Breasts needed for Boobquake

Be there on Monday, April 26

Tonic: On Monday, April 26th, I will wear the most cleavage-showing shirt I own. Yes, the one usually reserved for a night on the town. I encourage other female skeptics to join me and embrace the supposed supernatural power of their breasts. Or short shorts, if that's your preferred form of immodesty. With the power of our scandalous bodies combined, we should surely produce an earthquake. If not, I'm sure Sedighi can come up with a rational explanation for why the ground didn't rumble. And if we really get through to him, maybe it'll be one involving plate tectonics >>>


mitra northcal

Since we are talking about breast, this is bra related

by mitra northcal on

Few days ago. my daughter wanted me to use my credit card so she can order a shirt online for her friend 's birthday.  This weekend the shirt arrived.  On the shirt, there is a picture of a bra and it says:"Bras for life".  I asked my daughter what kind of gift is this and where can her friend wear something like this?  she answered that her friend will wear it at home.  The story behind it is because guys say :Bros for life, now these teenage girls are saying bras for life.  I guess this is some kind of teenage girl humor.

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

..."smite" your face.  that was funny.  too bad you didn't listen to the sermon since you don't speak farsi.  too bad you don't know about claims of iri regime of how holy and noble the people of iran are (all due to vf) and yet iran being the most earthquake-prone country in the world, the molla's sermon goes against iri's "holier than thou" claim.  this is hillarious all around including your "smite" comment. 



by afyoun on

Wow, I'm perplexed.

We are in an absolute virtual world, yet we distinguish one from another.

Good to be back ...


I'll take two ;-)

by capt_ayhab on

Joke aside...........

I have always said and I firmly believe that our next revolution will be spear headed by our beautiful intelligent and brave woman.

Every and any armaments is allowed and must be used, from AK47, to knives to well endowed pairs of breast.

Best of luck



“Brilliant” Campaign…;)))))))))

by PERS66 on

Scientific, fun and POWERFUL ;)


Pat Robinson

by Fozole on

If Pat Robinson and all this other moron in west can say it so can Iranian morons.Religous nots are every where.But some Americans make sound like religous nuts live only in Iran and are of Iranian discent.


Ladies, he said you should do it everyday for 365 days! Butts2!

by obama on

He said breasts & butts! One day won't do, ladies! Tomorrow is a short notice! SHOW BREASTS - NO WAR!

These ladies needed a mollah's permission to bare it all! See his trick worked! This shrewd mollah knows how to make them to take it off! He fooled them!

Is there a grand price for the best pairs?


To disprove Sedigi...

by seamorgh on

Well, if you know farsi, you would know that he said "Zena," which means fornication, would bring about quakes. So you ladies, just showing boobs won't disprove the cleric. You all need to turn into prostitutes for a few days if you really want to conduct a scientific test:

H0: with the hypothesis being that Fornication causes quakes                                H1: Fornication does not cause quakes. 



Very Nice ID!

by Monda on

Good to see you here again.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

firouz abadi sent his desire to join the fun even on cyber space,with rahbar holdig his boobs for all to see.               Maziar


Of course you don't get it: It's called DOGMA!

by afyoun on

What's your angle on Sedighi's supernatural interpretation?

 You can call it whatever you like ..., but for a moment drop your angle and look at it as a very simple scientific test run by ordinary people in order to find out whether there's indeed a phenomenon called boobquake? If the test turns out to be successful, then I start stepping in mostara'h on my left leg. You've got my word.

Why on earth people of earth thinking that their planet and existence is so important to god? And why is that he only speaks to the most primitive and backward minds? Minds that have killed millions and millions in his name just in less than five millenniums?

And how stupid we actually are? Allowing them running, ruling and ruining our lives.


A new campaign

by IRANdokht on

A new campaign, titled "Brainquake" has been launched on Facebook, calling on women to show off their résumés, CVs, honors, prizes, and accomplishments. The goal is to get conservative Iranian leaders quaking with fear at "women's abilities to push for change and to thrive despite gender apartheid."



Sargord Pirouz

I don't get it. The object

by Sargord Pirouz on

I don't get it. The object is to flaunt sexism and the objectification of women, in order to refute what is essentially a sermon on family values?

This is almost like deliberately prostituting yourself in public in order to try and disprove the physical consequences of religious determinism. I suppose to prove a point you could do so. But why would you want to?

The expression "bite your nose to smite your face" comes to mind. 



by yolanda on

Sorry, I did not hear the calling to join their "adventure"........, but I can help with other stuff which does not involve with wearing revealing clothes!