Aroos Doomad

An engagement and wedding in Utah




Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi
hamsade ghadimi

for a second...

by hamsade ghadimi on

i thought the title said "aroos doomed."  i hope their union will be eternal.

jeesh daram, that video was hilarious.  years ago when i was underage and very drunk at my friend's wedding.  he spontaneously asked me to go on the stage and make an announcement for him.  that was the most awkward (and slurred) 2 minutes of my life.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

بنده خدا‌ها در عجب راهی‌ قدم گذاشته اند ! ما نه که از اهل ندید بدید‌ها باشیم،ما تنها خیر ایشان خواهیم و بس !

سبز باشید و شیرینی‌ خامه یی ما فراموش نشود .



Thats very funny JD

by divaneh on

Thanks for the link. That video is really funny.

Ali P.

Handsome couple

by Ali P. on

...and they look very much in love with each other.


Nicely done.

(GSjaan, ishaal'laah aroosee eh khodet!)


JD jaan years ago I had such a Tequila moment on a sofreh aghd!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Jeesh Daram

all weddings are nice, just make sure

by Jeesh Daram on

to never invite this girl to any wedding, she is a wreck :)





Aroos looks like

by statira on

 the runaway bride lady, Jenifer Wilbank! She's pretty though.  I hope she doesn't runaway like her!

Although with the way some Iranian men are, there is a good chance for it!

Jahanshah Javid

Elegant &...

by Jahanshah Javid on

... very sweet. I wish them lasting love & happiness.