U.S. Kangaroo Court

Stephen Colbert on torture trials

BBC: Bush administration lawyers who authorised harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects are unlikely to face criminal charges, US media report. A justice department inquiry into the lawyers who wrote memos approving techniques such as waterboarding is nearly complete, reports say. The inquiry's conclusions are said to make no mention of criminal charges. President Barack Obama, who considers such methods torture, last month made four of the memos public. But he said CIA agents who followed the memos' advice would not be prosecuted.

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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by Anonymous343 (not verified) on

He is funny.

anonymous fish

i love the "nothing nothing" analogy...lol

by anonymous fish on

once again, colbert nails it.


No Colbert Nation?

by IRANdokht on

I had sent this link to a couple of friends but it seems like the colbertnation.com connection is broken.

To see the whole program click on hulu:





by capt_ayhab on

clip does not work !



yap yap

by khoram din (not verified) on

come on discas jails and torcher of islamic regime - guantanamo got thousand of people to take abut it 24 hours a day-120 excusion in [4] months in islamic jails!


Family of Secrets (new!)

by Enigma (not verified) on


Check out Family of Secrets. The Bush family are in power since World War I. They will never be persecuted. Prescott Bush was W.W.I. veteran, G.H. Bush was W.W.II. veteran, W. was Vietnam War veteran, and they removed Shah of Iran for rejecting Zionist Lobby under Jimmy Carter. Who wantst them tried? OBAMA has to follow the same rules. www.familyofsecrets.com



by IRANdokht on

He's said it all!!
Brilliant argument at the end too.
Thanks for the clip


Darius Kadivar

When the President Does it ... It's NOT Illegal ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I also immediately thought of the Nixon Frost Interview when I heard the Condolizza Rice's argument against using torture. Strange how history repeats itself ...

Also Go see this Ron Howard movie if you haven't yet ! ... Its Brilliant !
