Ya Ali

Arabic / Turkish Rap

Imam Ali (as) Turkish Arabic Song by Elija feat Aslan LEBANESE SHIA & TURC ALEVI (la fata ila ali):


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Beautiful calligraphy at 2:00, except the sword handle doesn't belong. The double tip of the sword already identifies the symbol, so the handle not only clashes with the lettering, it lowers the otherwise high level of abstraction in the design. Similarly the orchestration sticks out like the out-of-place sword handle in an otherwise fluid Arabic chorus. I tried mentally filterning out the strings, and the "sound" felt more concordant.  Curious to hear a remix. 


know how to pick n post them controversial posts ;))

by PERS66 on

JJ,  as always my compliments, you’re a true journalist and publisher, you could have been the Iranian William Randal Hurst if you wanted to, you know how to post them controversial posts ;))

But you have to good and pure of a heart to be a “Hurst”, I hope so ;)

Ali is one of my favorite  mystics saints, I agree that the late presenters ( POLITICAL ISAMIC CULTS) may have hijacked his name and the religion and use it as emotional, motivational and inspirational propaganda to recruit and rule on those who don’t know any better, and this group certainly lacks artistic talent and form of expression.

But they are no diferent than the other political gangs that have also hijacked organized religion and are using it as a tool to motivate and control the masses.

I guess thats why they call it organized religion ;)

The sad and horrific thing is they have been very successful at it, they have every nation, creed and religion jumping at each other thoughts, just watch the news….

The way I see it, if you are not very literate and educated your next strong base to fall back on is your religion which makes it easier to be seduced and brain washed by the Akhoond, Priest or rabbi sitting on top of a mambar at the  neat village near  you.

Fortunately Iran is vast country with many diverse cultural regions were the majority of the populations  are  Muslim and the curious can find many flavors of mystic Islam that don’t necessarily follow the shariat and still embody a pure path to spirituality and celebrate there religion in more colorful,  joyful and refreshing  fashion,

a different manifestation of spiritual faith. It is in such setting that one could experience a totally different interpatation of religion, spirituality and such saints as Ali.

I personally find religion and spirituality a very personal and privet affair, mans privet relationship with his creator, such an experience is not possible when influenced by dictation and politics.

During the past forty some years, one thing I have learned for sure is that there is no TRUTH to politics, it’s just an agenda to who controls the power and the resources.

But on nice summer night while I am camping under the stars and gazing into the milky way and vastness of it all, it is at those times that I have no doubt there a bigger story to all of this and my relationship to it, and it is at these times that I feel closer to the presence of a creator.

A wise man once seed;

“When you reach a stage where you truly see all the religions as one you have reached the point of TRUTH”

I believe crossing this point allows one to start experiencing a reality that is above and beyond the boundaries and limitations of organized religion.

Don’t let the monsters (Political Cults) of our times steel your faith ;)

Ya Ali


Khar,it isn't in our blood, unless U think you aren't one of us!

by obama on

Khar, of course I am not surprised that you are saying that it is in our blood, since yesterday you were welcoming the marriage of the iranian girl to a jamican maan as a good gene therapy since they have a stronger gene! I guess, for you is all about the blood, and culture and religion has no room! Well, it shows! 

Somehow, some of our self proclaimed intellectuals think by trashing isalm, they would look smarter and they would be more accepted in the west (they don't need to say it,..)! Keep on stereotyping all moslems! No wonder we get such a great treatment! Lost people!

cultured people don't insult other's beliefs. If they do, they should expect the reactions that they deserve!

As for christianity, it is a much more violent religion than islam. Killing children and innocent civilians as an offense is sanctioned. However, in islam, it is for defensive, and killing innocent children and civilans is not sanction. Read the bible! Today's christians are not following bible closely, except Mr. Bush and cheney who went to a crusade! 


Midwesty, don't worry ...

by Khar on

Jahanshah is not influencing (Eghfall) us with his opinions. I got news for you there are many others out there who think like Jahanshah. You see my friend, your school of thinking is the same old one which has no value for individual thinking and presumes the audience/reader (people) are sheep, and is the same exact thinking which gave us Velayat e Mobarak e Faghih. I guess it’s in our blood


I see your point JJ,

by Midwesty on

I might have been irritated from the other thread. I personally hate to see this site to be hijacked by any opinion or ideologies. I was just afraid this might stop people to express their opinions, religious or not.

That's it man!
Shab khosh!

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Midwesty, I have expressed my opinions on this site since day one. That will not change. I can't be anything but myself. Are my opinions changing yours? I don't think so. It will not have an overwhelming impact on others either. All people have a brain and can decide for themselves.



by Midwesty on

Prejudice will bring prejudice. I would rather see you to take a technical shot at your topic first, rather than jumping on the conclusion. You are right, you are entitled to have an opinion but your opinion as the moderator carries a weight that might be heavier than the normal commentators on this site. This too is my opinion.

Jahanshah Javid

Middle ground?

by Jahanshah Javid on

Midwesty, I have opinions. And I will express them -- moderator or not. Whoever likes this kind of music -- Islamic, Christian or... -- good for them. It makes me nauseous.


Will the world be free from organized religion?

by benross on


And fifty years later, some genius will come up with this brilliant idea that 'you know what, it'd be nice to setup an organized religion'! 



by Midwesty on

I would love you to hold a middle ground as a moderator. All in all this music regardless of it's religious bias is musically sound and rhythms much better than Christian rock or even Rap. It has soul and passion out of darde-del that you hardly see in Christian music because it is out of Shekame-por!

Mard ra dardi agar bashad khosh ast...zankeh bidardi alajash atash ast...(Rumi)


Will the world be free from organized religion?

by Khar on

Not in my life time, but one day Ensha-Allah :-)! If you want to find root of all evil in the world look in to organized religion.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

couples of monthes ago I was co habitting with some afghani and pakistanis and the qawwali music was the norm after dinner and hooka ......

enjoyed the time with them but ???  



JJ :)

by R2-D2 on

maziar 58

crap, rap

by maziar 58 on

wass up ? dude  !!

long time no see dang it...Maziar

Darius Kadivar

LOL JJ ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

Are You sure You would survive the experience ? ...


Hee Hee

Jahanshah Javid

When I hear this stuff

by Jahanshah Javid on

I want to run to Jesus.


Oh beloved Imam Ali

by shahanshahesmail on

Your ommah needs you. 

praise be to the defenders of Islamic iran

Praise be to hezbollah , defenders of Lebanon.