Open Letter to the people of the world

The people of Iran now ask for your support!

Human beings are members of a whole,
In creation of one essence and soul.
If one member is afflicted with pain,
Other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The name of human you cannot retain.

- Saadi

This week Iranians turned out in record numbers not seen since the beginning of the Iranian revolution to change their current President Mahmood Ahmadinejad.

Their willingness to exercise their democratic right was both historic and uncommon in the Middle East. Iranians longed for change the same way people in the United States, and indeed worldwide, longed for a new beginning after the Bush years. They were tired of an increasingly delusional President who has thrown their country into economic turmoil and portrayed their country as a conflict seeking entity in the Middle East.

But today the same Iranian regime that has denied a dialogue with the world, denied human rights, denied democracy, denied the Holocaust, is blatantly denying the will of its people by committing massive election fraud to reelect Mahmood Ahmadinejad, and arresting journalists and opposition leaders in broad daylight.

Accepting this deception will be costly not only for the people of Iran but also for the people of the Middle East, with far reaching consequences worldwide.

As you read these words, the people in Iran have taken to the streets in nationwide protests. Despite brutal government suppression tactics the Iranian people are courageously fighting for their rights. As antiriot police batons crush the bones of demonstrators whose only protest is election fraud, Iranians are screaming for the world to hear them: WE DENOUNCE MAHMOOD AHMADINEJAD!

The people of Iran now ask for your support!

We do not expect you to fight our struggle but to help us fight it. We expect people worldwide to put pressure on their governments and politicians not to accept the legitimacy of the Iranian elections and the fraudulent presidency of Mahmood Ahmadinejad. Democratic societies worldwide must not leave the Iranian people alone now that they have risen to the challenge. Instead they need to align their policies with the will of the Iranian people.

Friends, we ask you not to let 70 million people in Iran be taken hostage. Any government that accepts Mahmood Ahmadinejad as the new president of Iran has betrayed the Iranian people, endangered world peace, and has no sympathy for human pain.

Iranian Artists in Exile

JOIN: //



Don't lose heart! Stay Green!

by Irish Lassie (not verified) on

How amazing and inspiring to see Iranians in their vast, silent numbers filling the streets in peaceful protest. This is the best power; the essential, unstoppable spirit of people joined together for a righteous cause. This spirit of freedom will not be returned to the dusty bottle it was uncorked.

I am agonizing over the unspeakable backlash by the regime, watching with anticipation, dearest friends. Don't lose heart!

We are hoping for the best possible outcome for your amazing nation, for such amazing people. Freedom is a heady wine! I don't believe Iran will go back to sleep after this . . .there are too many savvy people there and across the world who will not accept the oppresive ways of the past.

Thank you for reminding the world that the human spirit will never subsumed.


No. While I respect what

by no (not verified) on

No. While I respect what you say and support your desire to help your hamvatans, what you are asking is unrealistic. The US is in a damned if they do and damned if they don't position. You can't ask them to disregard whatever the final decision is!!!!! I can just imagine what good old gol-dust or dariush would say then. The US and all americans might support every single Iranian protesting but this has been the point for the last 30 years... the hatred or at the very least, their resentment, that Iranians have for the US because of their intervention. Obama should not do ANYTHING right now. This is not his fight. To be honest, the result really isn't going to change relations with the western world much anyway. This is about Iranians IN Iran fighting for their future. I support them 100% but I do not support any foreign power getting involved.


How the US could help Iran now

by Mehdi on

I think Obama should immediately remove sanctions against Iran! That is the best way the Iranian people will be helped. That would give great support to those who want change in Iran. It will make their case very valid. Once the perceived threat of war is gone, the regime will have no leg to stand on for its persecutions and oppressions.

Obama should also immediately ask for talks for the purpose of resolving animosity between Iran and US. These two actions will be a very effective blow to stupidity and ignorance and will remove the sources of oppression from the positions of power. 

NIAC war right, working on normalizing Iran-US relationship is the most effective way to help people in Iran.


confirmed by farsi twitters:

by moo (not verified) on

confirmed by farsi twitters: around 2000 basiji is now standing in front of dorms.

we told everybody to get out and leave dorms. but most of the student got no where to go & no relatives in Tehran.


long overdue for a chang

by rokgoo (not verified) on

The world should notice how Iranian people trying to change this barbaric regime through an even stage election .

Maryam Hojjat

Great Message!

by Maryam Hojjat on

I hope there are still some dignity & humanity in the Govenments around the world which I doubt!


Down With IRI


Well said! This regime should be overthrown by the Iranians!

by gol-dust on

Without the british/ israeli/ american etc. help! they are after their own interests and don't care who is in charge. in fact, they prefer dictators as long as they are working for them.

Mort Gilani


by Mort Gilani on

Great message and an excellent facebook site.