Jannati warns protesters

Prior to 13 Aban/November 4 demonstrations


mostafa ghanbari

Inhumane, dodgy and hypocrite

by mostafa ghanbari on


Shut up twisted freak thing.


He looks like

by Abarmard on

A mountain goat. They are known to be dumb too, which matches this individual profile. Take a look and compare:



looks like Jen

by bahramthegreat on

Jannati looks like Jen (evil). I am sure if we look carefully under his turbin, it is written "made in UK." These assholes have no respect for our country. I bit you he never had any history class/knowledge about Iranian civilization before Islam.


who is more of an idiot

by MRX1 on

him or the crowd that is listening to him?


continuation of 1400 years of corrupt thought process

by mahmoudg on

To the day that America and Israel can teach these backward and anti-human thugs what civilization is all about and once and for all dump Islam into the dutbin of history.

Multiple Personality Disorder

another idiot that needs to go to zobalehdan'e tarikh

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Where is dumpster?