in Iran.  After 1979, when the United States put an embargo on rugs made in Iran persian designed rugs were imported from India, pakistan and china.

Today that persian design is now called persian rug and may be made in any country.  There are Persian Rugs made in Atlanta Georgia.  I have seen a Tabriz rug being sold at a department store made in Georgia, U.S.A.

Even the term "Persian Gulf" is disputed by many Gulf countries.  Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, and parts of the Khuzestan province in Iran call the "persian gulf" the Arabian Gulf.

It is nonsense to even use the term "persia"" or "persian" to refer to Iran in modern day.



by capt_ayhab on

One can always count on you to break the monotony of the debate.

Excellent clip refigh.




Ex Craig

by Daryush on

ooh baby don't you cry. It's OK dude.
I didn't expect an answer, since you got none.
Zionists are bastards, and so are their supporters.

Cheers now.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

You owe me a new keyboard! I was drinking my coffee here!

ex programmer craig

I clearly typed "Darius"

by ex programmer craig on

Not "Daryush". Go peddle that garbage to somebody who cares about your opinions.

Darius Kadivar

This is Like DeMille Met Stanley Kubrick ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on



Care For PopCorn during Intermission ? ...



ex programmer craig

by Daryush on

As I recall your passion to support Zionists, I am wondering what you think about the new statement from Israel that "Obama is an slave" and "can't dictate his terms to us"?

After all the money, weapons and lives that the US is paying for the bastards, once America say no to Israel, they call your president "Slave".

They also held anti American rallies in Jerusalem.

LOL. Now go pay your taxes so they can build more schools for them kids.

I understand how you feel. As we can't get rid of Mullahs in our system, you can't get rid of Rabbis in yours.


ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

I agree with you. All the prophecy in scripture is much to vague for anybody to try to claim they understand exactly what it means. Amongst Christians, the Book of Revelation is very controversial and not universally accepted as valid at all. Which is probably why these two guys chose to go with the much older Book of Ezekiel for their theorizing. I personally am very suspicious when Christians start quoting from the Old Testament (Judaism) because most Christians think of the Old Testament as only being included in the Christian Bible for reference. If Christians want to use the Jewish scripture as "words of wisdom" that's fine, but using it to build a theological argument is bogus as far as I'm concerned. If they have such faith in Jewish scripture, why are they Christians and not Jews? And notice, they will be the first to throw the Old Testament over the side when it contradicts some other argument they want to put forward :)


These guys are gay

by Daryush on

And that's why they are afraid because we don't have any gays in Iran.



by capt_ayhab on

Where did you guys dig up these poopooheads? These two stupid monkeys are disgrace to any decent human being.



IDear Craig

by darius on

I am sorry , I did  no texplain myself clearly. Of course the story of anti christ goes back to book of Revelation but no where in Bible it discribes the anti christ and gives it face and name.The modern version of antichrist  is made in  america in which  anti christ has name, face and place .Assuming that  this names and faces are given by coincidence and not  by a purpose ,it is a clear mistake.


1-Sure , you are right this is an old story and the similar versionof  it can be seen in many other religion including Islam .

2-The preaching of anti -christ is  not limited to only two bored grandpa, it has been taught and advertised in so called meg churches.

3-The point is that ignorance is not solely made for the Muslims it is a widespread disease across the board.You will be surprised  to see how many educated american accept what you call it ...Also , I need to remind you this two grandpa's production

is not simply practicing the freedom of speech but behind it lies the 

idea of a crusade, which what is the world of evanglism is all about.

The idea of Mehdi disappearing in a dark is as stupid as the idea of using bible verses to put  name and faces to 

anti christ figure.






ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

These kind of Christian prophecy goes back to the cold war era
whereChristian and CIA , created an anti -christ from USSR and its

It's been around a lot longer than that! 

And, one of the pillars of Islam is belief in Judgment Day, which is what these guys are (indirectly) talking about. There's even a Mehdi at the end of the story, for Shiites.

I've never heard of these two guys or the magaizne they are talking about but they seem like a couple of grandpas who I would expect to see sitting in their recliners on a Sunday afternoon, shooting the shit with anyone who'd sit still and listen. No big deal. They aren't going to hurt anyone, nor are they advising anyone to do violence. And at least that one guy pronouned "Iranian" correctly.



What a question!

by darius on

Dear Craig,


This event has nothing  to do with Islam or Muslim.There were no Muslim when these thigns were happening  and also , there was no chirstianity.

Depsite  denial of Christian,Jews and others, every religion scholar is aware of Zoroaster influence in ( Zartosht) all the religion of its time including Hinduism .

These kind of Christian prophecy goes back to the cold war era whereChristian and CIA , created an anti -christ from USSR and its sattelite.

When the USSR broke down to pieces and these guys were disappointed , then EU became atarget,  when that  didn't work either they moved to 

Middle East.

I am not surprised, these people are trained in their seminary including all other religion to face the public and fool every one

with no sweat.

I know one thing , when they run out of all their lies , no one  will beleive in GOD because of the lies and deception of these people.




Kaveh Nouraee

What a Bunch of Baloney!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

These two clowns are no different than the clowns in Iran wearing turbans.

They're lucky to be living in a country where they are free to spew this vomit.


What a question!

by darius on

Dear Craig,


This event has nothing  to do with Islam or Muslim.There were no Muslim when these thigns were happening  and also , there was no chirstianity.

Depsite  denial of Christian,Jews and others, every religion scholar is aware of Zoroaster influence in ( Zartosht) all the religion of its time including Hinduism .

These kind of Christian prophecy goes back to the cold war era whereChristian and CIA , created an anti -christ from USSR and its sattelite.

When the USSR broke down to pieces and these guys were disappointed , then EU became atarget,  when that  didn't work either they moved to 

Middle East.

I am not surprised, these people are trained in their seminary including all other religion to face the public and fool every one

with no sweat.

I know one thing , when they run out of all their lies , no one  will beleive in GOD because of the lies and deception of these people.