Behzad Nabavi

Arrested reformist jokes with family and friends after show trial


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Thanks Shifteh

by benross on

I thought it was something he said in that video. Thank you for clarification.

Shifteh Ansari


by Shifteh Ansari on

Take a look at this article:


"به نوشته سایت‌های خبرى نزدیک به اصلاح‌طلبان، بهزاد نبوى از اعضاى برجسته سازمان مجاهدین انقلاب اسلامى روز شنبه در دیدار شمارى از فعالان سیاسى و مطبوعاتى با اشاره به بازداشت گسترده فعالان سیاسى و مطبوعاتى پس از آغاز اعتراض‌ها به نتایج انتخابات ریاست جمهورى در ایران اظهار داشت:« ۱۹ خرداد یعنى چند روز قبل از انتخابات ۲۲ خرداد و به دستور یک نهاد امنیتى احکام
دستگیرى را صادر کرده بودند
و مثلاً حضور بیست دقیقه‌اى من در راهپیمایى ۲۵خرداد جرم من بود»."  


Shifteh Ansari

by benross on

I didn't catch the part about the warrants.

Ali P.

He looks remarkably well

by Ali P. on

Hope Zeidabadi and Ramezanzadeh would look the same upon release.

Shifteh Ansari

Glad to see him out

by Shifteh Ansari on

Even if for just a few days.  The most significant thing he has said is that warrants to arrest some 200 journalists and reformists were issued three days before the elections in preparation for what the military state knew was going to be a strong reaction to the planned vote rigging.

I hope all the remaining political prisoners are released, too.