
Mahviz Daneshforouz

AKA Yvonne Boreta, hot stripper 1960s YVONNE BORETA Yvonne Mahviz Boreta, 64, of Las Vegas, passed away June 3, 2009. She was born Sept. 2, 1944, in Tehran, Iran, to her father and mother, Rahym Daneshforouz and Malak Taj Bassidji, the second born of nine children. Yvonne was an accomplished painter, model and college graduate. She moved to San Francisco in 1962, and became a resident of Las Vegas in 1974. Yvonne was the original Cleopatra at the opening of Caesars Palace in 1966. Yvonne will be greatly missed by her husband, of 41 years, Voss Boreta; her three children; her mother; brothers; sisters; and grandchildren. There will be a visitation for Yvonne's family and many friends from noon-2 p.m. Wednesday, June 10, with a memorial service immediately following, both at Palm Mortuary, 800 S. Boulder Highway, in Henderson.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, Topless memories: It was just a small notice the other day among the paid obituaries, that Yvonne Boreta, "accomplished painter, model and college graduate," had passed away in Las Vegas at the age of 64. The obit didn't mention it, but she was better known in these parts as one of the hottest acts in North Beach when the strip scene there was in its heyday. Back in the 1960s, the Iranian-born blond bombshell took it all off - or most of it, anyway - at the Off Broadway under the stage name Yvonne D'Angers. The reporters of the day, uniformly male, dubbed her "the Persian Lamb."


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by Family (not verified) on

Everyone has the right to post and say what they want, because thanks to this great country we are allowed to. So I will say what I want, you are speaking about a person that has passed away. Her family are still mourning her and dealing with a pain so deep that words can NOT describe. She lived a life that you can only dream of living, actually you will probably NEVER live a life like hers. She had the ability to travel where ever and whenever she wanted to, she was beautiful, and she was LOVED by her family. Her family were NOT ashamed of what she did and actually because of her sacrifice her family were able to leave Iran. I know all of this because I am one of those family members that LOVE her and is still mourning her death. May God forgive you for speaking of a woman that you will never measure up too.



by A B (not verified) on

There is nothing wrong with this post. You all need to get the sticks out of your *sses!

There are plenty of other areas on the website to see the "revolution".


oh... people can post

by Sasan (not verified) on

oh... people can post whatever they want. They do that all day long.

BUT, it's JJ and the Mods of this site who PICK what becomes Iranian-Of-The-Day. And there were PLENTY of posts on 15th who would have been a better choice.

Again, shame, shame...



by Sasan (not verified) on

Who the hell is in charge of this?

Are you kidding us?

"Iranians" are dying on the street, and you put this as "Iranian-of-day" ?

Shame on you JJ - I think you've completely lost touch


To: Arash_1970

by Villiam Vallace (not verified) on

You said it brother...AMEN!!! Why is it that some on this site can't enjoy and celebrate the fact that people like this lady have been able to live thier lives the way they wanted to?

Aren't the people in the streets of Iran right now demanding the same freedom to deciede for themselves how they want to live their lives just as Mahviz had the right to do in America? Who cares that she was a stripper! She had the right to decide for herself how she wanted to live her life. That's what you call FREEDOM.

Those who condemn Mahviz for her lifestyle or Faramarz for posting this post cannot really be people who are interested in FREEDOM. Such people want to put others down and to be judgemental about how others live their lives. They are really no different from the Akhoonds and Chadoris that have been terrorizing Iranians for three decades? Wouldn't you agree?


Not happy? Move on...

by Arash_1970 on gives you the choice to post and read WHATEVER you want.If someone does not like this post ,they can ignor it and move on.Why do you want to impose your priorities on every one else ? Sure ,it's not related to the recent events in Iran but so what?? I am tired of dicatators. This post is about the life of another Iranian just like me and you.Celebration of a life.Don't find it appropriate ?Don't like it? DON'T READ !!!

Dear Faramarz

Thank you for sharing this with us.



you are the iranian revolutionary?People are dying& U post this?

by gol-dust on

I guess, you mean what you say! Real nationalist! Sad!



by A B (not verified) on

It would be great to have more info and pictures. It's seems that she led a very colorful life.



by ProudToBeAnonymous (not verified) on

Great timing for posting this Faramarz, really great!