"Welcome to Hell"

Views of a prostitute


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In time

by Alborzi (not verified) on

These cases, cases of men being addicted is heart breaking. But at the same time, there are more women is universities than ever. There is no doubt that the Iranian women will break the domination of men. This will be so because we are Iranian. However in the meantime some people will pay dearly. However this is not a new phenomena and it will be corrected.


2500 years of kingdom!

by Davoud (not verified) on

Arabs disgust me. Sometimes I think that Iran should fires a couple of missiles at Dubai and finish them. But then I think that nothing matters, as long as the Persian Gulf is not the Arabian Gulf. We have 2500 years of great history.


RE: Hamvatan

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

Your absoloutly right, being a prostitute in the US is much easier than Iran, but not a luxury condition. Many foreign women that work in the US without a US passport, are not eligable for food stamps if Im not mistaken. And actually, drug habits and prostitution are often linked together in Iran as well. As for the IRI directly exporting Iranian women, I seriously doubt that. The prostitutes that go to Dubai are often women that live in Northern Teheran and live a good life, wanting to be an expensive prostitute. Trafficking on the other hand is disgusting, and the government should do all it can to stop it.

As for what I do, Ive educated myself in the west and earn money through my small company here, I invest back home, in my families companies, they hire people off the street (for example the mom on that vid), the business blooms, transportation, stores etc and everyone is happy and more people are fed. Payvand.com also has a nice link site over charities in Iran you can donate to, but I prefer giving when Im back home, especially to the Mahak cancer clinic. That is what I do, what do you do? The blame game is what your playing (other than being rude and disgusting) we know the mullahs are defunct, we knew that the shah was defunct, only way to improve is to do a little back home for yourself. My argument is that Ive seen this video 2 or 3 times (on this same site maybe?), maybe linking to a women shelters site in Iran that need money would be an idea when posting the vid? For example.

This is how it goes:

1. Iranian.com posts a video about a prostitute in Teheran crying.

2. Reza Baldy in LA watches the film and gets enraged, waving his finger at the IRI, while giving a sentimental but old speech taken straight out of a LA Iranian television channel that is sponsored by Siamak Pistachios.

3. Reza Baldy feels quite satisfied and sets off.

4. Crying prostitute in Iran gets no aid.

Why not set up a charity link that can aid or help? That is my question, because just posting vids is meaningless, people know that the situation back home needs improvement, while you get the luxury of "waking up people". I have a newsflash for you, people are already awake, they are just to lazy to do anything about it. Signing petitions, watching vids and holding marches dont help in these days, it needs to be followed up by direct aid and investments from the expatriat community to help those who are in dire need of it.

If your reply to all of this is going to be the following: "Tell your IRI masters that they can start investing in their people, then we can" Then your back at the blame game.


to: toofantheoncesogreat

by hamvatan224 (not verified) on

Your comments are incredibly ignorant. Prostitution is probably the oldest profession, but there are differences in being a prostitute in Iran as opposed to say America. In America, even as a prostitute, you can get welfare, there are women's shelters, your kids can still go to school, etc. In America, many women turn to prostitution to support their drug habit, but in Iran women turn to prostitution in order to buy bread for their kids.Do we have welfare in Iran? Are there food stamps in Iran? Are there women's shelters in Iran? Are there any shelters for that matter? Not to mention the fact that the IR regime itself is involved in trafficking of these women to other countries.

These films are important because they give a voice to the voiceless, they let people know about the situation, they're waking people up from their 30 year sleep slowly but surely. I prefer this video to any of the bellydancing, persian model, trashy persian music videos some people post.
Oh and please tell us what you are doing so we can follow in your wise footsteps instead of playing the "blame game" as you call it.


Viva Islamic Repulic...!

by Anoyed (not verified) on

Great job Islamic Repulic, you mullas turned Iran into Keshvare gol va bolbol...


You want me to post videos of American prostitues?

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

I bet you can get laid in the US for cheaper cash now adays than in Iran.

Its a problem, a social problem, it has to be solved, but such videos often show Iran in a real bad light than what it really is. I also notice that the same films pop up again on this site. If Iranian expatriates invested more money into Iranian industry and export back home for example, we could have created more jobs, or created charity groups that helped such women and so on.

I feel many Iranians abroad watching such films often hit their fist on the table, cry and yell, and at the end, after making a sad emotional speech, they close the vid, drive down LA with a cheezeburger in their hand.

If this really bothers you, do something, do something today. If not, stfu. The blame game is getting old. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what youc an do for it, no?


who are those women and men?

by doesn't matter (not verified) on

But question is who are those women?
our sisters, our daughters, our mothers

and who are those men who destroy them:
our sons, our brothers, and our fathers!!

I hate Isalm too..



by gol-dust on

damn UAE is now looking down on us, just because they got moeny? Good, their economy is getting F...ed up now. We really had a revolution against MINI JOUP, corruption; and for freedom and independence, but we got none! Only we lost whatever we had before! Hell w/the Shah's regime, but his regime makes Shah's look like an angel!