Mohammad Khatami

Opposes secular democracy


more from Tapesh

Now everything is clear

by cyclicforward on

It is great that Khatami and et al. cleared their position. I personally never believed that these folks could be the right leaders for the greens. I personally respect them as a human being but the only form of government that works for Iran is secular democracy. Iranians haven't shed all these blood for another experiment by neo islamists.



The only way...

by ahvazi on


an Akhoond, including Khatami can prove to me that they want freedom and  democracy in Iran, is leave the Majlis and go back to their Masjids.


Louie Louie

We can't handle secular democracy, reminded by our dear

by Louie Louie on

intellectuals. They take Iranians as bunch of retards and ignore the fact that 60% of the population is under the age of 30 and very tech savvy. 

If there is a revolution, it really should be about our intellectuals. People should do what the Chinese did to their drug addicts, just dump'm in the sea.

Sorry for the un-intellectual comment :o)


yeah right!

by chalousroad on

Like any of you critics of Khatami could have the balls to propose a secular democracy and say it in your speech on national TV!! Thats right its easy to criticise at the comfort of your home in USA or elsewhere, ghabele tavajohe baziha!!!


SECULAR is not a native word, so it is SUCKS TO CANADA!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

David ET

Where are the seculars?

by David ET on

Speak Up. Stand for your democratic beliefs. Unite. Organize. Lead. 

We have had enough of these Bozos! 



Jahanshah Javid

Clarity helps us move on

by Jahanshah Javid on

We owe Khatami a big thank you. Finally there's no ambiguity about where he stands on the issue of democracy and the Islamic Republic. We can move on (and pass him) now :)


He's a coward

by statira on

Khatemi yeh Akhonde tarsoo va bozdeleh. And he is not the leader of oppsition in the eyes of most iranians inside Iran. Iranians are sick and tired of all the akhoond jamaat.

Een mullaye tarsoo faght be fekreh khodeshe. Har kee be fekre kheeshe, kooseh be fekre rishe.

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

finally, i can read the entirety of dk's comment.  not only that, i totally agree with it.  well put dk (first comment).

who's next to make the same speech?  mousavi? 

was that carole king who sang: "i can't talk to a turbaned man, with blood on his hand."


no shame!

by MM on


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

No Surprise

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Why are people surprised here? Do you expect a Mullah to do anything else! That is why all the "Islamic" thinkers whether forward or backward thinkers are worthless. The only solution is a Secular approach. I would settle for either a Monarchy or a Secular Republic  with a very strong bill of rights. 

Regarding this garbage I am glad Khatami is honest. Now there is no doubt he is useless. We need a regime change plain and simple. And not one led by Soroush; Bazargan or Khatami or even Mousavi. We need new leaders. Maybe some are already here. We need IIC we need Iran Secular. 

How do we get there? That is a good question. It is a tough job getting rid of a military dictatorship. But we must for the love of Iran and Iranians.

Darius Kadivar

Besides HE Lost it To Daryoush Shayeghan ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on


Befarma, this is your oppostion leader

by mahmoudg on

hence why surgical attacks on this now offcial "military dictatorship" is the only salvation for Iranians from the clutches of 1400 years of tyranny.  He believes in Velayet faghih and the "Nezam" which means he  supports dictatorship and the rule of thugs on people.  He will be among the first group to be brought to justice in a Western style jurisprudence.

Darius Kadivar

Olagh !

by Darius Kadivar on

Period !


He is right!

by choghok on

I do not think with average Iranians menthality nor opposition leadership we could have a democracy in Iran today, but with Khatami form of goverment we will have a way forward. Going forward slowly is better than taking leap into darkness.

With reforms and slow advancement there is a chance to grow and to finally come to place where we can call democracy, and maybe then mullahs can join the human race.

P.S Be reminded that memri is israeli propaganda mouthpiece. They always angle issues to win points, have that in mind.


Career Islamist

by Fred on

Isn’t that so Islamist Rapist of him to dictate what form of Democracy people have the “right” to demand? The charlatan Ali Shariati crowd who are still rooting for this career Islamist must be so proud.