Mashad students on strike

Azad University protest against basijis violent attacks on students

Among the scores of injured students, two female students who suffered knife wounds in the neck disappeared from the scene, both feared dead.News story.

This clip gives an idea of their number, refusing to go to class:

Scnes during one of the attacks, Dec 29:

Sit-in protest, Dec 31:


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gitdoun ver.2.0

lower than beasts

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

these basij are not worthy to be in the fold of humanity; they are lower than animals. plz pray for these 2 innocent girls and their families



by rtayebi1 on

May justice serves these barbaric motherf....s

There is tears in my eyes. I just wish I could do something, I feel so helpless


What will Unity bring?

by Amir19 on

When people of Iran are united against tyrany, this happens:

Unity => Victory=>Freedom=> Prosperity =>Happiness =>Growth =>Reduction in drug use and prostitution => Recution in people's exedus to other countries (Escape of the brains) => Respect in the world => Removal of travel restrition for Iranians to other countries => Reduction in world terrorism => Hope for World Peace

Let's all of us try to achieve these goesl by Uniting with one another and not focusing on our differences.


اینجا ایران است


اينجا ايران است. حکومتش ،حکومت امام زمان است.بر مبناي قرآن است. رهبرش ،رهبر مستضعفين جهان است. قوت غالب مردم نان است. بهاي نان،به قيمت جان است. ثروتش براي فلسطينيان است.دانشگاهش ،ستاره باران است. جاي روشنفکرانش ، زندان است. هر که فرياد بزند ،از کافران است. سکوت نشانهء مسلمان است. شرکت در راهپيماييه دولت بزرگترين نشانهء ايمان است.انچه روز به روز ارزان ميشود جان انسان است. این را جوانی از تهران در سایت گذاشته بود

Shazde Asdola Mirza

following Hossein's example in making a stand against Tyranny

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Every voice counts! Every action counts!