
Nasser D. Khalili

Billionaire art collector, philanthropist

>>> Watch video Agence France Press: Khalili is unveiling his unparalleled collection of Islamic art at the Institute of the Arab World in Paris. Khalili, an Iranian-born Jew based in London, has amassed a collection of some 20,000 artworks dating from the seventh to early 20th centuries. AFP-TV spoke to Khalili about the show, which he hopes will serve as an "ambassador" for the Islamic world >>> Watch video


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Bijan, I tell you what is relevant to this topic

by kharmagas on

Bijan says : "...you should at least have an opinion about the two state solution....."

Bijan,  you imagine some years from now I take my son to Esfahan. Show him central parts of the city, show him Kaniseh Yaaghoob, ...., etc, and tell him when I was young there was a vibrant Jewish community, and I went to school with them and worked for/with them... and I dined with them. .... and he asks me 'dad what happened to them?' .... And I say 'they left because of some reactionary Mollahs .. and crazy Zionists'. 


Darius Kadivar

FYI/Buy Tickets Here at Institut Du Monde Arab Website

by Darius Kadivar on

Institut Du Monde Arab

6 octobre 2009 to 14 march 2010


Must be interesting and worth the visit !


Thank you

by yolanda on

The video is crystal-clear, the art is beautiful, and the message is great! The guy talked about harmony! I wish the video was longer!




you are out of focus Bijan

by kharmagas on

... "two state solution", "dirty .... Zionist" .... you seem to be all over the place, or maybe pre programmed to spit out something... go get some rest.

Bijan, glad too see you were smart enough to remove you original comment to me.

Bijan A M

You still evade the question

by Bijan A M on

Do you support a two state solution?

I already have gathered you don't even know what zionist means. But, you should at least have an opinion about the two state solution. Why are you afraid of saying it?


Looking for credit Bijan!?

by kharmagas on

George Soros is also a great man ...... humanist. Chomsky is also a great man .... I can go on and on..... but what do they have to do with you? ...... you should compare yourself with Paul Wolfowitz.