Protests in other cities

Isfahan, Shiraz, Rasht, Tabriz...

The riots and unrest are not limited to Tehran. Here are a few videos, showing what's happening in other major cities in Iran. The one slogan chanted everywhere is "Marg bar dictator," or "Down with dictator."



Also Shiraz:




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Bir Azərbaycanlı anası

by gol on


Funny in Tabriz

by iroooni (not verified) on

People everywhere are angry and shouting. But, in Tabriz, people just look dazed.



by THEPERSIAN (not verified) on

Agar faqat ba CIA komak...momkeneh.

If only they would help Iranian Americans help Iranians.

We'd all see change.


there was no demonstration in Tabriz

by Azerbaijani Turk (not verified) on

could you please dont make up stories. I am in Tabriz and there is not demonstration here.

Khabar Sazi bad hast


man vaghean estefragh

by Hossein Holland (not verified) on

man vaghean estefragh mikonam too sorate harke ke bege in entekhabe mardom hast. Ahmaghi az nejade Antar coup détat karde va mardome Iran sedashun bayad be tamame donya beshnavunan bayad in oza avaz beshe. Hassam rafty maghze khar khordy ya vaghean khodet khar hasty.


It would have made no difference!

by Akhund dozdeh! (not verified) on

Ahmadinejad, Mousavi, Rezai and ... are all made of the same cloth.
For those of you who think a great injustice has occurred, I hate to tell you that in the end it would not have made the slightest bit of difference who was chosen. Those who pass the hurdle of the "guardian council", all have the survival of this regime as their most important priority and at any cost. Or have you forgotten the non-existant achievements of Khatami?
Under the akhunds, elections are meaningless.

People risking their lives and limbs for an IRI candidate is ridiculous. Overthrow of this regime, well that is a cause worth risking your life for not replacing one "shepeshu" with another.

Pirooz bashid and down with the IRI.


Mr Hassan Salem or should I

by mohseni63 (not verified) on

Mr Hassan Salem or should I call you Mr Hezbollahi .
Who do you think handle and count the ballots, Who give the result of the ballot to the public.
Get a life man either you are very naive or hezbollahi.

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

not true. read the comments on your link.


Ananymous- are you blind?

by shirazie (not verified) on

and one demonstrator out of 7 was killed in Shiraz!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Khatami is arrested too

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on


Election in Iran

by Hassan Salem (not verified) on

Election in Iran, unlike many western countries, is taken very seriously, is well recorded ,documented and no one can vote unless uses his/her ID card ( passport or Birth certificate) and his/her finger print. It is therefore impossible to claim that the election can be similar to that in USA, UK, Australia and subject to fraud. is easy to prove how many have voted and count for each and any vote, and every vote is traceable. I personally voted for Moosavi, and learnt how the voting procedure was. Every ballot paper can be traced to see who it was given to. To claim that the election has been subject to fraud is just ludicrous and nonsense.

Let us all keep our dignity and accept the outcome and the wish of the majority who have voted for Ahmadi Nejad. You can , if you wish, form a team and ask UN to check the authenticity of the election, but not trough violence and disturbing the peace and people’s life.

Based on these facts, It is now the responsibility of the government of Iran to maintain order and let people get on with their life. It is the government’s duty to use the full force of the law and deal with any arrogant who is trying to disturb the peace by helping the foreign powers or agents such as Western media in particular BBC or the American news media, who have noting in mind but to turn Iran into another Iraq or Afghanistan. It is time for the government of Iran to show strength and stop any hooliganism by a bunch of idiots who can not understand the sensitivity of the circumstances.

Hassan for freedom and fairness



by Ananymous (not verified) on

35 people in Rasht
7 in Shiraz
60 in Shiraz
150 in Isfahan

Massive movement?!?

Sems like the election numbers are representative, and it is only the westernised elite who voted for Mousavi, and are turning out for the protests.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Latest news from hell ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Unfortunately, the other two candidates (Karoobi and Mousavi) are now in Evin. The "unknown soldiers of emam zaman" are working on them, for a TV confession!


kheily mamnoun! movafagh

by mamad_autriche (not verified) on

kheily mamnoun!
movafagh bashand batchahaye iran!