Where's my money?

Wrestler "Iron Sheik" vs Ahmad at the Persian store.

Very funny in a typical Iranian way. Wrestler Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri "Iron Sheikh" is looking for a guy from many years ago who he lent $15,000 to and is trying to find him.


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دستمال یزدی


این بقاله عجب دستمال یزدی دستش گرفته. خیلی‌ قربون صدقه علی‌ وزیری میره. به نظر از اون تهرونی‌های نخاله ست.



by tsion on

The Iron Sheikh was always a favorite of mine. Count me as a fan.



please don't do this ever

by shamsi (not verified) on

please don't do this ever again, he really puts you to shame being an Iranian.
Go home, Mr. Vaziri, go and don't ruin our name any more than you have already done.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You're trying too hard. Let it happen on its own.

Maybe if you tried switching to decaf.

See? That was easy, wasn't it?  :-)


koosh ? koojast ?

by maziar 058 (not verified) on

He could search the where about of that guy if he knows the correct spelling of the person through ANYWHO.COM
for $5.00. good luck sheykh and don't be fooled by Ahmad kalak.


Let's ...

by Danesh (not verified) on

Let's send him back to Iran with his head scarf off so he can start some clean up job in the perspolis with the sweeper at hand...either that or he better start taking some classes in the police academy to see if he can get his diploma in order to qualify to become Kadivar's right hand body ...But I bet you he will fail all the exams for I am a very "Judgemental" person right off the batt knowing which student gets what grade in the first round of attendance just by looking at their eyes..and their attire...after checking what is hidding under their nails...

Is this sarcasm?


Kaveh Nouraee

This has to be

by Kaveh Nouraee on

for a reality show. It sure looks that way. For all we know it could have been scripted or just improvised.

If it's a TV show that you don't want to watch, there are 300 other channels out there. It's not something I'm going to watch, but so what? He's not hurting anyone and he's entitled to earn an income.

Besides, I feel bad for the guy. His daughter was murdered by her boyfriend in '03. I can't begin to imagine what that does to a person.

Professor...either your idea of satire and sarcasm didn't go over well, or there are some issues that you should address. I hope it's the former.


Uneducated Moron

by Hate Pro Wrestling (not verified) on

I sure the hell wish that this baboon is not making a "Reality TV" show. We have been embarrased enough by this lampoon in the past.

Darius Kadivar

I need Him for a Coup "A La Chaban Bee Mokh" ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Hmm .. I Could Use him for a Coup against the Mullah's LOL



by Anonymous (not verified) on

Is the whole thing an act?

If not, I don't understand why anyone would give 15,000 loan to someone? Whenver people ask me for money, I say, khodam ta kherkhereh to gharzam (mortgage).


Another charming

by Anonymous885 (not verified) on

Another charming demonstration of an Iranian b.s.ing another Iranian and being a charlatan with nonsense over-pleasantry. Nothing has changed. Khosro should have decked him right in the mug.

Az mast ke bar mast!



by Professor Danesh (not verified) on

Get all the records...

Court hearing in progress...



by Profesor Danesh, Ph.D. (not verified) on

Court hearing...
Court hearing...


حکم نهائی

قاضی القضات (not verified)

بعد از گوش کردن مدافعات کامل و الفاظ و لغات و ایما و اشارات آقای بقال، نتیجه گیری بنده آنستکه کار کار خود بقاله است. بعلی قسم از دور داد میزنه که خودش پولارو بلند کرده و بریش پهلوون میخنده!

اگه میگی نه، یدفه دیگه گوش کنین وارد میشین. ما خودمون قاپ قمارخونه ایم


This guy is my Grocer!

by Hackensack NJ (not verified) on

His the owner of Tehran Super in Hackensack New Jersey.


Unemployment must have hit Iranian.com

by Anonymousa (not verified) on

Baba bayad khaili bi-kar bashim keh goftego bayeneh do nafar ro bezarim.

I will never get this 3 minutes of my life back.


Professor Danesh, Ph.D

by LiVe From TeHran (not verified) on

I think you got your Ph.D in judging people from the university of iranian mentality..

you need to get a life and stop judging people...


Spineless shop keeper

by Leese (not verified) on

The Ahmad dude is a chaaploos of first degree; His actions were a product of guilt and fear.


some how

by MRX1 on

I think sheik is right and the store owner is jerking him around.....


Doing it old countiry

by rz (not verified) on

Doing it old countiry way--break his back, and make him humble.....



by Professor Danesh, Ph.D. (not verified) on

Where does the Iron man live? What is his full name, place of birth. Is he living in a rental apartment or in a house with mortgage? Is he married? Has he been in fight with the LA police if so what is the record? Was there any shoot out involved in gun battle? who has given him the initial visa and from what embassy? What is his current occupation? Who is his supervisor?

Any criminal recrod from FBI

Does he carry a gun?


I found myself entertained

by Suomynona on

I found myself entertained in an absurd way watching this clip. What a load ....being delivered in Farsi/English right here in the good old US of A. Gotta love the melting pot :-)



This is beautiful!

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Big & dumb, getting out manuverd and disarmed. Vaziri was never a real wrestler.