Evil interrogation technique

The newest weapon in the war on terror



Zanboor jaan,

by Arthimis on

I agree with most of your list and can even forgive you on Madonna to some extent, but leave " Rolling Stones" and U2 (especially Mr. Jagger and Bono) out of this please... :-)

Honestly, your disrespect toward such Universal Super Artists, Pioneers and Icons who besides their beautiful music have positively effected & contributed so much to mankind on global level is unforgivable... Even if you are trying be funny! ;-)

Meanwhile, for warm up purpose, please watch and listen to these few clips for your initiation toward awareness! Enjoy:




Until next time, Take care,

Awareness, Consciousness, Freedom, Love and Peace.



finally, someone other than me thinks Andy is horrible

by zanboor_ghavi_mannyslawyer on


These people should pack away and leave for MARS:


Micheal Bolton

Kenny G

Aerosmith (hope he gets a smaller mouth)

Rolls Stones : esp MIck Jagger

U2: Bono

Sean Piddy Diddy Liddy Combs

Madonna (yeah she too, we have hear CDs from back in the day, Granny got go)


People who still kick it : Phil Collins, Mary G Blige,...... 



Good Laugh

by divaneh on

No one would last that torture.


Gian-Carlo Giannini plays in this clip? :-)

by Arthimis on

Wow! They use oscar nominated actors in their clips?! (Just kidding)... :0)

The poor guy getting tortured (by Andy's music on this clip) looks like young Gian-Carlo Giannini and/ or his son now days!

See Gian-Carlo Giannini:



Very funny

by ramintork on

Love these guys, they are the best.


yeap, I have always feared either that or metallica

by Bavafa on


Fouzul Bashi


by Fouzul Bashi on

Very funny lol :)


Spicy jihad sucks

by statira on

Who are these people making these stupid  Spicy Jihad videos?


Hell no, Andy is great.

by پیام on

He should have used javad Yassari ;)

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

That would do it!