Why U.S. must attack Iran

To stop the collapse of the dollar

"The real reasons behind the invasion of Iraq and why USA must now declare war on Iran. You will be shocked why we went to war."


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by George Washington (not verified) on

The IRI is a good decoy for wall street to distract the american public while they get ripped off from within.



by non-biased (not verified) on

1-The material appears old.Definitely before 2006 and their prediction has not met the reality yet.

2- Oversimplifing economic facts. A decision by a country like Iraq which was not realy producing that much oil to switch to Euro could not affect dollar to the point to justify an invasion (Even if it is true).
3- Drop in dollar value is not all bad for the USA and all good for the rest of world. A simple consequence of this would we decrease in import to USA and ability of American producers to sell their products at a more competetive price.Then China goes belly up as they live on imports to USA. Not to mention that other countries have a lot of investment in the USA in dollar.


Where is the logic

by MRX1 on

1) If U.S decide to attack Iran, they don't need to send man power on the ground.The airforce and Navy can create enough havoc.

2) If mullah's decide to sell in Euro it does not mean every body else will follow them. Even Arabs don't care for them. they won't destroy their relationship with U.S just becuase mullah's say so.

3) Iranian oil industry is not in a good shape. thirty years of neglect has shown it's affect. Even if you stop flow of oil from Iran I doubt if you significantly impact the oil markets or international trade.

4) How does attcking Iran going to help U.S is beyond me? like some one said it's much much cheaper to buy the oil. And in any case you need to have some peace and stability to be able to sell all the junk you have to the oil producing nations 


told you so

by mahmoudg on

i said this two years ago when Iran decided to move off dollar into Euro.  The regime has nothing to loose, their martyrdom mentality bodes them well to go up against US supremacy and stare it in the face.  Unfortunatley the US will have no choice but to attack Iran.  If the people of iran dont move quick enough to topple this regime, America will attack it and in the worse case scenario take over the oil fileds to pay for the costliest war in history.  This is not about a dialogue to stop the US from attacking Persia.  The regime in Iran has left little or no recourse for America, but for it to go to war with it.  We should only hope that it will be a clean removal of this evil group from power and bringing hegemony back to Persia.



by Iran Sarbaz (not verified) on

BBC to Mi



by Anonymousx (not verified) on

Your attitude reminds me of this lady :)



by capt_ayhab on

I agree with you, the war is for Israel so they can continue their illegal occupation and terrorist existence in the ME.

Rest is smoke screen to antagonize Iran to do something stupid. A day does not go by without Israeli's issuing an imaginary cry for help in order to keep the world sympathy and apathy.
Good news is however, with their latest bloodbath in Gaza, many true human beings all around the world have come to realize what Israel is all about, which is nothing but war war and more war.



it's so funny...

by IRANdokht on

how people come to a post a few minutes after it's been up and try to make a case to show what? that Iranians don't care? You've done this plenty of times before, but this one was just too lame because you didn't even wait! How transparent!

Iranians do care and they know who is behind all the war propaganda.

Read //www.antiwar.com/orig/sahimi.php?articleid=14420 



Do not worry

by Alborzi (not verified) on

This is just a theory and whatever its truth, it will not ever happen to Iran. The invasion of Iraq, was like a walk in the park, compared to what will happen in Iran. For one thing, Iranians are not Arabs. Essentially the Afghanistan misadventure will be Obama's only folly.
The dollar will stay strong, because Putin does not rule USA. Iran by involving herself with many different causes has established herself as an independent nation. USA will not dare. Despite the dreams of Shahi and Mojahedins. As they say Jealous, Jealous become blind.


what can we do

by AMIR KHOSHGELE (not verified) on

these decisions are made by men we dont see and there is nothing we can do about it as normal people. and the fact is that if usa attacks iran there is A very big chance and possibility that they lose the war,they want to attack us anyway and will attack us so let our country and army do what they know best:KILLING RAPIST YANKEES


Please stop spreading nonsense

by wtf (not verified) on

The war is for Israel!

The Jewish political lobby in the US is pushing for a confrontation with every major middle eastern countrie to benefit Israel.

This not about saving the dollar or for getting free oil. Spending another 2-3 trillion dollars on another pointless war in the middle east will not save the dollar, it will actually hurt it.

Also, oil is cheaper to buy then to steal. With the amount of money US has spent on the war with Iraq, they could have bought 200 billion barrels of oil @ 50 per barrel. That’s enough oil for 100 years!

So please stop helping Jews spread this nonsense about war for dollar or oil propaganda. They are trying to deflect attention from themselves.

The war is for Israel!


We know in Europe, but what about you?

by Anonymously Amazed by lack of interest as well (not verified) on

Indeed. Heard it all before, but nevertheless, where are all the opinionated Iranian-Americans?


The common lack of care amazes me!!!!

by Amazed-by-lack-of-care (not verified) on

Most interesting...I totally agree....the war(s) are and will be about something so different than the administration is pubilcizing.

But I don't get one thing....if somebody posts some erotic story (especially if written by a woman) we have endless comments and analyses on why the "K" word should be used or not or some hot Iranian chick turns into a model or Mr. Baniameri posts a story with some chik's photo which he may not have taken previous authorization from(whether stupid or not) yet nobody has cared enough to even write a word on this highly fascinating and important subject (believe me this shall affect everybody whether u find it interesting or not)...I'm sure being an Iranian most of u all have views about everything in the world!!