Wait for Me

Shahrzad Ghadjar's entry for Moby music video competition

This song reminded me of all the personal crises, alienation and stresses that can boggle a person down. Everyone goes through intense emotions and these portraits just give a glimpse into everyone's deepest, darkest moments. Enjoy! Diector Shahrzad Ghadjar. Vote for this video here.


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so many good songs out there- you get lost

by iran_zameen on

there is a grand number of great talent out there...with beautiful voices......but they all happen to be generic...unoriginal...and after a while boring

nowadays , you need the voice, unique look- not necessarily hot as that is also getting "boring"-- and mostly attitude

i hate when i see so many young kids follow a mirage that never materializes...it all starts with encouragement from friends but before you know it it takes over a kid's entire life and leads to oblivion and disappointment...

kiddos, entertainment business is really tough and tense...you have a far better chance of becoming a surgeon than making it in the entertainemnt industry...stay focused

Organic NUTritionist

Excellent video

by Organic NUTritionist on

Perfect Shahrzad joon.  You are a star (: