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Kaveh Nouraee

American Dream

by Kaveh Nouraee on

It is official:

You are a moron.


My Pastor

by Iranmani113 on

He's the pastor of my church...and def. Not assyrian or armenian....

Consequently, I also am a christian (iranian) 
As well as 90% of my church are also muslim converts...

What is there to question? :)



Now that's all we needed....

by Khar on

An Iranian Evangelical preacher.

Darius Kadivar

FYI/pictory: Vendetta Against Anglican Bishop in Iran (1980)

by Darius Kadivar on

Food for Thought about Lack of Religious Tolerence in Our Country:

HISTORY OF VIOLENCE: Vendetta Against Anglican Bishop in Iran (1980)

Baba Taher-e Oryan

Why are you surprised American Dream?

by Baba Taher-e Oryan on

So you only have to be Armenian or Assyrian to be an accepted christian? Is it wrong for a Moslem born to convert to Christianity? and become a Pastor?

And where did you get this idea that many Christians in USA are Athiests? Obviously you know very little about USA

And as for Armenians immigrated to Iran, I must admit I have never heard such a non sense. For your information the Armenians were forcefully moved from thier native habitats in North western Iran to Isfehan by the Safavids

Lets not forget that today's West Azerbijan province was majority christian prior to the Arab invation. Their numbers has gradually been reduced due to massacres or forcefull conversion into Islam. Most recent christian massacre and force conversion was that of around First WW (1914-18). The Christian massacre was not only confined to Ottoman's Empire but also in our own Western Azerbayjan and Orumia. Google it if you don't belive me

American Dream

Iranian Christian Pastor?

by American Dream on

There are Iranian Armanians.  Their last names end with -ian or -yan.  They immigrated to Iran during the Safavid dynasty, 1500-1600s.  They believe in a form of Christianity brought by Mr. Gergur to a pagan king in Armenia.

There is also the Assyrian Christians in Iran.  The church maintains a system of geographical parishes organized into archdioceses and dioceses. The patriarch is head of the church, and under him there are four archdioceses in the Assyrian Church: one for Australia and New Zealand, one for Lebanon, Syria, and Europe, another for India, and one that serves Iraq and Russia. Individual dioceses exist in the eastern USA (including Chicago), western USA, California, Canada, Syria, Iran and Europe. Several congregations exist in Georgia, India, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. A single parish exists in the People's Republic of China,
whose existence stretches back to antiquity, and another in Moscow. The
present Patriarch, Mar Dinkha IV, has his headquarters (along with four
other houses of worship) in Chicago, Illinois, USA.


If this guy is not Assyrian or Armenian one would question why he converted to Chritianity.

Many Christian in the United States and Western Europe are Agnostic at least and Athiest at most.