Manouchehr Mottaki

Fired by Ahmadinejad

BBC: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has fired Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, Iran's official Irna news agency reports. Initial reports gave no reason for the decision. There had been no indication Mr Mottaki, a key figure in Iran's nuclear negotiations with the West, was about to lose his job. News reports suggest Mr Ahmadinejad has appointed the country's top nuclear official to replace Mr Mottaki >>>


more from Tapesh


by norooz on

As you wrote, it is a jungle. In jungle diplomacy doesn't quite work. For US, diplomacy means submission in one way or another. In fact, with respect to Japan, Germany and Turkey that you mentioned and some that you didn't, they are all submitted to US.  Germany has even supported US and Israel in their crimes, So is Japan to certain extend and many others who willfully or forcefully has done so.  Turkey was the same until lately, due to the new government and still is a base for US.  Are you suggesting Iran should do the same?  Again?

Iran has learned, to defend the country we must strengthen our military power, our influence and our science and technologies and I strongly believe we should focus more on agriculture.  Because in this jungle we cannot trust anyone. I think for every one like you who disagrees, there are many who agree.

Now, I agree with you about the contradictions of what they say and do and mistreatment and etc in Iran, but I cannot dismiss the external truth because of internal lies, just as I cannot deny the lies.


norooz: this is my point

by aynak on


you ask:What is your point jenabeh Aynak? That Ahmadinejad and others should not
speak the truth and say a word against Israel and US crimes?

Those are very interesting questions.   When speaking of crimes, it appears that Ahmadi Nejad himself is as much of a criminal as any other.   Ahmadi Nejad is trying to use Israel crimes as an excuse to keep his own power.   I dont know if you have read some of the "No Fears" or "Sargord Pirouz'es" writings, but they justify Islamic Regimes military aid as follow:   If we give Hamas 100 million, it will save us a billion in our own military spending!.   You see my friend, their position in "helping" the cause of Palestinian, is not human rights, nor injustice they experience everday, but a proxy war!?!   But like we say, a light that is needed at home is Haraam for Mosque.    Ahmadi Nejad, single handedly is depleting Irans universities of some of the best and brightests.   How can he be possibly worried about human rights of a Palestinian, when he has no respect for our own students?   That is hypocrisy.  I feel so sad, that we live in a world, that the Palestinian have to accept the help from Ahmadi Nejad, who according to his supporters here is doing it because they want to use them as cannon fodders.

You asked:

That Iran
should do as they order?  That they should be allowed to do as they
wish with Iran and the region? That Iran should fear them?

Since the inception of history until now, there is one law governing countries power relation:  Law of Jungle.   Contary to pupular belief, we did not go to Athens to give them declaration of human rights, nor Arabs attacked Iran to help us find god ..... nor U.S attacks other smaller countries to bring them democracy.   This all happens because whoever is strong, dictates his wishes to preserve his interests.   Until humanity reaches higher level of consciousness we are confined to these laws.  But, Ahmadi Nejad does the same thing, but with our own people, because he has the power and he wants to preserve his/his groups hold onto power and our countries resources.   Now what is the sensible thing to do for a postive leadership in Iran, if we had one?   To call U.S names?   Or to try to compromise, in the most thoughtful way?   Do all countries that have certain amount of freedom/indepndence/prosperity have to be a slave to U.S?   That is where the mind set of Ahmadi Njead/Islamic Regime is.   His real mission is not to build something better, but to be in a perpetual war, because that is the only way he can exclusively be in charge!   In that regard, in the law of jungle, a Lion will eat a Fox.

You state:Well, that is
why they destroyed Iraq to scare people like you and make an example
for other countries who will not obey them.  Looks like it has worked on
some. If that is what you want, then you had Ghajar and Pahlavi.

That is incorrect.   Turkey is not doing bad.  Neither is Germany, nor Japan...  Iraq is in this shape, because it had stupid leader.  Qajars and Phalavis were also not bright.   But with more sensible view of the world, we can do much better than we are, instead of trying to challenge the lone superpower, or become slave.   There are many countries in the world that fit that mold.   We can be one as well, without being overly aggressive. The question you are not asking, are Iranian leaders doing something to make our situation better or worse?

revolution?  Why do you think Ghajar gave half of Iran away and Pahlavis
indirectly what was left of it? They were also afraid of threats,
sanctions and wars. How many more centuries do you want to live in fear
and speak of the Greatness of Persians? 

Islamic Regime isn't doing much better either, and I got a bad news for us.   The way Ahmadi Nejad is moving, threatening and making nuclear facility in every place in Iran, I am not sure, even if we are able to keep Iran as one, it would be habitable after nuclear disaster.   You confuse being diplomatic and sensible with being fearful and by extension, making foolish remarks, pointless threats as strength.   Over assessing your strength is the worse mistake.

I think for the most parts IRI is right on international issues and
wrong on some internal issues and those few internal mistakes have
caused great harms since the first months of
the revolution. Harassments, false arrests, torture, executions, forced
extreme hejab, lack of human rights and etc.  As I think Iran should
stand firm on her international rights, they should correct their
mistakes.  Had it not been for these mistakes, we would have had a much
better chance to a prosperous united Iran.

Please re-read my concerns about Ahmadi-Nejads support for Palestine, and tell me, if he has geniuine concern for Palestinians, how come the rate of departure after his second term among the best educated have gone up so dramatically?   It is always easier to talk and give slogans, but it is hypocratic to do the same to your people as Israeli's are doing to Palestinians.   That is why it does not cost anything for a Israeli supporter to come here and condemn Islamic Regime.   Because every thing he says, from shortages, stonning, Qesas and barbaric laws, non-existing representation of people in government .....  the corruption the addiction These are all the truth in Islamic Regime today.  But Israel's sympathy for Iranian people would be as genuine as Ahmadi Nejads support for the humanatarin plight of Palestinians.

In summary:  It is a myth propogated by Khomanee and now the regime that the world is ENEMY.  Everybody is Enemy. in a single speech the word ENEMY circulates around 5 million times.   A democratic society where the right of all indivduals is granted, and people are free will be the best way to insure we can make sure our rights are best protected.   Not by trying to strong arm the more powerful.

No Fear


by No Fear on

The only point in Aynak's post was the threat of war which norooz has replied to it.

I might add that the threat of war and sanctions has always hang around our head. The reformists lead by Khatami did exactly what many of you guys are advocating. And that is to be less confrontational and "not to challenge the rest of the world". Heck, the reformists even started the " dialogue among civilization" and where did that take us? What did Khatami accomplish at the end of her presidency?

Let me tell you what he accomplished after playing the nice guy.

- A complete freeze over our nuclear program until the west tells us they have trust in us to continue. The program was frozen for more than two years until Ahmadinejad broke the IAEA seals off the Natanz facility.

- For Iran to be allowed to spin 6 centrifuges for research purposes only.

And may i remind you that it was during Khatami\s era that our Bushehr nuclear facility was threatened by nuclear tipped smart bombs by Israel, while we came very close to an all out war with US.

Now look at today;

The Bushehr nuclear power plant is no longer the issue. And few days ago, the 5+1 acknowledged Iran's rights to peaceful nuclear technology. They don't even have a problem with us enriching anymore, all they are saying is to be more transparent.

You guys are naive. This is not the time for Iran to give in to the west demands. Strategically, considering the timing and the place, we have the upper hand. If US economy was going strong and the republicans were in power and the US military was not over stretched then i would consider the possibility of war.






Bye Bye Mani

by AlexInFlorida on

Sad to see you go.

You can always find work in the Iran you helped create, try cooking kabobs, you aren't qualifed for much we know, but your a big man now and you are going to have to start somewhere.

You are an IRI foreign minister, which means you have no transferrable skills, all my best Mani.  I hope you stole like everyone else what you could while you had a chance.


No fear:

by Bavafa on

مو از ماست کشیندنه You and I well know that this is 

There is far more points in that respond/question then simply a reference to Saddam, which incidentally is not absurd in any way.

But then again, you may want to just let it go as your attempt here is not helping your case so far.




by norooz on

What is your point jenabeh Aynak? That Ahmadinejad and others should not speak the truth and say a word against Israel and US crimes? That Iran should do as they order?  That they should be allowed to do as they wish with Iran and the region? That Iran should fear them? Well, that is why they destroyed Iraq to scare people like you and make an example for other countries who will not obey them.  Looks like it has worked on some. If that is what you want, then you had Ghajar and Pahlavi. why revolution?  Why do you think Ghajar gave half of Iran away and Pahlavis indirectly what was left of it? They were also afraid of threats, sanctions and wars. How many more centuries do you want to live in fear and speak of the Greatness of Persians? 

I think for the most parts IRI is right on international issues and wrong on some internal issues and those few internal mistakes have caused great harms since the first months of the revolution. Harassments, false arrests, torture, executions, forced extreme hejab, lack of human rights and etc.  As I think Iran should stand firm on her international rights, they should correct their mistakes.  Had it not been for these mistakes, we would have had a much better chance to a prosperous united Iran.



No fear

by Doctor mohandes on

Still, That does not mean that he necessarily "reads" it, himself.

You don't have to read anything in order to believe it.

sorry. Did not mean to rain on your parade there... Please don't let this ruin your mood.




by Saint on

That's what happens to you when you don't say Hi to Mrs. Clinton!!!!

No Fear


by No Fear on

Aynak wrote:

"With Ahmadi Nejad, they put an ariticle in Aljazeera, that he is a popular leader in Arab World.   As if those sentiment would make A tonboon for Fati?  Still, like Saddam, Ahmadi Nejad bleieves it. "

I rest my case.



Here, No fear

by Doctor mohandes on

Have another look:

With Ahmadi Nejad, they put an ariticle in Aljazeera, that he is a popular leader in Arab World.   As if those sentiment would make A tonboon for Fati?  Still, like Saddam, Ahmadi Nejad bleieves it.


No fear

by Doctor mohandes on

He did not (aynak) say Ahmadinejad was influenced by reading Al jazeeraaa!!!!

He said they write articles about him in there, claiming how popular he pehaps is or not in the arab world.

Hmmm.  For someone who is so fond of reason and Non-absurd things and insists on that as an standard code of discussion You sure ain't got nothing to show for.

Makes one wonder why you can not have a "discussion" doesn't it?


No Fear


by No Fear on

I can't reply to any idiotic comments. Aynak claims Ahmadinejad is like saddam hossein and Ahmadinejad is influenced by reading Al Jazeera.  How can i have a discussion about that? 

I be happy to answer any reasonable questions, except utterly absurd or ridiculous claims.


No fear: " I had a few disappointing exchanges with you"

by Bavafa on

having followed the exchanges here and else where:

Is that it or more the case of 

حرف حساب جواب نداره؟



God bless Agha Mottaki

by asadabad on

He is a virtuous man by any standards.  He didn't authorize the torture, rape, or murder of anyone.

You are being unjust with your comments.  He was just an academic.  Under the Pahlavis he established a school in Khorasan for poor people.

You do't have any proof that he was responsible for any human rights abuses.  You are all just jumping on the fox/cnn propaganda bandwagon.


Charlie rose

by Doctor mohandes on

I blame charlie rose for this!

His method of questioning and rather grilling of the country officials has resulted in major changes in governments!

I suggest we start a campaign and in the most elegant way (such as the one conducted on the Navy's page on the facebook , Jahan sevommi style, forcing them to utter a verypolite and a gentle!!! Condenm him!



شغال بیشۀ مازندران را


ندرد جز سگ مازندرانی


this mottaki

by shushtari on

character is a known murderer.....he ordered the execution of 700 young dissidents in bandar abas in the 80s....

just like the rest of these aftabeh dozd mozdoors- he will be sent to hell soon  

No Fear


by No Fear on

I had a few disappointing exchanges with you. i am under this impression that you are as thick as a brick with zero rational thoughts. You have made up your mind. So why bother exchanging views with me?




by Benyamin on

It is interesting that this infighting between the thieves could actually be fruitful for Iran since it could result in telling on each others secrets.

 The girls and boys who got killed and tortured over the rigged elections have a God too. and we will see how this will turn out.

One of these people will fall out of love from the umbrella of the Leader or the other groups and he or she will tell the truth and name names. 


Re: Finally.....

by aynak on


No fear: (I wish your ilk had some fears)

"Here is another reason to witness the leadership qualities of Dr.
Ahmadinejad. No matter who backs Motaki, Ahmadinejad has no problem
slamming the door on his face"

the leadership qualities of Ahmadi Nejad, reminds me of last days of Saddam.   From polutted air, to over priced goods and inflation, to all the issues which has been mostly brought on Iran, by idiotic remarks of Ahmadi Nejad,  Iran is looking more and more like a pre-war Iraq.

With Saddam, they used to prop him up by saying he had the forth strongest Army in the world  --And that dumb, genocidal fck believed it--.

With Ahmadi Nejad, they put an ariticle in Aljazeera, that he is a popular leader in Arab World.   As if those sentiment would make A tonboon for Fati?  Still, like Saddam, Ahmadi Nejad bleieves it.

Iran, is in no position to challenge the rest of the world --strictly from a pragmatic point of view-- if you comprehend what that means.   Of course, if your goal is not to construct, but create the next Aushura, this time in the entire Iran, you are on the right track.

How can you not see this?

Historically, WARs have been answer to the falling economies with no prospect of recovery.   Guess what?   The world is in the middle of the worst economic recession --ever--.  A bunch of Dumb Fcks' are repeating the same  mistake for Iran,  as Saddam did for Iraq, not realizing that sub-marine made out of scrap metal,  can not protect you against missles which will destroy our beloved Iran  and  kill our people, due to STUPID policies of a  psychopath.   But you want  to expedite Mehdi's return,   dont you?


ابر و باد و مه و خورشید و فلک در کارند (۲)



ابر و باد و مه و خورشید و فلک در کارند   تا که بر کلة اون خ.ر. تو یه مشتی بزنی
همه از بهر تو سرگــشته و فــرمـانبردار     رسـم انصاف نباشد که ایـنــارو نـبـری

خ.ر. = خامنه ای رهبر

 تو = یزدان

tehran e Azad

Hammalha !

by tehran e Azad on

One unqualified OLAGH replaces another !


No Fear


by No Fear on

The firing of Motaki was expected. Motaki was a harsh critic of Ahmadinejad confrontational foreign policy and believed in a softer tone when dealing with the 5+1 countries.


But when you look at the results of his 5 years as Iran's foreign minister, you can not find any tangible results for his actions based on his ideology. Ahmadinejad had clearly stated that he seeks better relations with our neighbors, but due to a weak foreign ministery , our relationship with the arab world is at a all time low.

( Just two days ago, Esfandyar Mashaie visited Jordan and invited the king of Jordan to Iran. Why didn't Motaki go to Jordan? Is it because he follows the advice of VF in foreign policy? read the above link again)

Motaki stuck his nose in areas where it doesn't belong. read the link below;


Here is another reason to witness the leadership qualities of Dr. Ahmadinejad. No matter who backs Motaki, Ahmadinejad has no problem slamming the door on his face.

To all you wanna be reformists out there... Take note.


Only a "Misunderstanding!!!"

by Tavana on

After the discovery of IRI illegal arms shipment to Nigeria a month ago:


Motaki rushed travelling there & said in his news conference in Farsi that "Nigerian themselves are major drug dealers, so what is a big deal??" but the translator put it in nice words "It is all a simple misunerstanding !!!"

Now his firing is also a misunderstanding !!!! What is the big deal here guys with your nasty & disgraceful comments !!!


Good analysis by Aynak and DK,

by Bavafa on

Beside the make-feel-good comments here, which is rather understandable, I tend to think in line with Aynak and DK. I would not be surprised if he runs in the next term, unless of course he has suddenly a motorcyclist parked next to him.




by jasonrobardas on

or SHOGHAL?  What is the difference ? 


Motaki will be assigned by Khamenei 2 oversee nuke negotiatios!

by Anonymouse on

Same thing happened to Larijani and Khamanei put him in charge of Ahmadi.  Talk about dysfunctional family!  They fire the guy and then he becomes your nemesis! 

Everything is sacred

hamsade ghadimi

bfarahmand, great reasoning

by hamsade ghadimi on

bfarahmand, great reasoning except that ahamdi has a phd in traffic engineering.  in his "short" tenure as tehran mayor and president of iran, he has managed to take tehran's traffic flow, traffic deaths, and pollution to great heights.  do you wish the same success for salehi?  i guarantee that salehi could no worse.

what else do they teach you guys in the hamayesh gatherings in iran?


Motaki's Failure to Bribe Nigeria

by Demo on

AN had no other choice but to remove Motaki as he failed to bribe Nigeria to keep them quiet over IRI illegal arm shipment to that country back in June this year:


PS: Salehi's PhD from MIT is as good as the "deceased" Kordan & the "run away"  Mehdi Hashemi's PhDs from Oxford University. All 3 could speak several "languages" of deceptions!!!!


ابر و باد و مه و خورشید و فلک در کارند ...


The end is near