Evin Hunger Strike

Prisoners on 12th day of refusing food

New York Times: The Iranian blogger Mojtaba Saminejad, who is now working from Turkey, drew our attention to a series of hunger strikes under way in Tehran’s Evin prison. Seventeen prisoners in Evin prison began their hunger strike 12 days ago to protest conditions there, according to the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. In response, prison officials transferred the prisoners to solitary confinement on July 26 and denied them contact with their families, Human Rights House in Iran reported Thursday. Security forces with batons attacked the prisoners’ family members, who had gathered in front of the main entrance to the Tehran prosecutor’s office on Thursday, and threatened them with arrest, Human Rights House in Iran reported >>>


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Maybe they are better off

by Simorgh555 on

Maybe they are better off moving to the Palestinian territories and Lebanon altogether. These morons put their Palestinian brother's interests before that of their cuntry and are willing to drive Iran to war for a long standing conflict which has nothing to do with us.


divaneh, fooladi and Fair

by Majid on

Well said.

Fair, there's no promise or hope of any compensation for those cheerleaders, and their silence is deafening for sure as you mentioned! It's NOT about Hamas or Hezbollah after all!


God bless these brave hamvatans.    


God Be with them

by Fair on

and protect them.  Let us see how many of the anti Iran pro AN cheerleaders dare to defend the treatment of these political prisoners.  These cowards certainly have big mouths when it comes to America and Israel, but shamelessly stay silent when it comes to the treatment of these brave and innocent Iranians , or as they would call them, "subversives" or "dirt and dust".  What can I say, stateless terrorists are like this.


I am very concerned about the health and safety of these

by fooladi on

brave hamvatans....


Following Ganji's Steps??

by Demo on

Act out your hunger atrike well. Take away people's attention from last year's presidential fraud, Kahrizak prison crimes, & many other social diseases.Guaranteed US/Europe visa after release. $500K AIPAC reward money in US.


Break it

by divaneh on

I agree with Mousavi that the message is now heard loud and clear. Now what is important is your health. You have done far far more than your fair share for this country and now your health comes first.