Decadence & Western threats

Tehran Friday Prayers leader Ahmad Khatami



the result of reading too much Quran

by mahmoudg on

this is the end result, when you study the contents "garbage" in Quran.  Thousands more like this coack roach do live in Iran.  Their leader Khomeini (the head coack roach), left a good legacy for these goons to follow.  But i am not worried, because a good surgicall attack will wipe all of them off the face of the earth, soon enough.


Fat Pig

by karoon1 on

Any time I see this ANIMAL, it will remind me a DIRTY FAT PIG, I do not even waste my time watching the video clip. The people that attend his speeches, are either stupid!!!, or they get some kind of benefits.


Ahmad Khatami is moving further from the scene

by Abarmard on

My guess is that most of the extremist "crazy" clergies, who also have political agenda, hence change their character by the direction of the wind, will be pushed aside in the coming years.


His threats aggainst israel

by i_support_khamenie on

He says that If Israel attacks, we will wipe it off the map.

 So the fucker is saying that Israel will not be wiped off the map if it doesn't attack Iran......then goes around in the Arab world and pretends that it will bring an end to Israel.

 your hypocricy is exposed


Heefeh havai ke in martike gov nafas meekesh

by Bavafa on

what a waste of air!
