Masoud Behnoud

Journalist speaks on Iranian uprising at London's SOAS


more from Golbaang

and if you do read his stuff

by fozolie on

You will find it to be full of lies, from his books to his blog.  He obviously has not learnt that people are fed up with politics by innuendo.  He like all the other Opposition outside is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is support for Iranians inside Iran and their plight.

Mr. Fozolie




Give this movement a couple more months, maybe a year or so and I'll tell you who has a point and who is simply delluding themselves.




The guy has a point

by yAghi on

dosteh aziz,

sAli keh nekoost az bahAresh peydAst .. bAyad khylee bekAr bAshi keh beh in shero ver goosh koni badesh ham behesh begi POINT. I am not sure if you know how to define point.

bA ehtrAm,



Exported ommatie regime "Enabler"

by SamSamIIII on


@ his best & a beast of opportune lecturing folks on "accepting the reality on the ground", "not worse than Iraq","...better off to come on the good side of Ayatollah Khamenei" and mumbo jumbo like that. A true Turn-coat pimpin his way just like his twin E.Nabavi..Tavaab 




Behnoud didn't get it

by ghalam-doon on

Yea, he says the obvious. It's very very hard to defeat a mafia organization which has been in the making for the past thirty years. But if we compare what Irainians have achieved in the past thirty days and where we are now in our movement to create a more just society, "tafavot az zamin ta aseman ast." What we have for the 1st time since the revolution is unity and purpose. The whole world has recognized that we're not the terrorists, but the governemt that has imposed itself upon us is the real terrorist. 

Mr. Behnoud never gets it. That's the story of his life. He thought of the Iraqi invasion as a tsunami which will bring freedom to the whole region! Enough said.


The guy has a point...


... and stop with your typical judgemental BS people. Read his blog to get a taste of what he is about. 




I nominate him

by oktaby on

For the Deuchebag of the day. And after he can tell his a#$ from his elbow, I will nominate him for intellectual wannabe traitor of the day. IR has been producing this kind of garbage by the hundreds.


You got to be kidding me

by fozolie on

Anybody but this lying ineffectual nascent ponce. 

Mr. Fozolie