One case, two murders

Niloofar Beyzaie's latest play about the murders of Dariush and Parvaneh Forouhar

The play is on stage through November in Frankfurt:

With music only:

With dialogue:


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well done

by jameslesonsky on

I am just saying



by Emil on

Powerful play, congratulation to Ms Niloofar Beizayie... Mr Forouhar such a classy man...God bless his soul...these crimes wont be left without punishment...

Neda ye Iran e Azad

Great work

by Neda ye Iran e Azad on

Simple and effective. I'm so proud of our hamvatans who work in a mixture of art and politics.

سبز سبز تا بهار


Same people who today kill people on streets of Iran are the ..

by پیام on

... same who committed these atrocities. The couldn't identify the victims when they found them, they were simply cut in pieces. Keep in mind that these weer old people in their 60's! How barbaric must one be to commit these acts?