Disable police motorcycles

How to use nails in imaginative ways



What do you do if somebody

by filou (not verified) on

What do you do if somebody attach your brother, father, mother and etc? You wait ans see?

For saying this, I think that you live confortably out of iran.


Terorisem Teaching

by Hassan Agah (not verified) on

How sad and how unfortunate that iranian.com is contributing/ promoting such stupid ideas.

The maker, the promoter and whoever does not reject such ideas need to grow up


Enter the Rofaghaye Enghelaabi

by WhoCares (not verified) on

Who cares about people. These guys want the blood flowing in the streets!!!!!!!!!!!
Bichaareh bachehaye Vatani ke be inha gosh bedan!

I bet FBI will be looking for people who posted these video in youtube.


Sound and picture don't match

by farrad02 on

Sound and picture don't match!


Smart esfehooni! he teaches them and sits back &watches them!

by gol-dust on



Is this practical?

by FarhadS on

How many of these you need to prepare.  how do you make sure regular people dont get injured and isnt it easy to spot and avoid by bikers?



by Anonymous-USA (not verified) on

I think he is one of Ardeshir's relatives(Funny Esfohonee guy).

PS: Dame mardoome Esfehan garm for fighting the IRI in the past 3 weeks. Thanks to all of them.


works for me :-)

by 95Anonymous warriors (not verified) on

sheet metal screws are more effective


Excellent, very creative

by Susan Zahedi (not verified) on

Excellent, very creative !
Also easy and cheap to make!!
Don't you love his accent?

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Doesn't he sound like the male Martha Stewart?