Green Cartoon

"Raay" in support of Mousavi's presidential campaign

Jesus Christ! Mousavi's campaign machine is somethin' else.




by MiNeum71 on

A bit too long, but a funny ad ...



Not so great ada

by 1 Hamvatan (not verified) on

I personally find the ads very poorly made, both are an insult to the people, both have not mentioned, how will they improve the conditions in Iran, economically, politically and socially.

All they care is to extend the life of Islamic Regime, at all costs. People are not important to them.


Karroubi pushing the envelope

by Q on

This is good as a political ad, but Karroubi is going above and beyond. Check this out:

Jahanshah Javid

Wrong ending

by Jahanshah Javid on

I was expecting that an artist of this caliber would avoid taking sides and show the absurdities of ALL the candidates. Heyf keh it ended up being propaganda.