
Boy Survivor

Christmas Island boat disaster claimed about 50 lives Australia's Department of Immigration has found two relatives of the child orphaned by the Christmas Island boat tragedy, but they will not be reunited immediately.

The child, an Iranian boy about eight or nine years old, has been held in detention since the deadly crash killed an estimated 48 asylum seekers a week ago. He is being looked after by carers who cannot speak Persian.

The Immigration department had been looking for relatives of the boy, but would not release a photograph or more details about him due to privacy concerns.

This afternoon, the department has confirmed two aunts of the boy have been located. They were on board a boat that made it to Christmas Island yesterday.

But the women will not be reunited with the boy until a psychological assessment deems it is allowable. It was not immediately clear how long that would take - the department has said it will happen when it is "most appropriate".

Two other children - a boy and a girl who are about the same age and are cousins - were also orphaned in the crash. They have been reunited with two uncles who survived the disaster, while a third uncle who was already on the island will be moved to stay with them.

The Iranian boy is being held in the detention facility which comprises the two camps known as Phosphate Hill and Construction Camp, both the scenes of heated protests in the past week >>>


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