Birthday party in Tehran

Two identically-dressed women dance


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so what?

by persiangril (not verified) on

it is reply to those felt offended by my post.What it had to do with racism and hatred?. I have found arabic music and language harsh and unpleasant. so what? I have right to express my opinion. many people don't like persian music.It doesn't bother me. I myslef (I am iranian)don't like persian music too.


I tend to agree with

by AMM (not verified) on

I tend to agree with 'AnonymousMystified' and I don't judge nations as a whole or based on their governments but on an individual basis. I do know and have had Arab friends who were just wonderful people and friends (from Syria, Kuwait and a childhood friend from Lebanon).
They care for me as much as I care for them and what you are saying here is just creating more hatred.
If you don't like this piece of music so be it, but do you actually have knowledge of all Arabic music? From all the Arab speaking countries?
I think not.
It is truly a shame that you are expressing yourselves in such a way. In this day and age with all the turmoil and undue hatred in the world it would certainly help if the "individuals" united in this global village for the sake of humankind or at least for the sake of our children and generations to come.
And you know, kindness begets kindness... maybe you'd like to try it.... it certainly works- if not immediately but definitely long term.

Good luck to everyone.


Wow!! What a bunch of racist loosers on

by AnonymousMystified (not verified) on

Man khodam Irani hastam, but I would rather be DEAD than be associated with the racist anti-Arab crowd that posts such heart breaking and hatful CRAP in the name of Iranian and Persian pride and nationalism.

Our identity is mixed with Greek, Arab, Turkish and many other ethnic groups who have passed through Iran or who have made Iran home. Arabs are not a monolithic group, each nation state has its own unique culture, Arans can range from Blond Lebanese to Black Sudanese. Yes there are hatful Arabs out there but I know many wonderful people from Arab countries from Saudi Arabia to Morocco.

Are all Iranians good? Is all Iranian music nice? There are many kinds of Arab music and the fact that Iranians listen to Arab, Turkish, Greek and Indian music says that many Iranians also appreciate other eastern Sharghi music like our own.

Arabs are not the enemy, bad regimes, with poltical agendas that teach hate are the enemy. And this is why you find hate talk among some Arabs, some Turks and some Persians. In short we are far more similar than diferent va man khodam kheyli az musighye Arabi lezat mibarab.

A Ture Iranian = Being a Human First, then an Iranian.

To all those Arabs who read this website, I am sorry for all the hate talk you read on here. Forgive them, there are many Jahel, nadan and self hating Persians on here...

Rooz Khosh, Ma'asalamh,


چه موزیک


چه موزیک مزخرفی  طفلک جوانان ایرانی



by persiangril (not verified) on

I am wondering how anyone can listen to arabic music.
is there any uglier music than arabic in the world?
one of the most horrible harsh offence to anyone. I just cann't help myslef to dislike arabic lnaguage and music.


Its true you know!

by Roya145 (not verified) on

Anonymous## is right! my mother who is a very open minded person joined an Arabic women's society as she was friends with the chairman - i went along with her once to one of the events and distinctly remember an Arab women telling her

'what are you doing here? this group is just for Arabs!'

and the expression on her face was one of pure hatred and disrespect - i felt like slapping her! but my mother calmly turned to her and said ' Laila(the chairman) invited me'
you try to be kind to them but ther are still rude, and don't forget they are still gunning for the international community to change the Persian gulf into the 'Arabian' gulf - and it's only a matter of time before they do thanks to the influence Arab leaders have these days



by Iranyvaliazad on

Seems like there is a need to hire CSI to investigate if the party is really taking place in Iran.  Regardless, I am happy to see other folks happy and listening to music ... a simple act that is forbidden in cult of islam.

A sample:




well said ananymous## Arab

by religulous (not verified) on

well said ananymous##
Arab music in Iran is shameful...


Inspired ?

by Anonymous## (not verified) on

Of course it does matter what the music is as it does matter what religion we are forced to practice. Yes to all Iranian musics, Parsi, Azari, Kurdi, Lory, balochee, Shomalie.... and No to Arabic and Turkish. You want to know the reasons, then read the history and see whether you want to dance with the music of those who committed genocide against your own people.


Nice to see people having

by inspired (not verified) on

Nice to see people having fun, no matter what the music is: arabi, hendi, shomali, jonoobi, torki, baloochi, gharbi, zhaponi, kordi, etc. etc.

I am inspired to go learn belly dancing now, seems like a lot of fun :-)


arabic music

by BIKAR (not verified) on

i agree with Anonymous##, 100%.


Jascheneh Tavaloodeh Arabee!

by Anonymous## (not verified) on

beautiful girls but, Halam az moosyghee arabee beh ham kord.