Iranian photographers

Used for and against the regime


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Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
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The Truth is Painful

by AlexInFlorida on

Monarchy is the worst form of government for Iranians, except for all others. 

Since in Iran it has been proven that monarchy approaches both freedom and the democratic ideal far better than democracies... as we see in Iran under the shah vs islamic republic.

This is a Painful Truth for pro-democrats, to accept that the islamic republic is a democratic reality that the majority wanted and brought it about.

Democratic governments do not guarantee freedom, in fact it is a false belief that democracy and freedom go hand in hand and can only come about by looking at selective evidence and not the entirity of data across the pages of history.

Islamic Republic as most people know is more democratic than even the state of Israel.  Unlike Iran, Israel was brought about by only considering the views of the jews and not all the people living in the area. 

At least Islamic republic was created by the democratic principal of majority rule while allowing all the various views to be represented.  The democratic Islamic Republic is however a tyranny since it's inception until today, unlike Israel which does provide Freedom for Jews.

What the Green movement does not address, because most Iranians are not conscious of, is that Iranians want Freedom more than democracy, the kind of freedom they enjoyed for the first time from the Shahs era.  Iranians tell their children how much better life was in the hands of the shah and his team and they miss this very much within Iran. 

And in a perfect world Iranians would want both freedom and democratic government, but at a gradual pace that is relavent to the possiblities of the iranian people, while not sacrificing their Freedom. Today they don't even have freedom to go to the next step.

And that is what they are lacking, Freedom, the ability to have choices without coercion, manipulation and deceit.  Real choices however unappealing that will enhance ones life, not undermine it.

To think that Iranians blew away the Shah that worked his entire life to bring them Freedom that they had not enjoyed before, to the point where unlike 95% of the world in 1983 Iranians would have enjoyed guaranteed health care, education and employment or government assistance if no work could be found is shocking.  I live in America and we don't have Freedom that good.

I hope people learned that Revenge is not so delicious. And that true success is learning to enjoy life and not feeling inadequate because some people are becoming extremely rich and then being vindictive, mean and nasty.