Beating Heart of the Beast




Something as wonderful as this should reach more people

by ramintork on

I really hope that your work gets more exposure.

Something as Artistically wonderful as this should reach more people.


Potent. Ebtehaj has another poem fitting this imagery that was

by Hovakhshatare on

recently release by Ostad Shajarian

تصنيف جديد استاد محمدرضا شجريان با آهنگي از کيوان ساکت

"اي شادي آزادي":


اي شادي ِ آزادي !

روزي که تو بازآيي

با اين دل ِ غم پرور

من با تو چه خواهم کرد ؟

غم هامان سنگين است

دل هامان خونين است

از سر تا پامان خون مي بارد

ما سر تا پا زخمي

ما سر تا پا خونين

ما سر تا پا درديم

ما اين دل ِ عاشق رادر راه ِ تو آماج ِ بلا کرديم

مي گفتم :روزي که تو بازآيي

من قلب ِ جوانم راچون پرچم ِ پيروزي بر خواهم داشت

وين بيرق ِ خونين را بر بام ِ بلند ِ تو  خواهم افراشت

مي گفتم :روزي که تو باز آيي

اين خون ِ شکوفان راچون دسته گل ِ سرخي در پاي تو خواهم ريخت

وين حلقه ي بازو رادر گردن ِ مغرورت خواهم آويخت

اي آزادي !

بنگر ! آزادي !

اين فرش که در پاي تو گسترده ست

از خون است

اين حلقه ي گل خون است

گل خون است ...اي آزادي !

از ره ِ خون مي آيي

اما مي آيي و من در دل مي لرزم :

(اين چيست که در دست ِ تو پنهان است ؟)

(اين چيست که در پاي تو پيچيده ست ؟)

اي آزادي ! آيا با زنجيرمي آيي ؟

Ari Siletz

Intense love for freedom

by Ari Siletz on

Brilliant and relevant art. Here's Houshang Ebtehaj reciting his poem "Arghavan" excerpted in PA's work. Lotfi accompanies with tar. The poet believes in socially relevant art, and after the 1979 revolution, he was jailed for a year for his conscientious poetry. I sense that the inclusion of "Arghavan" in the work is a hint by the artist to seek further evocations of the images in Ebtehaj's words.



Final speech is by Mario Savio from his 1964 Berkeley civil rights student protest speech: "And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all." The speech came after Berekely campus banned free speech on civil rights issues.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Ramin Jan, the artist has asked that he and others who worked on this video stay anonymous.


This is a wonderful animation

by ramintork on

We are dealing with a superb animator here who is a visual poet. The artist's last animation is very impressive, I also like your other works.

Elements of this work somehow reminds me of shamlou's "Deshneh dar dees" book cover but turned into animation.


I like the fact that in your pieces you also mimic the film on the silver screen with even the little touches like emulating projector flicker and the end of film noise.

I don't know if you are doing this professionally, if not you should be and perhaps you should turn some of these to video installations.

Just a few tips if you are need it, Farhang foundation has a Iranian Music Video competition, where perhaps you could enter one of your pieces:


Also this Art Gallery seem to be good for Iranian Artists:


With the emergence of Altermodernism there is an upsurge of Iranian and Chinese Artists.

There seem to be an appeal for mixing the traditional with the new.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

Jahanshah Javid

Disturbing, powerful

by Jahanshah Javid on

Great work of art.