Multiple Executions

WARNING: Three hangings by crane in public

Clip claims this took place on August 12, 2010 in Lorestan:


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Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks for posting and reminding us of these attrocities

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Every voice counts! Every action counts!


There are Korans in Farsi, better yet Koran on Tape/CDs!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are not listening and not going to listen. My last attempt and then you are welcome to think what you want.

Reading the words in Arabic without understanding it means nothing. If you did read and comprehended it then the meaning is obvious.

But as I said. I am not a rabid radical and do not have a need to force others to think as I do. You think whatever you would want.


What does anyone expect from this anti-Iranian

by Onlyiran on

barbaric regime?  This is nothing compared to what they did back in the 80's and mass executions.



VPK now you're haggling! Muslims *read* Koran once a month!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Millions beleive this is *not* Islam

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Yes that is definitely true. That is because they have not read the Quoran. It is also why Iranian people got fooled in 1979 and went for this. I suggest Muslims should read the Quoran.

But Islam says you may not translate it. Many Muslims do not know Arabic and thus are unable to read it. So they follow a religion without knowing what it really promotes.

I have often wondered how do so many people claim to be Muslims. But most of them know little about Islam. They don't read the religious texts or know about Sharia. I probably know more about Islam than 90 % of practicing Muslims.

This is a sham. I bet if they really read about Islam a good 50% would leave. The rest would likely demand major reforms. To a point it won't resemble Islam any more.


All old religions have cruel laws

by MM on


1. It is up to the 21st century human beings to outlaw those cruel and unjust punishments.  For example, Rabbinic law (based on the authority of the torah, expressed or inferred) recommends 18 instances where stoning needs to be administered, but you do not see stoning in Israel, do you?

2. When strict Shari'a becomes the civil law, then we are back to the 7th century bedowin justice, and it is ugly.


Millions (probably Billion"s" ;-) believe this is *not* Islam.

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

You arfe trying to blame Islam's short comings on me. Basically "shoot the messenger". Whatever I said is absolutely true. If you don't like it that is not my fault. Now to what I did say. 

I said that IRI is practicing Islam and Sharia pretty much as perscribed. I don't agree with IRI. I am just saying a  fact. Islam and Sharia promote and condone these punishments. If you don't beleive me go read the Quoran and Sharia texts. This is not my idea. I rather it was not this way.

It is like saying Nazi's  killed Jews. It does not mean I agree with them. It is a fact. If you want to dispute the facts then you are going against reality. Revisionism is another word for it.


I am opposed to the death penalty. This even for the Islamic Republic scum bags. Next time hold off on the cheap shots.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dariush aka IRI groupie

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Where did this one come from? I did not "demonstrate" in anything during the war with Iraq. I did:

  • Object to the USA and Europe helping Iraq with Chemical Weapons.
  • Object to the USA siding with Iraq and helping them with logistics and other intelligence.
  • Object to USA shooting down an Iranian Jetliner. This was the USS Vincensse fiasco.

Yes I admit to all the above. If you have a problem with them: tough.


VPK you said this *is* Islam = Islamic Republic agrees

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


What did you say? Where the heck did you get the idea I agree with IRI? God for one day I am reading more false accusations than a years worth. Please back up what you said. If you are not able to back it up then explain either a misunderstanding or apologize.


VPK you & Islamic Republic agree on Islam's punishments. Got it.

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


Dariush A,

by AMIR1973 on

Dear veiled and Amir, You have already explained how you have participated in Anti Iran demonstrations during the war and helped West and Saddam in killing many Iranians. Your patriotism and nationalism has been proven.

Huh? Where did you get that from? Perhaps the same voice in your head that told you "I have heard that some people rather to be stoned to death than go to Federal prisons in USA"?

I wonder if this voice in your head represents the same phenomenon as the "light" around Ahmadinejad when he was on the podium at the UN that prevented the audience from blinking for "27 or 28 minutes"--LOOLLL. Cheers  :-)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: What kind of punishment

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I have been saying that Islam and Sharia are inhumane for a while. I have been called "racist"; "bigot"; "Nazi"; "KKK" even by some otherwise reasonable people such as thexmaster.

The truth is that this *is* Islam and Sharia and they are barbaric and savage. No way to sugar coat them. We should call evil what it is and this is it. I hope these thing open people's eyes to the true nature of Sharia. 

If anything good comes out of this it would be exposing this pseudo religion for what it is. Intolerance at its hight.

No more pretense and giving them the benefit of the doubt. 


Dariush A: Get over the eye-for-an-eye mentality

by gunjeshk on

The whole idea is to get over the eye-for-an-eye mentality, Donkey.  You regime lovers all believe that torture, abuse and inhumanity is justifiable, even preferable if the person or persons are judged by a very flawed judiciary, to be “bad.” It's almost as if you regime lovers can't rest until for SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE gets killed.


 Check the Constitution of the United States. In 1790’s they moved to protect citizens from “cruel and unusual punishment.” That was 200 years ago, not last week, Donkey.

Not like Evin, where torture is a guaranteed, routine experience and takes place while we speak.  The torture inmates go through in US prisons is self-inflicted. No one in U.S. prisons is required by law to face stone-throwing barbarians or to get amputated. Such punishment is barbaric! The world see this and judges that Iran lives in the stone age. Shame!


What kind of punishment is that?

by Escape on

Killing is not really punishment,it's just murder.You don't live on to learn from it,it's fear for other's..

So it's Murder and Fear written into Sharia law.Ok but it's backed by inhumane rules or against basically just against humanity.There's no tolerance for theives,adulterer's,liars etc..Sinner's.. for which people are by nature.It's not law,it's nothing but incrimination on mankind.There's no forgiveness.

Why would you compare War to what is the right the law's for a society? The only that says is that you promote War for your own society to live under.Of course there's not much difference between stoning your people and bombing them.So yes I consider you guily in compliance.




Dariush A have people "stopped" committing crimes in Iran?

by Anonymouse on

Crime is ever present in Iran and they keep hanging people in "public".  Is this the "first" public hanging? They've been hanging people in "public" for decades! They stone people, have people stopped adultry? 

When they hang criminals in private other people "witness" it, usually family members of the victim. It is just barbaric and against basic human rights but since you don't see it that way then anything else that this regime does is just cherry on top for you.

Shah was given the same warnings but didn't care. Maybe we should consider these events as an accelerator to bringing this regime down.  Sargord just found a friend so now he can comment on the "public" hanging side of this event and "lessons learned".

Everything is sacred

Dariush A


by Dariush A on

Topinc is the type of executions. Some here speak of inhumane sharia methods and humane western methods and i am simply trying to compare the two.  I think it should be left to criminals to choose the methods they want to be executed, if that has to be done.

Dariush A

Dear gunjeshk.  You must

by Dariush A on

Dear gunjeshk.  You must be  from Rasht?  It is gonjeshk, not gunjeshk!

The latest was just a few days ago. Someone hanged himself in prison. He had raped and killed a woman solicited from craigslist.  So, apparently prisons in USA are worse than hanging.

I live on the planet earth. Where do you live?


another sad day in our country

by Fatollah on

and another sad page in our history ...

public hangings are another strategy to put fears in Iranian hearts by IR! Nothing to do with justice! these hangings are to be seen more in the provinces. This violent regime, and the same faith will occure to those who endorse this freaking practice.

someone noted unemployment as a reason for which young Iranains might turn into illegal activities of any kind in the provinces or otherwise as a mean to make a living. as far as I am concerned, they may have been political prisoners. I don't really know why these people were hanged, but, IR is as guilty as hell. usually illegimate violent regimes are capable of committing such monstrous acts.

p/s to: others who bring US into this equation, what happened in US 74 years ago or still happens in US jails should not be of our concerns - is not mine anyway. The topic is Iran, not US.


Dariush A

You believe they want to

by Dariush A on

You believe they want to create fear. Maybe, maybe not. However, they haven't succeeded.

But wouldn't it be better if one was punished in public so people can see and stop committing crimes, than in private that will have no such affects?   Or one to be stoned than millions to be bombed by chemicals and nuclear weapons as we have witnessed. 

Would people be guilty, if  they believed in the sharia law?  Would they be considered humanitarian and civilized, if believed in other methods of executions and treatments as I mentioned? Even though the other methods is taking  much more lives?

Dear veiled and Amir, You have already explained how you have participated in Anti Iran demonstrations during the war and helped West and Saddam in killing many Iranians. Your patriotism and nationalism has been proven.



IRI's Islamic injustice continues...

by Khar on

and they seems to have improved on “efficiency”, now they execute 3 at a time on the same crane!


Dariush: What planet DO you live on?

by gunjeshk on

Dariush said: "I have heard that some people rather to be stoned to death than go to Federal prisons in USA."

Check your ears, donkey. What you heard was the sound of some other dinkeys in a back alley of Qom. Is there a movement for prisoners right to be stoned in the US? Maybe you should lead this movement!  We'll get you a soapbox in Times Square and see how long you last with this enlightening proposal to the American people.

What planet DO you live on? You may be spending too much time in Qom, habibi. Excuse me, I must be ill now.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

For the past several months, a number of IRI supporters (some of whom pretend that they're not supporters) have used names like Khashayarsha, Xerxes, Dariush, Kouroush, etc. Same guy or same propaganda tactic?

Yes it is a cynical ploy to fool us and muddy real Persian names. It is so obvious that has no real impact. We are on to them as you point out. They are wasting their time. Most likely the same person or a couple of peope working for IRR are doing it.

My best,




by AMIR1973 on

You do not deserve the name Dariush.

For the past several months, a number of IRI supporters (some of whom pretend that they're not supporters) have used names like Khashayarsha, Xerxes, Dariush, Kouroush, etc. Same guy or same propaganda tactic? You decide. Regards. 


Dariush A,

by AMIR1973 on

I have heard that some people rather to be stoned to death than go to Federal prisons in USA

 I think that may have been the voice in your head. There are medications available that help those voices go away. Cheers  :-)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dariush A

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are obviously an IRR symphatizer and a cynical one at it.  You do not deserve the name Dariush. At least Mola Shotor is honest. Shame on you. I don't care about their supposed "crime". Even if they did deserve death there are other ways that people already said. The only reason for public executions are to put fear in people. The only way to make people remain Muslim.

Lets face it: no one with any decency would support this. It is like lynchings in the South. FYI: they are illegal. You may not see the difference of Sharia and Civil law but most of us do. So why don't you live YOUR life by it. But don't you ever try to impose your 6th century barbarism on us. Or you end up in jail or if lucky a mental institution.

Iran Paidar

True color of Islam

by Iran Paidar on

Let's not forget that these are all Islam's gifts to Iranians.

Murder in Islam is a tool for not only retribution (Ghesas) but also is a tool for creation of fear.  Naturally, to impose the maximum fear in Iranian citizens, Islamic Rapists conduct the executions in public.As for stoning, Islam again shows its demonic, barbaric and filthy attitude towards women.  According to Sharia Law, when stoning a person, if person be able to dig him/her self out of the hole, then he/she will go free. But when it comes to men and women, men are buried up to their waist with free hands but women are buried up to their chest with their arms buried in the ground. That is so women never are able to go free. And the most ridiculous reason that they provide to justify this is to say that since women's breast is sacred she should be buried up her chest so the stone does not hit her breast.So fucking low and inhumane. To see sorry ass low life so called Sargord Pasdar with his comments and his new avatar are no new news for anyone since he is an agent of that Islamic barbaric regime.




Not even murder is a justification but in one instance

by Escape on

 in my opinion.That instance is the case where the murderer is a serial killer and proven they are non reformable and an absolute threat to society.In that case I agree with the death penalty.

Bringing suicide into the topic is a diversion tactic I'm frankly sick of reading constantly from some poster's.Not worth responding to for a sensible dialogue.

I do believe this is a terrorist tactic by the regime and agree these hanging's are a form of intimidation,the same that terrorist's use when they kill innocent's to send a message of terror and fear for their cause.