Times Sqaure protest

Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran, New York City July 25th, 2009


American Dream

The Green Flags and the Yellow T-Shirts

by American Dream on

The Green flags represent the Iranian candidate for president in the last election, Mr. Mousavi.

Why did Mr. Mousavi campaign chose the color green?

Mousavi is a descendant of Islam's Prophet Mohammad.  The color green is the color used to represent the Prophet Mohammad's family 1380 years ago.  

Mousavi is related to Ayat'Allah Khamenei and his origins in Iran are from the Azari town named Khameneh.

During the period that Mr. Mousavi was Prime Minister of Iran, the most amount of political prisoners were killed.  That happened during the early 1980s.

And the Yellow T-shirts remind me of the Lebanese Hizb'Allah flag.

Whoever organized this protest and all of the other protests on July 25th were hard core Islamicists.

And Ms. Ebadi has been window dressing for the theocracy since February 11, 1979.

If this is the face of reform in Iran, then 4 more years of Ahmadinejad won't differ from the reform alternative.



Thank You!

by Yana on

shad zee


G. Rahmanian

Great Video!

by G. Rahmanian on

Thanks for the video, Noushin.

I was impressed by the number of people participating in this protest rally.

Let's all hope for a free and democratic Iran.