Reza Pahlavi's first speech

At a gathering of followers in London, circa 1989

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:


Part V:

Part VI:

Part VII:

Part VIII:

Part IX:

Part X:

Part XI:

Part XII:


more from Darius Kadivar
payam s

Haha, Good one Khar jan!

by payam s on

And what's up with the size of his glasses. He mind as well stand behind a thick glass screen. I did like the soundtrack from the movie Gheysar though. Anyone know where I could find it?


Am I hearing correctly, crowd is saying Chaapid Shah?!

by Khar on



He was good then, he is good

by benross on

He was good then, he is good now.

When everybody gets tired of mumbo jumbo, they will settle for what really matters.


An Excellent Omen For Iran

by AlexInFlorida on

When ever I put any video on regarding Iran/the mullahs/, my pet (called Angel) gets up from beside me and leaves.

What was amazing is when I put this video on she came up and cuddled with me.  Have you ever noticed how pets are a great judge of people, well she loves, Reza Pahlavi and the speech he just gave.

This shows that even during The Dark Days of Iran, there is still hope. 

It is a Real Omen, At a time when Iranians are forced to watch the vinditive corrupt religous authorities they unwisely supported in 1979 destroy their families in a state of tyranny they can at least see that in the Leadership Department they do have a real alternative.

Although it will take this same wisdom their parents generation were so poorly lacking in 1979 to make use of the gifts and opportunities (god/the universe/ what ever name you use gave them) they have been given.

The videos showed me that this Reza is not a manipulative or deceitful person like most politicians, but honest and true.

What is Unique about Iran, like Florida, is that it has this beautiful tradition which lead the Persians to be one of the great civilizations of the world, except it's people are not honoring it unlike florida which is, and so it's people are living in the misery that naturally follows people who let go of proven traditions and willingly pursue deceptive lies.

Thanks for showing me the video.



just listened to part 5 and had enough

by Bavafa on

A lot of ramble about the war and not a word about who started it or those who supported (Arabs and US)

20 years has passed since this charade and nothing has changed, well beside his weight I guess.



Worthless then ..

by jasonrobardas on

   Worthless now ...


Very timely

by ghalam-doon on

Watch from part five if you want to avoid clappings, slogans and melodrama.