French Burqa Ban

Passes lower house 335 votes to 1

CNN: France's lower house of parliament Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a ban on any veils that cover the face -- including the burqa, the full-body covering worn by some Muslim women. The vote was 335 to 1. The measure must still go to the French Senate before it becomes law. The Senate is expected to vote on it in the week of September 20. Amnesty International immediately condemned the vote. "A complete ban on the covering of the face would violate the rights to freedom of expression and religion of those women who wear the burqa or the niqab in public as an expression of their identity or beliefs," said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International's expert on discrimination in Europe >>>


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hypocrisy is in the eyes of beholder

by benross on

And in your eyes, it doesn't seem offensive at all. You live with it. But you as embodiment of hypocrisy seem very offensive to me. Just to let you know.

As 'your beloved IRI', of-course you don't love it. You have to live with it. Just like with your hypocrisy.




why are you being so defensive here? If you were against it, then good for you.

As I said before, I respect everyones right to be a hypocrite on, if they want to be. have a wonderful day!

And next time cut the "your beloved IRI" nonsense. It seems everytime people come short in arguing their case, they like to take the easy route by using this tried and failed cliche.



by benross on

Bombing Iran good, not bombing Iran bad... for your propaganda that is.

This is a free forum, and everybody is expressing his or her opinion. It is not like your beloved IRI. You didn't care to pay attention that some of us were against it. Because again:

Forcing hejaab removal good, not forcing it bad... for your propaganda. 



by Amir Normandi on




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The world should follow France, in advancing the humanity to the current century.

The fanatics need to be pulled out of the dark ages.

A gender specific dress code has no place in this century.

France is home to phenomenal museums; how about one more for: Abaya, Babushka, Burqua, Chador, Wimple, and Sheitel.

Imagine how many poor people could be clothed with the fabrics saved from (not) making women’s veil?     



Enforcing hejab in iran =bad; enforcing removal of burqa = good!

by MOOSIRvaPIAZ on members hypocrisy shines!

I respect your right to be stupid, be it the burqa wearer or the ones denying the burqa wearer her rights. have a nice day!

dingo daddy En passant

Not smart at all!

by dingo daddy En passant on

France has about 5 million to 6 million Muslims, out of which analysts say only 1,900 wear the full veil. According to Amnesty International’s expert on discrimination in Europe, “A complete ban on the covering of the face would violate the rights to freedom of expression and religion.” 

The bill is not yet law, as it still has to pass the senate in September and the text will be examined by the Constitutional Council. 

The European court of human rights, which protects religious freedoms, might also have a say in this, as similar laws are pending in Belgium, Spain, and some Italian municipalities.


dingo daddy En passant

They will jail people for this

by dingo daddy En passant on

Yes, they will put people in jail. I heard the interview on TV. There is 150 Euro fine. If you don't pay it, just like any other fine, you can be punished. Repeat offenders will be jailed.

This is not going to turnout well. It will give Muslims a tactic to gain more sympathy. It is a stupid move.


Doctor X:

by Bavafa on

Now that you explained it, it makes so much sense.  I am indebted to you.

I will look to learn from your wisdom and logic here and else where.

OnlyIran: agreed 100% with your thoughts on the subject.



الٔحمد الله


احسن الله.



by Doctor X on


No Fear

If the rights of the minority is against the rights of the...

by No Fear on

Majority, then majority wins. duh?

Hoshang Targol

A "majority" that does not guarantee rights of its minorities

by Hoshang Targol on

does not deserve to be called a "majority," or rule as such.



by Doctor X on



agreed onlyiran

by benross on

They are going wrong about this whole thing. Anti-modernity thoughts should be challenged where they are... in the minds.

No Fear

I have NO problem with the ban

by No Fear on

If Switzerland decides to ban building Mosques in their cities, or France banning Barqas is aligned with the majority's opinion, then the wish of the majority should be respected.

Observe how two of the most democratic nations on earth deal with the issue of "rights" and " freedoms".

It is clear that these two nations are protecting their " identity" based on their " own religion" and " culture". This mean these rights and freedoms were not meant to be adopted as a universal standard.

Need more proof?


whatever the background was that led to this decision

by Onlyiran on

I am against it because it takes away people's personal freedom.  People should be free to wear whatever they want.  Plus, this is insulting to people's religious beliefs as well.  I am not a religious person myself, but I respect other people's beliefs, and I think that being "in your face" with people about their beliefs creates unnecessary animosity and conflict.  


It is not a question of if

by Bavafa on

It is not a question of if they have the right to pass these laws or not, it is a question of if those laws are in line with the spirit of freedom to choose how they dress in public and religion.

US had the laws to make slavery legal but that didn't make it right… unless you are advocating it was.

Also, if you do really believe in such rights to be passed and enforced, then you better be OK with all the laws that IRI has passed, all of those barbaric laws that recognize women only half as a man including the dress code that they impose on Women. Women surely have all the rights to dress as they wish in their homes, right?

For some hypocrisy has no limit I guess




moslem immigrants have only islamists to blame for this

by fooladi on

Europeans as a whole are very liberal minded. This Burqa would not have been an issue in Europe if it was not for what islamist terrorists have done to Europeans. Europeans let in millions of muslims, as refugees since 1980's, housed them, provided them with free medical care, social security benefits and education. And how are they paid back in return? They get blown up in their busses and trains because some muslim loser wants to have sex with 72 virgins in heaven!


agree with France and iran

by Anonymous8 on

azizan i agree with this belive or not. if the french government want to force a dress code in their own country they have right to do it. iran has the same position with its laws. you are free to be what you want at private home anyway. majority rule is respect. you don't like, you can always leave country.

more power to both republics. 

Poosteh Pesteh


by Poosteh Pesteh on

Why Let Them In ?



by Guilan on

French women and men don't allow these people with delayed mental to impose their  thoughts. French don't want to become an islamic country.

Poosteh Pesteh


by Poosteh Pesteh on

I Agree With You They Are Dirty As Animal



by Doctor X on

Stop twisting things around dadash:)

The french gov. has already announced its position on such public displays. That is all it can do. that is as far as they can and SHOULD go. You can prosecute a man for committing battery of any kind against his wife, or any female relatives, but please be real my friend. You can not possibly enact laws in any country in the world, to prortect minority women from crimes committed against them in such a context because chances are:

1- the woman shares the same Faith as the man.

2- the woman is sick and tired of this manner of behavior, which means she should leave the man.

3- she should have been smart enough not to have ever married the man in the first place whom she know would have such strict dress code beleifs!

This is not the same as take it or leave it, This is: obey our laws in public, while we respect your rights in private to do whatever you want, or get the hell out if you are so uncomfortable with it.

Very simple.

Poosteh Pesteh

Not Fair

by Poosteh Pesteh on

Yes Maryam But When They Went To France They Went Like This Now France Doesn't Want Them So France Fault

Darius Kadivar

Rasti Khoub Meeshod Yeh Kolah Pahlavi Ham Konan sareh Shohar

by Darius Kadivar on


Doctor x: I am all ears if

by Bavafa on

Doctor x: I am all ears if you have a suggestion/prescription as what would be a healthier and better way then creating some law (probably some thing already exist) and applying it to those who force their will on others (i.e. husbands forcing their will on their wife) regarding wearing Burga.


P.S.  "Take it or Leave it ! ..."  Isn't that the mentality we hear from IRI?

Darius Kadivar

People are Free to wear the burqa or be naked at Home ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Not in Public Places ...

It's as simple as That !

Neither Your privacy nor Your Faith is jeapordized by this law.

A person's Face is Not a Private anatomy to be covered and protected.

Take it or Leave it ! ...




by Doctor X on

Was it a 335 to 1 vote or am i just experiencing delusion here?

I am not sure if the provinces and states in france have the same power as the individual States in US but Look guys, they can come up with something different if they so choose. Let's not Jump into conclusion here and use the term, or rather misuse the term Totalitarian. 

Midewsty jan. People and minorities in particular have access to so many means of expressing civil disobedience, On this one please let the majority i.e. The french born non-muslim, french people! have their say. You get to cloak yourself in all-things black at your own house, what more do you want?:)

Bavafa: I just don't why you see prosecutation as a better and healthier alternative here. Besides, I doubt that the method of enforcement of such a measure would be as barbaric as we see it happening in iran. I really really have my doubts on that. 



Absolutely stupid

by Bavafa on

I just can't see why if they are wearing it voluntarily? And if it is not voluntarily, then prosecute those who force their will on others.

This is just as bad and stupid as IRI policy as what women should wear in public.


hamsade ghadimi

you tell em midwesty, lord

by hamsade ghadimi on

you tell em midwesty, lord knows what the french are famous for ... well you said it best: "kick in their doors at the supper time, stand in the middle of their living room with your boots and take out their beloved family members to execute one by one."  the french had it coming.  that's for sure.