Makhmalbaf's message

Director's address to Iranians abroad


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"ma hamdigaro dobare peida kardim

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

...dorood bar shoma, manam ba shoma, shoma ham ba main, ma hameh ba mardom Iranim"


the only translation I've seen, as requested:

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

English Translation- Mohsen Makhmalbaf's statements on the situation in Iran has been released. He is very well-connected in Iran. I have translated his words for the non-Farsi speakers. Please take a moment out of your time to share this video and the translation. The translation is pretty accurate. I may have missed a metaphor or two...but I tried my best with the amount of Farsi knowledge I have: // Mohsen Makhmalbaf's Translated Statement: Iranians living in Italy and other parts of the world, I urge you to not give up, because the people in the line of fire are are not scared. They are all chanting, "natarsim natarsim, ma hame ba ham hastim (Let's not be afraid, let's not be afraid. We are all in this together). We haven't seen this type of togetherness in a long time. This really has been our issue. We are aware people, but we were afraid because the oceans of Iran had become mere water droplets. In the past days, the water has been found again in the oceans. We have found our unity. We need to continue protesting in front of the embassies and lobby the issues pertaining to the people of Iran- with help from world governments, journalists and citizens. We need the world to recognize Ahmadinejad as the leader of a coup d'etat and not as the leader of Iran. If this happens, we will be successful. We have already been successful. Iran's history the past 30 years has been dissapointing. Now, our dissapointment has been expressed. We have found each other again. Even with all the violence happening in Iran, the Iranian people are more kind to each other now. For example, some put their motorcylces on fire, destroy their vehicles, so the fuels of their vehicles suppress the effects of the tear gas. They are defending each other. Around the world, we see that people have put their differences aside. Eveyrone is uniting their voices, chanting: "What happened to our vote?" "We want to vote again!" We want to have the rights to our future. I think that every Iranain in Iran is a commander, a force. Every Iranian outside of iran is a representative of the people in Iran, a reporter. Every Iranian who gets killed in the streets is a martyr. They are also all media, filming with their cell phones and uploading the content onto Youtube. We need to take these videos from Youtube and send out the links- send them to the reporters. You can help the reporters who may not be able to find all the videos amongst the many being uploaded. We need to work collectively to spread the information coming out from Iran. We need to continue. Friday night, at sunset, light a candle. Think about and respect the deaths of the brave. The Iranian people are planning to do the same outisde their houses, on their roofs, chanting: "Allah o Akbar. They will be chanting "Allah o Akbar" to not prove their religion, but to voice the intolerable pressures put on them by the government. Wearing the colour green is not to represent Mousavi, it is to represent a movement (democratic movement). We are all supporters. Right now, none of us belong to any specific groups- we need to unite. This is to speak out against Ahmadinejad, Khamenei, and 30 years of dictatorship in Iran. We want to take that closer step toward democracy. We should follow the footsteps of Ghandi and Mandella. We want the people of the West and the media to listen to the words of the Iranian people in Iran. I am with you, we are all together. pls share

Farah Rusta

اوستا فتحعلی

Farah Rusta

اولا متشکرم که منو به مقام والای سرکار سوری خانم ارتقا دادی. ایشون با من هم زبون نیستند بلکه هزار بار زبونشون از زبون من با ارزش تر و فاخر تره. دوما من فقط عرض کردم که بنده و ایشون همدلیم. حالا اگر این را هم طااقت نداری ببینی به قول حافظ: گر تو نمی پسندی، تغییر ده قضا را. سوّماً سوری خانم نمودار حقیقی‌ یک بانوی آزاده ایرانی هستند که حاضرند آدمی‌ مثل منو که از نظر سیاسی (بعضی‌ از) نظراتم مخالف ایشون هست نه تنها تحمل کنند بلکه با متانت نصیحت کرده و مرا خجالت داده و وادار به تغییر روش.  ایکاش یکی‌ از شما مدعیان ذره‌ای ازادگی سوری خانم را داشتید.

در پایان باز هم میگویم که رفسنجانی، خامنه ای، احمدی نژاد، خاتمی، موسوی، و مخمل باف و غیره همه از یک ریشه اند و از یک آب و خاک تغذیه شده اند. تفاوت آنها فقط در شاخ و برگشان است و رنگ و برنگشان.  حال اگر بعضی‌ اصرار دارند که شاخ و برگ را بببینند و نه ریشه را گو تو خوش باش که ما گوش به احمق نکنیم.




Manoucher Avaznia:According to Laleh Gillani he should be killed

by Mehdi on

Look at her posts, all people connected to the evil IRI must be killed. Now you have your answer :) hey, he probably "legitimized" the regime by creating movies that made it in the international arena and won awards. I think he should definitely be shot, along with Mousavi, and the rest of them. :-)

Manoucher Avaznia

Is there

by Manoucher Avaznia on

anyone to ask Mr. MakhmalBaaf as a fiml-maker close to the runling government until AhamadiNezhaad's coming to powere who filmed the political prisoners' confessions for broadcasting on the state television?  As an admirer of KarbaasChee and an advocate of freedom of expression living in Iran until recently he should be fully aware of that. 



Laleh Gillani: Now you are telling people what to think?

by Mehdi on

I think people can read my posts and yours. So why don't you state what you think or propose, instead of trying to twist what I say? 


Invitation to Evolve then Ridicule

by LalehGillani on

For those of us who have been following your posts, your tactics are obvious:

First, you propose to give murderers a chance to “evolve” since they haven’t committed any crimes. You present this argument forcefully because “Laleh can't precisely define what it is and what it is not” that they have done.

Once their crimes are identified, you resort to ridiculing your opponent. Sounds like that you have run out of steam and logical arguments again.

I look forward to another round of invitations to “evolve” followed by sarcasms. Until next time!


Laleh Gillani: OK, I am convinced now

by Mehdi on

Wow, I didn't know about any of this. Where have I been? I am convinced now. There is no hope. Let's everybody take arms and kill everybody. Of course, the evil IRI does not play fair. If they simply had an armband or something so that we would know who to shoot, it would make life so easy for us. Let's see, now, I remember my aunt one day was saying that nobody should swear at or disrespect a seyed as these people are descendants of the prophet, so I guess she should be shot too because technically, she was supporting all the points 1 to 16 that Laleh so dilligantly wrote down for us. And wait, I remember Masoud Rajavi also told us to support Khomeini back then, so, yup, he should be shot first. And let's see who else? Hmmmm, it seems to me by the time we are done we will need to import people from another ocuntry because everybody will be dead. Everybody had something to do with the creation of this evil IRI. So maybe we can later import people from Afghanistan. Wait, those bastards are worse than the evil IRI, for get it. maybe we can import from Israel? They seem to be nice people, don't you think?

Manoucher Avaznia

برای مفتی جنگ مسلحانه؛

Manoucher Avaznia

هرکسی کو دور ماند از اصل خویش

بازجوید روزگار وصل خویش


خانم ارباب سرکار مزدور بیگانه بود و نزد ایشان باز گشت.


dear Ostaad,

by Souri on

I forgot to talk about Ms Rousta.

When she first came in this site, she was using fool language and profanity which was very disgraceful and nobody liked it.

Now, Ms Rousta has changed the form. Recently I've seen some great posts from her, which worth the reflection. Regardless of  her political position, she is now one of the voices among others.

While people of Iran are ready to give Musavi the credit for being changed in "Maahiat" you are still not willing to believe some people can change at least in their "form" ? Why not?

I am willing to give Ms Rousta this credit.



Well I guess Makhmalbafs words fell on deaf ears.

by choghok on

When Ahmaghinejad is killing innocent people in dormitories and squares around the country while Mousavi is trying to unite people for a small democratic steps Iranian people can not even the smallest step since they do not agree on the angle. Some think it as a step back some think of it as wrong direction and some would like to take two steps instead of one. While they are arguing Ahmaghinejad keeps killing, when we will learn to unite for common good?

/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim


“Evil IRI”

by LalehGillani on

Mehdi wrote: “evil IRI (which Laleh can't precisely define what it is and what it is not, really)”

IRI is evil because of:

1. Mass murders of political prisoners 21 years ago.
2. Denying the victims of these mass murders and their families the right to proper burial and mourning.
3. Rape of female prisoners before their execution.
4. The chain killings of dissidents in 1990’s.
5. Imprisonment and torture of the opposition.
6. Persecution and oppression of women.
7. Denial of any form of freedom to its citizens.
8. Denial of human rights to its citizens.
9. Persecution and oppression of religious minorities.
10. Persecution and oppression of ethnic minorities.
11. Beating and killing of demonstrators in the streets of Iran.
12. Attacking Iran’s universities time and again to silence and murder students.
13. Censorship of any forms of media.
14. Execution of children.
15. Sponsoring and funding terrorists abroad.
16. Looting of our national wealth.

Have I forgotten anything? Everyone, please add to the list.



by Souri on

Ostaad aziz: I am %100 with the people of my country, I support their movement now. From the day, the IRI started to kill my children at the university and then in the street, I said now it's too late for a reform!! We have to support this movement and I hope it will make a radical change. I know I am too optimistic, but there's no reason we shouldn't hope for the best!

Dear NKMinea: Agree with you. "We should trust people on the streets. If any opening happens in Iran, people might decide, and wisely so, to gradually distance the state from religion altogether."


To: Souri

by Nkminea on

Souri, I agree with you on Mousavi. There is an Azeri children's tale named "Roobah beh haj miravad!", which is totally relevant in his case.  However, through his opposition to the conservatives he has provided an avenue for Iranians to fight for their civil rights. Unfortunately it seems that most liberal political figures in Iran have been silenced one way or the other or lack popular base. Religion/traditions seem to represent an important part of most people's life in Iran (grassroots most importantly). We should trust people on the streets. If any opening happens in Iran, people might decide, and wisely so, to gradually distance the state from religion altogether.


Taking the protest to IRI's websites!

by Nkminea on

I was looking to find A-Nejad's recent comments on the killings. I came accross his website!!! Yes he does have one where he communicates with his people directly! Granted the most recent post dates from 2007!!! There is a column where supposedly people from all over the world and of various nationalities send him messages, all congratulatory (no kiddin'). Well I sent a message just saying FREE IRAN - STOP THE KILLINGS (it does not require an email address). It never appeared on the page of course but there is someone who is reading it right now and cannot do anything about it. They have cut off Iranians from the World media but they cannot cut us off from IRI media! My husband thinks its useless but I think if there were enough people blogging on such pages (A-Nejad, Keyhan etc) it would mean something (forgive me, I am politically quite naive I know).


Bandar abbas,

by Souri on

I was thinking about the same solution, you know? I was thinking why now the women don't take off their hejab during the manifestation?

But this is another factor which needs more analyzing.

About Mousavi being changed, I always said if I were in Iran, I would voted for Ahmadi (sorry)

I hate corruption. Mousavi is a terrorist, now wearing the reformist dress!! When you are at the head of a country at 35 and you are cruel, terrorist and corrupted, at the age of 67 you can only pretend to be changed!! Not true!!!!

It is always easy to claim reform and freedom when you are in a weaker position. What else to do?

The real man is the one who is good while he is  at power, not when he is being down by another force. Look like we are duped, sorry.


عسگری، همان کسی که آرای 19 میلیونی موسوی

Nagmeh (not verified)

28 خرداد 88

عسگری، همان کسی که آرای 19 میلیونی موسوی رو لو داده بود،در تصادف ساختگی رانندگی کشته شد

به نوشته سعید کمالی در تهران، مردی که نتایج واقعی انتخابات (همان آماری که نشان میدهد احمدی نژاد در مقام سوم قرار دارد) را از وزارت کشور به بیرون درز داده بود در یک تصادف مشکوک کشته شد.

محمد عسگری که مسئول امنیت شبکه تکنولوژی اطلاعاتی IT وزارت کشور بود روز کذشته در تهران کشته شد. بنا بر گزارش عسگری نتایجی را به بیرون درز داد که نشان میداد در انتخابات با استفاده از نرم افزار جدیدی توسط دولت، آرا دریافتی از شهرستانها تغییر داه میشد. گزارش نشان میداد که موسوی با 19 میلیون رای برنده انتخابات میباشد.

ارسال شده توسط Farid Farkhondeh kish در 3:23 PM


Souri ye geraami,

by Ostaad on

Shoma lotf darid, va maa kheyli nokarim.

I don't think Khamenie/Ahmadinejad are asking us for a chance to change, girlfriend. They ARE the enemy and must be pushed out by any political means necessary.

Mousavi, to put it as nicely as I can, is a political sucker because he has never renounced the concept of Velayt-e Fagheeh. He was caught unawares in the turmoil caused by the massive "election" fraud. I call it massive fraud, because Ahamdinejad was selected due to the same kind of fraud in his first run for the presidency, but in a much smaller scale which made his electoral "victory" more plausible. I'm sure you remember Karubi and others raised some objections pointing out occurrence of fraud but to no avail. This time its seems someone jumped the gun and fudged the numbers to a implausible level and the rest is history.

Mousavi, in my opinion, just wanted to show a "kinder and gentler" face of the regime, but he had nothing beyond that.  I still don't think he is in any position politically and ideologically to LEAD the uprising. I am truly sorry the Iranian people have put their political faith in the hands of someone like Mousavi. That may indicate the "success" of the regime in preventing alternative leaders to evolve in the society. At the same time, I think the leaders who are neither indebted nor part of the Khomeini shananigans are in the social/political incubator righ now and the current unrests are putting the finishing touches. We are soon going to hear from them, just keep your ears to the ground, so to speak.

I don't know Makhmalbaf up close, but based on his latest remarks and actions, I have no problem giving him the benefit of the doubt. He may have to do a lot more than just talking to prove his true conversion.

The fact is the Iranians have shown the world they are alive and "kicking". I welcome talented people like Makhmabaf's joining the right side.

Nokar-e be jir-o-mavajeb shoma, Ostaad.

PS - I'm sorry to put you and Rusta in the same post. Heif-e shomaa nist keh ba Rusta ham zaban basheed?


LalehGillani: typical of the commie/MKO

by Mehdi on

The true "revolutionary!" The individual who sees "progress" when rivers of blood are flowing everywhere. That is real progress to her!

While she sheds crocodile tears for the "opressed" who "is being murdered on the street daily" (an outright lie), her "solution" is to take up arms and get involved in MORE bloodshed and take it to the next level. Her excuse, a false claim that "there is no hope." 

This is how they started the last disaster in 1979. And they are working at it again. Extreme bloodshed will somehow magically lead to an amazing democratic regime. One fine morning we wake up, after millions have been killed, and we find that the "evil IRI" is gone and everything is perfect all of a sudden. We don't even need to to go to work! Things are just heavenly. Why? Because this thing called "evil IRI" (which Laleh can't precisely define what it is and what it is not, really) has been removed! What a load of BULL!

On one had she claims there is no hope ever for this "evil regime" to improve, and on the other hand she says, "When the government officials started airing each other’s dirty laundry..." 

Why would a solidly evil regime do that? In fact it is not even possible to have any regime or person or group to be 100% solid evil. It is only a theoretical state.

But the likes of Laleh work by taking a tiny issue and by super-incredible-extreme-exaggeration, making it look like we should all give up our lives as there is no hope. It is criminal lying. This is what a psychopath does. Why not stick with accurate facts and decency? What is wrong with that? 



by bandar - bandar abbas (not verified) on

Well, good points you have.

looks like on some wants mousavi and some want to bring IRA down.
If you guys think this will bring IRA down in short term well keep day dreaming, in order to bring them down fast, you need way more ppl like NEDA ,... more and more shahid, to the point that IRA brings Tanks to the streets and start mass killing, like shah did. at that point then "sarnegoon mishan".

otherwise, with mousavi you might not see huge fundemental change. Its better to leave ahmadi in charge and bring IRA down in long run.look how much damage he caused in 4yrs.

There is no way that Mousavi have any chance the way Khameni has been speaking. he probebly go in exile.

My solution is the women = the power of iran

they should unite and in Theran streets hejaabha ro aatish bezanan, and if Sepah comes in thats when mens "ghairati mishan" and that makes more chaos.

I tell you guys ,its exciting time.


Evolving Killers?

by LalehGillani on

Mehdi wrote: “How easily people forget that the biggest reason this movement started was the debates the candidates had on NATIONAL TV which was ALLOWED by the system… Revolution is a mirage - an impossibility. Evolution is the correct way out.”

Quite to the contrary! The debates only reflected the decomposition of a rotting system.

When the government officials started airing each other’s dirty laundry in public, everyone realized the deep rooted divisions within the system and between the officials.

Mullahs and their cronies are cunning politicians who will change their colors and strips to match the changing winds and shifting sands of time. When people’s opposition to the regime became evident to the government insiders, some of them jumped on the bandwagon. However, the reformist leaders will do whatever in their power to salvage the Islamic government and offer only superficial changes to our people.

Time and again in various blogs and articles, I have read your comments encouraging people to abandon their desire for a revolution but settle for an evolutionary change. Although I fail to see your remedy for our current dilemma, I can’t help but noticing two things:

1. The murderous regime is and will be the only benefactor of your approach.

2. Iranian people must continue suffering and be content with the status quo.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a dictatorship responsible for crimes against humanity. Such a horde of thieves and murderer can’t evolve into human beings no matter how long we choose to wait. Your evolutionary process only emboldens them to continue their crimes of killing and looting.


Bandar abbas

by Souri on

I understand your feeling. Believe me I have seen most of his movies, I know who he is. But maybe you too, should inform yourself a bit more about who he really is, what he has done, and especially WHY he is now living outside of the country.

Those are the facts that many of his fan don't know. The truth is not as simple as you see "he got no agenda" 

Pleas don't be too naive. Although you are entitled to your opinion.



Ostaad jan

by Souri on

Ageh man mard boudam migoftam : ma mokhlesim (be zaboune khodetoun :)) I like you a lot and am very much in tune with most of your opinions.

Here I have a criticism: The guy is criticizing the IRI while he really ate their bread for 2 decades (nothing wrong so far as you said, people can change) but now he is the spokesman of Mousavi!! 

Who is he tryuing to fool ? There's something strange happening in this site, since a week, they are all boycotting the IRI but defend Mousavi (?)

we should admit that: Mousavi changed, Makhmalbaaf changed, and every body can change as you said....  Then, let give Khamenehee and Ahmadi the chance and the time to change too !! Why not???

Problem is: This nation has no more time to try same people twice!!

I have always been agianst hypocrisy, dear Ostaad.

Do you really think Mousavi has changed? 

Same is for Makhmalbaf!!

But I agree that he is a talented film maker.

Now, do you like this argument better than the Taryaki one?

Being a Taryaki is no problem, Being Taryaki and plitician is not a problem yet (they said Bakhtiar was too) but Being Taryaki and pretending to be Mobarez? ......... loooool

Yek kam la la landieh

hala, ma vaghean mokhlesim :)


Farah Rusta: Why are you making so many assumptions?

by Mehdi on

I wish you had not made so many assumptions about me and spent your time talking about issues that I had raised instead.

But to answer your questions, yes, even in 1979, it was the commies and the MKO and the likes who started the "revolution." Personally, I think it was a staged "revolution" and these commies and MKO were just used as toys to get the thing started only. What happened was that the CIA/MI-6/Mosad conglamorate had decided that Shah was not good for them anymore. They wanted a system that would be destructive of Iran's infrustraucture so that Iran could not pose a threat to their profit (Shah had started to be such a threat). Shah had already made it clear that he intended to not only raise the oil prices A LOT, but also he was not going to sell crude oil anymore but refined products at 20X the profit. Such progress in Iran would cause major financial damage to the West. So they needed to destroy Iran a little. They did a study and realized that all they needed was a "revolution." Once Shah's government collapsed, all they had to do was to get rid of the few commies and MKO, and the "revolution" would simply all by itself fall into the hands of the "majority" which was an uneducated, superstitious Muslim mass. These would faithfully and diligantly destroy the country. For good measures, they also pushed a war on the ocuntry by using their stooge, Saddam, to guarantee the destruction of all existing infrustructure and industry and finance. The they started to milk the nation - the oil prices fell to $6 a barrel or less for years. Iran was pushed back by about 100 years. Lots of $$$ flowed to US, Israel and West, in general. 

So that is my view of what happend in 1979. And they will try to do the same or something similar if they can. The mullahs, at least some of them have realized now what actually happened. But they don't quite know what to do. Possibly people like Rafsanjani and Mousavi have realized that it was all a trick but they still don't quite know what to do. Khamanei and Ahmadinejad also know to some degree but still, the question is what to do.

You may think it is simple, all they have to do is "give people freedom." But you would be sadly mistaken, because that is what Shah did! The point is that the average Iranian doesn't know what to do really. That is the reason that in the past 30 years you can't even find a group that has 10,000 members, despite the fact that anywhere from 3 to 10 million Iranians live outside of Iran and have no real fear of creating a group.

Again, revolution is a stupid. If people don't know what to do or which way to go, then why destroy everything? Why not be a little patient and learn? Why not let the Internet cover all of Iran first? you get the idea... 


Mehdi, please explain...

by Ostaad on

"aimless demonstrations and civil disturbance". Aren't you listening or watching what the people are saying?! They want their civil and human rights back, isn't that obvious to you?

Demonstrations and civil unrest are very appropriate tools for the people to express their views under dictatorship in spite of the fact that there is some violence. I'm not sure the perpetrators are the people who are demonstrating. Iranians, as you correctly pointed out, have matured politically and they are using the means that ANY civilized people use to show their discontent with the ruling junta.

So again what is do you exaclty find "stupid", "aimless", and ridiculous" - forgive me but for a moment I thougt you're looking at the mirror while posting. While you're at it, would you please elaborate what "building something useful" could be. Seems you have something in mind, but you're not telling us.



by Ostaad on

People can change, don't you agree? Not everyone has the impecable "democratic" credentials that you have! People can certainly evolve politically and advocate causes which may not be in tune with what they have done or said before. People are not mojasameh moomi. They experience, learn and evolve. Do you have any criticism about what he IS saying today? If not STFU.

Souri, next time you badmouth a taryaki, man midoonam va shomaa.

Seriously, If you have any criticism about what Makhmalbaf is saying, spit it out. If you just want to put him down by calling him a taryaki, then I think... well, you know what to do.


Mr......Darius Kadivar your are classic; Get a real job

by M-Shirazi (not verified) on

Mr......Darius Kadivar Shah Allahi,
It is so pathetic and mind boggling that you conveniently find a connection between REZA FORSAT TALAB and real life circumstances.
Khoda Shoma Ra Beh Rah Raast Hedayat Konad.

Farah Rusta

Mehdi or should I say Mammad?

by Farah Rusta on

"Only communists, Mujahedeen Khalgh (MKO) and foreighn powers support that path. "

Really? So tens of thousands who demomstrated 30 years ago were all communists, MKO and foreign agents? So your Imam was only supported by these three groups? (LoL)

How come it was good to stage a revolution 30 years ago but no so good now? Oh, I see, you mean after 30 years of totalitarian oppression we are now more civilized to revolt!!

When the Shah heard the voice of the revolution, he packed his bags and left the country. Today too there is a globally heard voice for the revolution called Neda. But no bags are packed yet. Perhaps you suggest that Ahmadinejad is a more cultivated, refined, civilized and "Evolved" a figure than the Shah?!! In that case please tell us what is your redefinition of evolution Mammad.



Souri and Rusta WTF?

by bandar - bandar abbas (not verified) on

How could you accuse him of such a thing, you are here ever day and obiously got nothing to do.
This man is a film maker and artist go watch his film and then judge him. not because he was in iran. when u have family and ur inside iran u do whatever it takes and once he had a chance he left. Besides he got no agenda or no one, and he is not even getting anything from this he just supporting free iran one day.

don't you guys have some dishes to wash?

Farah Rusta

سوری خانم

Farah Rusta



 با تشکر از همدلی شما این دو بیت را که وصف حال است تقدیم میدارم:

ای بسا هندو و ترک همزبان
ای بسا دو ترک چون بیگانگان
پس زبان محرمی خود دیگر است
همدلی از همزبانی خوشتر است