Rumi Festival in Konya

Kahkeshan TV

"The Whirling Dervishes Festival is one of the world's most intriguing sights, a mesmerizing spectacle of twirling delight. Become entranced at the origins of the Whirling Dervishes in Konya, Turkey, home to Rumi. Every December on the anniversary of Rumi’s death known as Seb-i Aruz, thousands of pilgrims flood Konya to witness the ritualized whirling at his Mausoleum."


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مسعود جان از آمریکا.............




با اجازه ت من یه شوخی کوچولو  با «مولانا» بکنم، مطمئنم که حضرتش به دل نمیگیره! مولانای خودمونه دیگه، میدونه من اهل شوخی ام!

«چه تدبیر ای مسلمانان که من خود را نمیدانم
نه ترسا و یهودیم نه گبرم نه مسلمانم

نه شرقیم نه غربیم نه بریم نه بحریم
نه ارکان طبیعیم نه از افلاک گردانم

نه از خاکم نه از بادم نه از ابم نه از اتش
نه از عرشم نه از فرشم نه از کونم نه از کانم

نه از دنیی نه از عقبی نه از جنت نه از دوزخ
نه از ادم نه از حوا نه از فردوس رضوانم

مکانم لا مکان باشد نشانم بی نشان باشد
نه تن باشد نه جان باشد که من از جان جانانم

دویی از خود بیرون کردم یکی دیدم دو عالم را
یکی جویم یکی گویم یکی دانم یکی خوانم

ز جام عشق سرمستم دو عالم رفت از دستم
بجز رندی و قلاشی نباشد هیچ سامانم

اگر در عمر خود روزی دمی بی او بر اوردم
از ان وقت و از ان ساعت ز عمر خود پشیمانم

الا ای شمس تبریزی چنان مستم در ین عالم
که جز مستی و قلاشی نباشد هیچ درمانم»

چه حُسن تصادفی ای پیر قونیه!  تصادفاً منم همینطورم!

با این حساب منم یه پا «مولانا» بودم و خودم خبر نداشتم!  



by yolanda on

Both Rumi and Avicenna were from Balkh according to Wikipedia:



Balkh had a major role in the development of the Persian language and literature. The early works of Persian literature were written by poets and writers who were originally from Balkh.

Many famous Persian poets came from Balkh, e.g.:


مسعود از امریکا

"چه تدبیر ای مسلمانان که من خود را نمیدانم"

مسعود از امریکا



مولـوی - "چه تدبیر ای مسلمانان که من خود را نمیدانم"


چه تدبیر ای مسلمانان که من خود را نمیدانم
نه ترسا و یهودیم نه گبرم نه مسلمانم

نه شرقیم نه غربیم نه بریم نه بحریم
نه ارکان طبیعیم نه از افلاک گردانم

نه از خاکم نه از بادم نه از ابم نه از اتش
نه از عرشم نه از فرشم نه از کونم نه از کانم

نه از دنیی نه از عقبی نه از جنت نه از دوزخ
نه از ادم نه از حوا نه از فردوس رضوانم

مکانم لا مکان باشد نشانم بی نشان باشد
نه تن باشد نه جان باشد که من از جان جانانم

دویی از خود بیرون کردم یکی دیدم دو عالم را
یکی جویم یکی گویم یکی دانم یکی خوانم

ز جام عشق سرمستم دو عالم رفت از دستم
بجز رندی و قلاشی نباشد هیچ سامانم

اگر در عمر خود روزی دمی بی او بر اوردم
از ان وقت و از ان ساعت ز عمر خود پشیمانم

الا ای شمس تبریزی چنان مستم در ین عالم
که جز مستی و قلاشی نباشد هیچ درمانم




Here is a better versipn! answer to Jalaldin99

by Solitude on

First of all WTF?? It is NOT about pride (though it should be) It is about everything and anything that is TRULY Persian that you Afghans/ Afghan lovers go after, if it is not Molana, it would be Ferdowsi, or one of these days, maybe you start having aclaim on Khayyam too?? Instead of all these empty claims, why don't you do everyone a favor and read a little bit of history and see when Afghanistan became Afghanistan and whether all those scholars of that time called themselves "Persian" or Afghan??

Maybe it is You that should get over this perpetual "Oghdeh" about the Iranians (who have saved your ass throughout the history) and take your own medicine (swallow your pride with a LARGE glass of water) and read a little more history about the great Persian empire and that a good portion (heck all of what we now know as Afghanistan) belonged to the Persian empire!

including, but not limited Balkh!
So, find your own scholar, poet or scientist who was born IN Afghanistan (when it came to existence) and leave us the hell alone!
Persian ALWAYS means " I R A N I A N"! Get used to it!


Jalaledin99 ... Please!

by Solitude on

First of all WTF?? It is NOT about pride (though it should be) It is about everything and anything that is TRULY Persian that you Afghans/ Afghan lovers go after, if it is not Molana, it would be Ferdowsi, or one of these days, maybe you start having aclaim on Khayyam too?? Instead of all these empty claims, why don't you do everyone a favor and read a little bit of history and see when Afghanistan became Afghanistan and whether all those scholars of that time called themselves "Persian" or Afghan??

Maybe it is You that should get over this perpetual "Oghdeh" about the Iranians (who have saved your ass throughout the history) and take your own medicine (swallow your pride with a LARGE glass of water) and read a little more history about the great Persian empire and that a good portion (heck all of what we now know as Afghanistan) belonged to the Persian empire!

including, but not limited Balkh!



by yolanda on

Rumi has universal appeal....I like his spiritual poems and love poems very much. His poetry transcends borders, cultures, religions, nationalities, and politics........I don't know when another person like Rumi will appear!

I hope his poetry can be translated into all the different languages of the world!

Rumi, his museum, and whirling dervishes appeared on Turkish banknote between 1981-1994.



Rumi was a free spirit

by Kooshan on

He belongs to no world, nor a piece of land drawn by geo politics.


Love knows no bounds,nor it knows any bordersand boundaries.


Rumi is from The Almighty as alight to all of us.



by yolanda on

Wikipedia says Rumi's ethnicity was Persian...........Afghanistan issued a commemorative stamp in his honor:



Rumi belongs to Afghanistan

by jalaledin99 on

Dear iranians,

Please swallow your pride.  Rumi was from Afghanistan.  He was born in Balkh.  Modern day scholarship has proven this.  Unless anyone can prove he was born in Tehran or any other IRANIAN city, you can't claim that he was Iranian.  :)    


Comrade, Rumi belongs to the world...

by Khar on

and Iran is at its greatest when it shares its history with the world. 

You speak of Turkey's "sick nationalism" but you hypocritically saying let's remained them that Rumi is Iranian. So nationalism is ok if it’s Iranian, but bad if it’s Turkish? aren't you guilty of this "sick nationalism" as well?!

btw, what's with the Tudeh party advertisment? Have you ever heard the era of non-inclusive and divisive ideologies (especially the Stalinism) is over?!!  



Sick nationalism

by comrade on



Do you really want to disturb Turkey's fledgling Islamic bids and her recent bedfellowship with IRI? Just remind her that Rumi is in fact Iranian. 




by yolanda on

Thank you for sharing the great video



"Our death is our wedding" by Rumi


Our death is our wedding with eternity.
What is the secret? "God is One."
The sunlight splits when entering the windows of the house.
This multiplicity exists in the cluster of grapes;
It is not in the juice made from the grapes.
For he who is living in the Light of God,
The death of the carnal soul is a blessing.
Regarding him, say neither bad nor good,
For he is gone beyond the good and the bad.
Fix your eyes on God and do not talk about what is invisible,
So that he may place another look in your eyes.
It is in the vision of the physical eyes
That no invisible or secret thing exists.
But when the eye is turned toward the Light of God
What thing could remain hidden under such a Light?
Although all lights emanate from the Divine Light
Don't call all these lights "the Light of God";
It is the eternal light which is the Light of God,
The ephemeral light is an attribute of the body and the flesh.
...Oh God who gives the grace of vision!
The bird of vision is flying towards You with the wings of desire.