You asked for it

This is not a day that we sought


You asked for it
by Barack Obama


East Room

6:30 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Please have a seat, everybody. Good evening, everybody. As President, one of my highest national security priorities is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. That's why my administration has aggressively pursued a comprehensive agenda of non-proliferation and nuclear security.

Leading by example, we agreed with Russia to reduce our nuclear arsenals through the New START Treaty ---- and I've urged the Senate to move forward with ratification this year. And with allies and partners, we've strengthened the global non-proliferation regime, including the cornerstone of our efforts ----the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Now, in the entire world, there is only one signatory to the NPT ---- only one ---- that has been unable to convince the International Atomic Energy Agency that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. One nation. And that nation is Iran. For years, the Iranian government has violated its commitments, defied United Nations Security Council resolutions, and forged ahead with its nuclear program ---- all while supporting terrorist groups and suppressing the aspirations of the Iranian people.

Since taking office, I've made it clear that the United States was prepared to begin a new chapter of engagement with the Islamic Republic of Iran. We offered the Iranian government a clear choice. It could fulfill its international obligations and realize greater security, deeper economic and political integration with the world, and a better future for all Iranians. Or it could continue to flout its responsibilities and face even more pressure and isolation.

To date, Iran has chosen the path of defiance. That's why we have steadily built a broader and deeper coalition of nations to pressure the Iranian government. Last month, we joined with our partners at the U.N. Security Council to pass the toughest and most comprehensive multilateral sanctions that the Iranian government has ever faced. (Applause.) And I want to specifically single out our tireless -- and I mean tireless -- Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, for her terrific -- (applause.)

As I said last month, we are going to make sure that these sanctions are vigorously enforced. At the same time, we'll work with our allies and friends to refine and enforce our own sanctions on Iran. And that's exactly what we've been doing. Here in the United States ---- thanks to the efforts of my Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, and Under Secretary Stuart Levey ---- (applause) -- they have been terrific on this effort; Stuart has been just outstanding -- we have imposed sanctions against more institutions, more individuals involved with Iran's nuclear and missile programs.

Other nations are now acting alongside us -- nations like Australia, which announced new sanctions, including those against a major Iranian bank and Iran's shipping company. The European Union is moving ahead with additional strong measures against Iran's financial, banking, insurance, transportation, and energy sectors, as well as Iran's Revolutionary Guard. Other countries, like Canada, have indicated they will also be taking action. In other words, we are ratcheting up the pressure on the Iranian government for its failure to meet its obligations.

And today, we're taking another step ---- a step that demonstrates the broad and bipartisan support for holding Iran accountable. I'm pleased to sign into law the toughest sanctions against Iran ever passed by the United States Congress ---- the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act. (Applause.)

I want to thank all the members of Congress who worked on behalf of this legislation, including another tireless person, but who never seems to break a sweat -- the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. (Applause.) I want to thank Representatives Steny Hoyer and Eric Cantor for doing outstanding work. (Applause.) Although they weren't able to join us, I want to acknowledge Senators Harry Reid, Jon Kyl and Richard Shelby. And I want to thank those who led the effort to forge a final bill that received overwhelming bipartisan support ---- Senator Chris Dodd and Representative Howard Berman. Thank you for your good work. (Applause.)

Consistent with the Security Council mandate, this legislation strengthens existing sanctions, authorizes new ones and supports our multilateral diplomatic strategy to address Iran's nuclear program. It makes it harder for the Iranian government to purchase refined petroleum and the goods, services and materials to modernize Iran's oil and natural gas sector. It makes it harder for the Revolutionary Guards and banks that support Iran's nuclear programs and terrorism to engage in international finance. It says to companies seeking procurement contracts with the United States government ---- if you want to do business with us, you first have to certify that you're not doing prohibited business with Iran.

In short, with these sanctions ---- along with others ---- we are striking at the heart of the Iranian government's ability to fund and develop its nuclear program. We're showing the Iranian government that its actions have consequences. And if it persists, the pressure will continue to mount, and its isolation will continue to deepen. There should be no doubt ---- the United States and the international community are determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Finally, even as we increase pressure on the Iranian government, we're sending an unmistakable message that the United States stands with the Iranian people as they seek to exercise their universal rights. This legislation imposes sanctions on individuals who commit serious human rights abuses. And it exempts from our trade embargo technologies that allow the Iranian people to access information and communicate freely. In Iran and around the world, the United States of America will continue to stand with those who seek justice and progress and the human rights and dignity of all people.

So, again, this is not a day that we sought ---- but it is an outcome that was chosen by the Iranian government when it repeatedly failed to meet its responsibilities. And the government of Iran still has a choice. The door to diplomacy remains open. Iran can prove that its intentions are peaceful. It can meet its obligations under the NPT and achieve the security and prosperity worthy of a great nation.

It can have confidence in the Iranian people and allow their rights to flourish. For Iranians are heirs to a remarkable history. They are renowned for their talents and their contributions to humanity. Here in the United States, Iranian-Americans have thrived. And within Iran, there's great potential for the Iranian people to forge greater prosperity through deeper integration with the international community, including with the United States.

That's the future we do seek --- one where Iran's leaders do not hold their own people back by failing to live up to Iran's international obligations, and where Iran can reclaim its place in the community of nations and find greater peace and prosperity.

That is the Iranian government's choice. And it remains our hope that they choose this path, even as we are clear-eyed and vigilant about the difficult challenges ahead.

So, with that, I will sign this legislation into law.

(The bill is signed.)

END 6:40 P.M. EDT



Quit kidding us, Mola

by bushtheliberator on

You can't really believe that O-Bambi,theO-Pologizer, will pull the trigger on Iran. President G W Bush didn't want to go there;why should Bambi ? The Iranians will need to liberate themselves, and there's only false hope in US military action that would destabilize Iran,and allow some other governance to arise.


Blah, blah, blah....

by obama on

read all the comments, and don't know which one to respond! If I say something against Israel, or how Obama is controlled by AIPAC, the zionists such fred, fooladi, vpk, etc. would accuse me of IRI supporters! LOL.

If I say something against IRI, I would be accused by Np, etc. as a zionist. then i would have to defend myself for the next few hours, instead of sticking to the issue. Well, I am getting tired of all these discussions where we never listen to the other side, as long as we press our own point of views.

May be the time would be better spent on this 4th of July, to start the BBQ that I am famous for and feed my starving family! Ciao for now and have a happy 4th! oops! Did I say that? oh no, another label for me!

BTW Fred, i speak german, and we don'e have such thing as "mien...fur...." it is mein f.... do you know what it means, or you want me to elaborate?

Long live liberty and independence! may be one day we have our own 4th of july for Iran!

mola in boshkeh

Sanctions won't bring down mullahs! But military strike will

by mola in boshkeh on

Obama is going through the process. The process consists of:

1) Diplomatic language,

2) Sanction language,

3) Bomb language.


We are in step (2). Step (3) is on the way.

Mullahs place is in boshkeh!


Mola Nasredeen

برنامه مقابله با تحریم

Mola Nasredeen


ایران می گوید که برای مقابله و خنثی کردن آثار تحریم های بین المللی ستاد ویژه ای تشکیل داده است.

علاوه بر این آقای افقهی می گوید که "کارگروه تدابیر ویژه در مورد تحریم" تشکیل شده است که در آن کارشناسان و صاحب نظران تجاری، بانکی و بیمه ای در آن عضویت دارند و وظیفه آنها "بررسی مسائل و مشکلات ارجاعی به کارگروه و ارائه راهکارهای مناسب و پیشنهاد به تجار برای برون رفت از مشکلات احتمالی ناشی از این تحریم هاست."

در پی محدودیت هایی که ایجاد شده، برخی تجار ایرانی می گویند که در نقل و انتقال پول با مشکل رو به رو شده اند و برخی ناچارند پولهایشان را به جای سیستم بانکی از طریق صرافی ها جا به جا کنند.

بنابر برخی گزارشها انتقال پول از طریق صرافی ها نیز بعد از تصویب قطعنامه جدید نیز دشوار شده است اما دولت می گوید که مشکلی در زمینه نقل و انتقال پول با کشورهای جهان وجود ندارد و وزارت بازرگانی با ارائه راهکارهایی جامع هر گونه اختلال در حوزه نقل و انتقال پول را به حداقل رسانده است.

به گفته آقای افقهی این کارگروه به اشخاص حقیقی و حقوقی که نامشان در فهرست تحریم آمده و نیازمند "کمک ویژه" هستند، یاری خواهد داد.

غیر از این، به گفته معاون وزیر بازرگانی، کارگروه ویژه به مسائلی نظیر از جلو گیری از پهلوگیری کشتی ها، مشکلات شرکت های حمل و نقل دریایی و زمینی و یا کالاهایی که بارنامه ایرانی دارند، رسیدگی می کند.



Nuclear Nonsense

by zensufi on

All these borders, passports, visas, immigration laws... when there is just ONE planet with zero borders and nature is the law! Nuclear this and that nonsense.

Look at Israel and their nuclear arsenal. Look at India and Pakistan and their nuclear power. Heck, we have nuclear this and that right in Idaho or Wisconsin or somewhere!

What is the plan governments of the planet? Should we just all blow ourselves up and then heck... there won't be anyone left to chat about nuclear arms and sanctions!

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Ya Ghamar Bani Hashem!


"They are paying by comments these days "

by fooladi on

"as well as number of active ID's"

I bet there is even a merrit pay for impersonating a "female muslim intellectual" - contradiction in many terms, I know - , screaming adorations for the islamic regime as if they are the rolling stones!

All a waste of oil Dollars i'd say. They should hire a bunch of monkey from San Diego Zoo instead. The monkey's would do a far better job of promoting the cause of islamo fascism and expect bananas in return, instead of downpayment for lease of a kebab house in decadent west ! However I find both the monkeys and cyber bassijis as equally entertaining!


khaleh mosheh

The earth is

by khaleh mosheh on

flat and carried on top of two giant tortoises and Dr Ahmadinejad won lasts year's Iranian presidential election fair and square. There  clearly has not been any suppression of people no murders nor any rapes of political detainees. These are statement of facts and are indisputable. 

Gotto sign off now and go live my in alternate reality...oh before I go I best check my account on line to see if the latest IRI pay cheque has arrived. They are paying by comments these days as well as number of active ID's. You how it is mortgages to pay, bills to take care of not to mention the children private school fees. The hubby is also completely useless he made a big loss on his lastest Kebab shop project (We decided to call it Caspian - Nice name but shame about the customers getting food poisoning). 



Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

that's what i like about you. you can agree to disagree in a civil way. this is all that we need for democracy in iran. it is not the system that matters so much, but how we deal with each other within it.


Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

thanks for the link. good work!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Whatever you say. I say Gerami you say Aziz. Anyway we are entitled to our delusions.

Next you will tell me that Ferdowsi was a Shia Muslim :-)

Niloufar Parsi

VPK aziz

by Niloufar Parsi on

actually ahmadinejad won the election fair and square. it was the greens that were anti-democratic and could not accept the results. hardly a genuine democratic movement.



MESSAGE for reader1

by Rosie. on

 'You asked for it'





Obama is another sick bastard

by IRI on

احمدي‌نژاد با اشاره به تفاوت تمدن ايران با تمدن مادي گفت: نتيجه تمدن مادي اين است كه اكنون در عرصه جهاني مي‌بينيد؛ 200 سال آن‌ها منابع تمام ملت‌ها را غارت كردند و بردند و روي هم گذاشتند در همين ايران خودمان 60 سال نفت ما را بردند و كل امپراطوري انگليس در دنيا روي نفت ايران شكل گرفت، نفتي كه مجاني از ايران مي‌بردند. بعد از ملي شدن صنعت نفت نيز نفت شد يك دلار، اكنون نيز 70 دلار است و همين نفت وقتي مي‌خواهد وارد بازار اروپا شود 100 دلار پاي گمرك ماليات مي‌دهد و تبديل به كالا مي‌شود و آن را به ما مي‌فروشد و اين صد دلار در آن كالاست. معادن آ‌فريقا در دست آن‌هاست و مي‌بينيم كه غارت مي‌كند و مي‌برد. اين يك طرف، طرف ديگر غارت عظيمي است كه 30 سال رخ داد. بزرگترين دزدي جهان، 30 هزار ميليارد دلار دارايي قلابي به دنيا تزريق كردند و دنيا را فريب دادند و كسي متوجه نشد و اگر كساني نيز متوجه شدند جسارت بيان و ايستادگي نداشتد. 30 سال قبل پشتوانه پول آمريكا طلا بود ولي آن را برداشتند تا دست خود را باز كنند تا هرچه مي‌خواهند به دنيا تزريق و كسري بودجه خود را از اين طريق جبران كنند و 30 هزار ميليارد دلار دارايي تقلبي را از اين طريق به دنيا منتقل و كسري بودجه خود را از جيب ملت‌ها پر كردند. در واقع دغل‌بازي كار آن‌هاست اما منابع حاصل زحمات آن‌ها نيست، آن‌ها منابع ملت‌ها را بردند و روي هم چيدند و از طرفي ديگر آمدند ديگر ملت‌ها را تحقير كردند.

وي با بيان اين‌كه " آن‌ها در راه پيشرفت ملت ايران سنگ‌اندازي مي‌كنند" گفت: آن‌ها مي‌دانند اگر انديشه‌اي كه در ايران است، غلبه كند و فراگير شود، جايي براي دزدي‌هاي اين چنيني ديگر نخواهد بود.

marhoum Kharmagas

I wish Iran/IRI total success!

by marhoum Kharmagas on

As much as I disagree with many of IRI policies I wish Iran/IRI total success if it plans to build a bomb or if it plans to not to capitulate.

Mr. "Obama", following AIPAC orders is not/ has not been in U.S interest, although it will put you in power next term!

Mammad, good to see you, in  case you read this comment I want to let you know that I wrote a blog related to one of your articles.


Mammad, those who go against

by benross on

Mammad, those who go against you are small ants. I got to let all know that what you say is exactly what most Iranians think.

This is good to know. So let's fight for freedom of expression so that Iranians could finally say exactly what Mammad says. Or maybe it's not necessary, you do the travels and Mammad does the expression? 

Joe L.

going against the man

by Joe L. on

Mammad, those who go against you are small ants. I got to let all know that what you say is exactly what most Iranians think. I lived there for several years and visit yearly. The hell with bullies be it American or Martian. I wish nothing but Iran success. Amen brother. Obama is a big disappointment and hopefully one term president.


Haji nuke

by Fred on

Haji nuke in part says:

And, yes, this Haji considers the AIPAC Mafioso, known as Fred on this site - the prophet of war, destruction, and hatred - as anti-Muslim and anti-Islam. Nothing that he has thrown up in the past indicates otherwise. His "track record" speaks for itself.”

Since Islamist Haji nuke admits there is a “track record” and presumably based on that “track record” he continuously issues his death fatwa against me, because as he claims I am “ anti-Muslim and anti-Islam” logic dictates he can easily cite where and when I have done so.  

Exact wordings only, no Islamist interpretation or extrapolation, just cite my own words.

You see Islamist Haji nuke, this ain’t your Islamist Rapist Republic where your Islamist Rapist brethrens do what you are trying to do to me, mark me for death, and get away with it.

Here in the sane world, unlike your charlatan Ali Shariati created IRR, you got to prove your death fatwa. So you sack of Islamist liar prove it.

BTW, Haji, you got a new confused Haji who is whistling your Islamist tune.


And, regarding track

by benross on

And, regarding track records, absolutely. We all have one. What is your?

Oh I don't have any record to track. I just joined IC a year ago and shared my thoughts since. If there is any record, it's not for me to describe. But in fairness, I don't care about others' track record either. I just look at what they do now and what they say now. For example, if you lecture the readers about freedom of religion, I assume as part of freedom of expression, then the burden of proof is on you to show this or that person is against it. When you imply an accusation as the truth, you are just another boring political Islamist. That will stay as your record in my mind.


I see!

by Mammad on

Modernity=anti-Mulim and anti-Islam?

Is that what secularism means to you? A true secular is not anti religion. He/She only wants religion out of governance, and be a private matter. And, the Christian, Jewish, and Hindu Hezbollah are just as terrible as Islamic one. But, you go totally silent when it comes to them, and worry about this site becoming one about Israel, as soon as people talk about it!

And, regarding track records, absolutely. We all have one. What is your?


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It is imparative on Iranian Americans to get Obama to go public with this.

  • The United Stated recognizes the territorial integrity of Iran. The integritiy of Iranian borders will be guaranteed by the USA.

We got to get Obama to say this or something similar. Once we have it we are good. Pastor is right IRI on its way to history. We must get ready for post IRI. It will be really helpful to have Obama on the record with above remark.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree with your assessment. 

  • IRI is no longer useful to USA. At least Obama does not think it is.
  • The nuclar thing is just BS. It is a way to get IRI.
  • USA is getting irritated with Israel trashing the Pals. It looks bad.

However I think that:

  • The Europeans still prefer the IRI. This puts them against USA.
  • The EU wants to prop up MKO to scare Iranians into keeping IRI. If that fails to have a group beholden to them i.e MKO in. If all else fails to weaken a post IRI Iran or try to divide it: the EU will fail.
  • The Neocons are in bed with MKO and EU.


Fooladi: I suggest you read my comment again ...

by reader1 on

Israel is the last country in the world upon which  the Iranian people would wish to base their model for future democracy. Without being too unkind to our fellow Jewish Iranians who may think otherwise, Israel is a democracy mostly for Jewish people - in the same way that apartheid  South Africa was for white people. Do the citizen of the occupied territories enjoy the same democratic rights as Jewish citizens?
I was in no way suggesting that the existing dictatorial regime is meeting  the democratic aspiration  of the Iranian people.


Pastor: It is not an obama /Bush thing

by fooladi on

It is just that Islamic regime, just like Al Qaeda is of no further use to USA's strategic objectives in the middle east. Further, they have become slightly irritating, giving Israel the excuse she needs to unleash it's military force on palistinians at will, not what US wants.

Otherwise, you are spot on. I'd also say that this nuclear thing is just a pretext and excuse. I seriously doubt the islamic regime is technologically capable of producing nuclear weapons. The way islamic regime is playing into USA's hands is just astonishing.

In the end of the day, when the islamic regime is gone the Iranian people will be the main beneficiaries. I only hope and would pray - if I were religious - , that people of Iran would suffer least in the process, although I doubt it...... 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

NP jaan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Ahmadinejad DID lose the elections. He just took the GW Bush approach. Why let a little thing like votes get in your way? Specially when you got the VF or for GW Bush the Court Supreme on your side!


pastor bill rennick

All the Obama supporters are boobed! At least Bush told you

by pastor bill rennick on

to your face he wasn't going to put up with IR crap. The message to the IR and its agents is loud and clear, Mullahs MUST go and NO nukes for Mullahs! All this sanction stuff is part of the process prior to military attack just like the one used for Sad'dam before atatcking Iraq. 

The lifetime and utility of the Islamic Re-pubic are expired!



"Oh yea? and which Iranian people?"

by Bavafa on

The MEKs, although many can reasonably argue that they are not Iranian since they have given their allegiance first to Saddam and now to the highest bidder, John Bolton and Israel.

So, in light of that, you are correct.  Otherwise all Iranian with the exception of IRI would want democratic and secular regime in Iran.



"Iranian people do not want to be another democratic state..."

by fooladi on

Says Reader1!!!!!!!!

Oh yea? and which "Iranian people" have you been hanging out with buddy?

The one riding a motorbike in a herd, clubbing and shooting the unarmed, peaceful demonstrators asking for their basic human rights in streets of Tehran? Or the one who rapes them before shooting them in the head at kahrizak?

You mozdoore vatan foroosh......


His "track record" speaks

by benross on

His "track record" speaks for itself.

Agreed. He expresses his opinion. And he is on the modernity camp, albeit extremist in my taste. But it's good that you mentioned 'track record'.


Obama the emperor

by Mammad on

As I said here repeatedly before Obama was elected, those who were afraid that he would be a good president and do the right thing need not worry. Obama is as terrible as G.W. Buch was when it comes to foreign policy, simply because all the US presidents are constrained by the same parameters that are imposed on them by the military/intelligence/corporations/AIPAC.

Just look at Obama's record after the bogus speech of last year in Cairo about a "new beginning" with the Islamic world:


And, yes, this Haji considers the AIPAC Mafioso, known as Fred on this site - the prophet of war, destruction, and hatred - as anti-Muslim and anti-Islam. Nothing that he has thrown up in the past indicates otherwise. His "track record" speaks for itself.

