Hossein Hamedani

Revolutionary Guards commander says those who protest on 22 Bahman are not Iranian but foreign agents



it just downed on me,

by pedro on

maybe that is why sargord pirouz showed up in west all of a sudden. is he/she one of the wives/partner. Is he a dearly beloved malijak to some fat akhond?

sargord, are your teeth pulled out? are you using dentures?

I've read stories many years back that akhonds did that to their male sex captive for oral sex favors.


Then you have to deal with 70 million forigin agents.

by pedro on

Do all the big talk now. Mr. hot shot flea infested, beareded son of an arab whore. Why then you look so teriffied. and why some of you have already sent your wife / wives out of the country to Canada, Spain, Germany...........

you know in your heart you have no future in Iran. You and the rest of the Mullahs are unfortunately between a rock and a hard place. you burnt all the bridgs behind you.  your Isalme Nabe Mohamadi raped too many innocent Iranian children, this was the straw that broke the kamels back. I don't favor violence, but I will certainly not stop any Iranian from doing to you, what you did to their children for 30 years.

Stop execution of innocent iranian children in Islomic prisons.


The asked a member of MAFIA....

by Benyamin on

Why Mafia never threatens, and a former member of Mafia replied:

Because threatening anyone means you are scared or the situation has gotten ou of hand!

The IRI has done nothing but threatening the people of Iran, and it is worsening. If people have no money to live on, if people have no more dignity to live for(since the IRI tells them bt definition most are not muslim) if people have lost all hope to live like humans and not slaves, then nothing can stop them from protesting it is becoming a way of life and 22nd of Bahman they will protest because there is nothing left to them to live for!


Difference between army and sepah

by choghok on

Sepah is really a mafia not an army, their power and money comes from the controling all the power in Iran, I do not think that army in Iran in shahs time had the same problem.



by Morveln on

You seem to have evolved a mental hurdle that prohibits you from facing the reality in Iran. This regime executes people just because they have an opinion that deviates from the islamic doctrine.

They killed two guys this week, god knows how many they rape and abuse in prisons.

You seem to be proud of the several layers build to supress the people - should the government not be focused on the development of the people instead of supression?

I makes me ashamed that we are in 2010 and my country is like the medieval Europe, more ashamed that there are people who can read and write but still defend this retarded government.


Pirouz, keep on dreaming.

by پیام on

You sound like you are in denial. Just remember the almighty army of shah ( roohesh shaad) how joined the people.


Sargord Pirouz

by R2-D2 on

If you have spent any amount of time in Iran recently, you should know that the Revolutionary Guards have the most to lose if this regime collapses!

There may be other supporters of this regime - But the Revolutionary Guards are the lynch-pin: Once they go, the rest will go with them!



Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

You're wrong. There is every level of government, NAJA, IRGC, Artesh, Basij, as well as the pro-establishment segment of the electorate, for which every indication is that it represents the majority.

That's quite a hurdle for those espousing subversion!


You're Done ...

by R2-D2 on

Your organization is the last hurdle that we need to overcome, for this regime to collapse.

At the same time, as you should know, your organization is truly hated, and despised by all freedom loving Iranians.

Have no doubt: Your days are indeed numbered .....