Physical punishment

Teacher hits students with ruler


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

What use?

by choghok on

 What is the use of poor films like this? Everybody knows that these kind of physical abuse/torture exists in Iran. So why spread a film that shows nothing more than that.

Now if they could film the person who commits the crime in a sharper picture and mention his name and the place of the crime then this clip could be used as a valuable document/evidence.

Maybe this is the kind of thing that Mr Sazegara should talk about in his talks than repeating himself all the time. 


this oghde-ee

by shushtari on

 needs a bullet to the brain....

what a shame that we have a bunch of idiots who used to steal hubcaps before the revolution hit our kids....

no wonder the new generation hates the bye 


Old Proverb!

by daha36 on

Chobbe moalem gholeh har ke nakhoreh kholeh!


This is strange

by divaneh on

These are grown up guys. No way that any teacher could beat us in that age. They deserve what they get. Really strange!

payam s

I was beat like that and worse but...

by payam s on

that was up to middle school (raahnamayi). These students looked like they were in high school and from what I remember, my brothers were the ones beating their teachers in high school not the other way around. this is strange. They need to take that ruler and stick it up his hairy ass. Then slash his car tires.

gitdoun ver.2.0

i dunno

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

i think this is okay for Males in highschool. a guy can take a few hits on a hand; not that big of a deal. but i dont think this form of punishment should be used on on more delicate/fragile students like little kids and chicks !


"I was subjected to something similar "

by fooladi on

A reader with "military background" exclaims.

I say, that could well explain your comments on this site sir! Psychopathic behaviour and mental disorder at adulthood is often attributed to physical and psychological maltreatment at childhood. 


We need to learn “positive discipline”

by gunjeshk on

An idea exists called “positive discipline” . . . . this is what we need to implant in our culture. Positive discipline removes fear and shame while reinforcing mental health. I just picked up Houshang Asadi's book, "Letters to My Torturer" and find it heartrendingly honest.

The culture of torture goes so far back in our collective experience that this child’s mistreatment is simply not news to some of us, does not appear all that shocking to some of us.  Corporal punishment may be a shared heritage by much of the world, but sometimes it seems Iran has a bigger share of this problem than others.

Look at i_support_khamenie’s comment: he thinks the ruler wielded by an adult (a supposed educator) is not really as bad as all that.  I see his remark as an example of the mindset that perpetuates torture, abuse, and humiliation in Iran. The worst by-product of this mind-set is stunted psychological development. No, sorry . . . actually the worst by-product is the regime we now have.



by yolanda on

I am not surprised by this........if stoning is allowed over there.....the last kid seems to be very tough....

Sargord Pirouz

I was subjected to something

by Sargord Pirouz on

I was subjected to something similar (but a more humiliating form of corporal punishment) here in a school in California, as late as the 6th grade.

I think my Iranian father might have used a ruler to my hands once or twice, as well.

These days, by comparison, the kids in our family haven't so much as been spanked once. Except for one nephew, whose American father spanked him for biting his sister at age 6. So he can claim he's been spanked once in his entire lifetime!

Times change. 

Kamran Ramyar

Time to get even

by Kamran Ramyar on

Could someone please tell me what this teacher's name is.  Next time I go back to Iran for a visit I will track him down, take that ruler and shove it up his ass!



by jasonrobardas on

 just plain barbaric .


it's not as bad as it looks. i went through this

by i_support_khamenie on

Usually, our instructor would use it on me when i was trying to laugh so hard.

I don;t know but I have a laughing gene that I couldn't control.

the funny thing is that normally i wasn't the only one, so I would continue to laugh once the beaten pack were seated.

this was happening in my third grade- when i was 9 yrs old.

The sound of the stick piercing through the air really makes it more dramtic than it is. Its like if you fold a leather belt and try a hit something lightly, it will still make a loud noise.



Mirrors don't lie...

by comrade on

As vicious, and barbaric it may look it is still in sync with the disciplinary framework of the typical Iranian families at large.     
